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Difficulty Swallowing HELP!

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I don`t know if you guys could help me on this, but I know a lot of people on this site a good with advice. Let me start off by saying that this happened pretty recent. Yesterday at around late afternoon was when I noticed the difficulty eating my food. I could just barely swallow it, and since then I have trouble even with my saliva. And now even if I think of food, I get anxiety. It`s easier to drink liquids but still feels odd, almost like I sip, and then gulp it. At the moment my throat aches, it`s not like a sore throat though. Some additional details would be that I had to take pills for my tooth ache (going to the dentist tomorrow) and I almost choked on them several times, and before any of this, I started to have slight anxiety when it was time to take the pill. Anyway (I know this is pretty long) if you could give me ANY HELP!! I would be so grateful, thank you in advanced.

Edited by Roxasman1231

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Dude, tell your parents or if you are on your own, go to a doctor or friend in the medical field. Not being able to swallow good is serious. It might be something that is just painful and not dangerous, but it's better not to take that kind of risk.

Go see someone.

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Honestly, talk to a doctor about this. I'm certain most of us here aren't trained medical professionals, so talking to someone who knows what they're doing is the best choice, as your symptoms could be something problematic.


(Of course, I'm not a doctor -maybe a timelord-, so even I don't know.)

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Could be some sort of swelling. Is it painful as in burning painful, or bruise-like painful? If so, it's probably swelling of some sort in your throat. Go see a doctor, he'll be able to help further.

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Typically associated with a major infection and swollen lymph nodes, mainly your thyroid gland which is located [surprise!] near your throat. If you're not exhibiting any symptoms of an illness, you might want to get that checked out to help rule out MAJOR diagnoses. 

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Two options are here


1: Your throat is inflamed and swollen. This could be caused by a myriad of things, but sometimes it's just seasonal allergies if you have any, or just something bothering your throat. If you have recently been doing something different outside of the usual other than your medicine, then try getting rid of that element. If it's the meds themselves, then you have been having a very minute allergic reaction to the meds that build up due to the fact the body has not had time to recover from the reaction, but swelling of the throat only is not a common occurrence, normally it affects all areas in which it passes through in your body(Like if you are allergic to flowers, you won't have a reaction to it in your stomach unless you ingest it) and can make you overall feel unwell


2: A form of infection, like the lymph's or of the throat wall, which is EXTREAMLY serious and must be dealt with immediately.


For the first option, you can take Benadryl or an anti-inflammatory. Sometimes even Tylenol or aspirin can help the swelling. If it's just seasonal allergies, any 'ol allergy med should help.


If it's the second, go DIRECTLY to the hospital. This would be the appropriate action for now, since I'm not a actual doctor, just a science whiz. This is the better of the two options, and safer as well.

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If you ask the internet for medical advice, they are basically going to tell you that you will be dead by the end of the week. 


Get in touch with a doctor. 

Edited by Amon

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