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What role will Serah play in Lightning Returns?

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I remember in an interview that Montomu Toriyama said this about Serah:


"Toriyama: Lightning’s goal is to figure out how to save the world.

Toriyama: About Serah, let’s just say that she went on journey to “save all” for now."


So, it seems even though Serah is dead, she still has a significant role in the next game, i wonder what it could be. She has to "Save all" somehow, I think maybe she will be the catalyst that can revive Etro and fix the timeline. While Lightning has to save the world, Serah could somehow revive the goddess and rebuild the timeline and stop the events of XIII-2 from occuring.


Here is the link for the interview:



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No role.

I highly doubt that. If Toriyama said anything about her future, which he did, im sure she will have some part of what happens in Lightning Returns. If he didn't mention her at all, its possible he wouldn't plan for her to do anything at all in the next game.

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I remember in an interview that Montomu Toriyama said this about Serah:


"Toriyama: Lightning’s goal is to figure out how to save the world.


Toriyama: About Serah, let’s just say that she went on journey to “save all” for now."


So, it seems even though Serah is dead, she still has a significant role in the next game, i wonder what it could be. She has to "Save all" somehow, I think maybe she will be the catalyst that can revive Etro and fix the timeline. While Lightning has to save the world, Serah could somehow revive the goddess and rebuild the timeline and stop the events of XIII-2 from occuring.


Here is the link for the interview:



From what I have read, she's the driving force behind Snow's actions... but other than that, I don't think she'll have much of an impact

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Snow is just doing what he thinks is right and is likely being manipulate if anything.


Lumina is the one we have to watch out for. Who knows what that one is thinking.


I can't imagine Caius wouldn't show up at some point. Although I don't think the timeline will ever be restored. Lightning's goal is to shepherd the remaining humans to a new world created for them by Bhenivelse, not save the old one. 

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