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Megaman's it it. I predict cancellation. 


But seriously, this looks really awesome.


Oh Weiss...you could make me cry with those words...

I want Megaman Legends 3 T~T (And the guys, specially Aero, want it too)


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Oh Weiss...you could make me cry with those words...

I want Megaman Legends 3 T~T (And the guys, specially Aero, want it too)


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Why is everyone as a passion for broken image xD

Is this a fighter, RPG, or Beat em' up?! I can't tell

Crossover tactical role-playing game

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Can't wait for this. Still surprised it got localized. Namco bringin' the goods, yo.

Megaman's it it. I predict cancellation.

 Too late. It's already out in Japan. :D Edited by J. Severe

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I just played it and now it has got me SOLD on buying it. I was gonna get Animal Crossing: New Leaf over it but this demo has persuaded me with its awesome gameplay xD. I have to say though, that boss fight with Aya-me was a bit hard. She beat the crap out of me on my first try. But than I beat her down to a bloody pulp on my second try thanks to the support/Solo characters and the fact that I discovered how to use potions and the first aid items. Playing the demo has got me a little surprised that the full game didn't sell that well in Japan (though I can kinda see why).P,S. That remix of street Fighter main theme sounds was so awesome.

Edited by Tails

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Had no idea what I was getting into beforehand, but I owned that boss like crazy. Might actually get the game, it was really fun + Megaman X and JIN KAZAMA

Edited by Hei

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I just played it and now it has got me SOLD on buying it. I was gonna get Animal Crossing: New Leaf over it but this demo has persuaded me with its awesome gameplay xD. I have to say though, that boss fight with Aya-me was a bit hard. She beat the crap out of me on my first try. But than I beat her down to a bloody pulp on my second try thanks to the support/Solo characters and the fact that I discovered how to use potions and the first aid items. Playing the demo has got me a little surprised that the full game didn't sell that well in Japan (though I can kinda see why).P,S. That remix of street Fighter main theme sounds was so awesome.

I'll download the demo right away ^_^

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I just finished the demo and I immediately FELL IN LOVE WITH IT




I was smiling the entire time I played through this game.


Great job Namco and Monolith Soft(Yes Monolith soft is developing the game)

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I was excited for this game the moment I heard about it, only for the .Hack on a Nintendo console. I just played the demo, and it really is a great game. I just hope I can use the .Hack characters more often, I've never played games for the other characters (Well, I guess there's the first Megaman Legends...)

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