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Buttercup Camera

Stuff about the KH franchise... y'know.

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Kingdom Hearts has been one of the greatest games I've ever played in my entire life!

I just learned so much about friendship... It really touched my heart. It also made me love Disney even more and know more about Final Fantasy.


Too bad that this series aren't famous as Final Fantasy... many people claim Kingdom Hearts as a childish game... or a confusing game. No one in my town likes it... Which makes me sad, tough.


I also... wonder, what's the songs name on this trailer:


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Kingdom Hearts has been one of the greatest games I've ever played in my entire life!

I just learned so much about friendship... It really touched my heart. It also made me love Disney even more and know more about Final Fantasy.


Too bad that this series aren't famous as Final Fantasy... many people claim Kingdom Hearts as a childish game... or a confusing game. No one in my town likes it... Which makes me sad, tough.


I also... wonder, what's the songs name on this trailer:


If you wanna tell final fantasy fans that KH is better ^_^


Simply say: We don't have FFXIII like you guys do

Edited by Metal Snake

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