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The Legend of Zelda: Hatred. (Sign Ups Included.).

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"HEY! DESTIN!! I HEARD WHAT YA SAID THERE!!! KEEP YOUR NOSE OUT OF IT OR ELSE!!!!" shouted out in a more or less comedy manner was Talo towards Destin with Talo's keen sense of hearing upon hearing Destin's words and duss had told him off obviously.

Edited by Iamkingdomhearts1000

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"You'd have to throw me out of here first." One hand went to the sword strapped to his back, the other to his right side to grab yet another hilt. "If you can throw me out. Not an easy guy to best when he knows a thing or two about the guy trying to hit him." Grinning while he eyed Talo silently, daring him to try.

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Aero let's out a sigh as he goes to walk over to Destin, with his hand son his waist, telling him to be nice. He doesn't like to see people being rude. He also didn't like what Destin just did. He then speaks to him by saying. "Dude, be nice.... I saw you touching the hilt of your sword, don't even try..." Said Aero, telling Destin to back off.

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"I'm allowed to when I know the guy screaming at me." His eyes never left Talo while the grip on both swords tightened. "His decision whether he wants to make me not listen or to willingly ignore me." Yellow and blue focused on Aero with a glare. "You shouldn't get involved in this either, not your place to be in it."

Edited by Obi-wan

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Meteka stepped off to the side.

"Is this the start of a pub brawl?" she wondered mentally. "And if so, who would come out on top?"

"Give it a rest." Meteka finally said, her voice sounding a little scratchy. "We're here for a drink and it isn't good to mix drinking and fighting. Can't enjoy the taste that way."

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"Why does everyone have to get in my way? It isn't your business to be in. I got a damn score to settle anyways." Letting out a soft huff before turning toward Talo. "You win, I leave. No complains and I won't bother you anymore. I win, then I get to listen and follow you if it's interesting enough. Deal?" Letting go of his prized swords while eying Talo with interest.

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"Tch, your ALWAYS like this but fine, let's have a drinking contest to decide who's right and who's wrong!" said Talo with his proposal to Destin, only to get interrupted by Knil saying to Talo "Huh? no boss wait! it's not worth anything!!" said Knil, trying to dissuade Talo from going through with his idea.

Edited by Iamkingdomhearts1000

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Alex eyed the group gathering around Destin and Talo. "Great, a pub fight... I've seen quite a lot of these in my journeys..." He muttered. "Well, this oughtta be fun to watch." He said, leaning back in his chair and watching the argument.

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(Won't be on till about 9 tonight or tomorrow morning soon.)

"Deal. It just tells me that your upcoming 'task' ought be a fun to join along." He was going to win this one way or another. The idea of what could happen later was rather appealing. It'd be a while since he'd able to go and have a nice adventure. Perhaps he'd find something of value.

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Meteka relaxed a little. A drinking contest could be a better resort to fighting. She just hoped it wouldn't devolve back to a fight.

Her eyes narrowed as she studied Destin. He certainly looked like he could be useful on an adventure, but Meteka would have to be the first to admit that looks could be deceiving. It would be interesting to see how this panned out.

"I like this place." She said truthfully to Knil.

She snagged a stool and took a seat, wondering where that comment had come from.

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"Okay then, come over here! lets get it on!!" said Talo, as he finished cleaning his last glass before then taking off the towel around his waist and proceeding to sit over to a nearby table, waiting on Destin before then Knil lastly says to Talo the words "Boss no!!!!" said Knil, obviously worried about Talo's safety, due to his not so much but still old age that could maybe not handle drinking, let alone a drinking contest.

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Aero looks on at what Talo is doing. He can tell that things may go wrong with this contest. He is as worried as Knil is. He then thinks to himself about the situation mentally with the following words. "This is bad, I don't know if Talo can handle this..." Thought Aero, thinking about the situation in his head.

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Meteka glanced between Talo and Destin, then nodded to Knil.

"Very well." She replied in a low tone. "Let's hope it doesn't escalate."

She went back to her stool and sat.

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"Right, ahem: ........" said Talo, as he then got out a glass before filling it up with beer before then in turn scarfing it down his throat, as he lastly says to Destin the words "Your turn." said Talo, as he repeats his actions except the last part by giving another glass full of beer to Destin whilst more or less taunting him to drink it.


(This song plays, as Talo begins the drinking contest between both him and Destin-http://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=player_detailpage&v=E8lu7OgiD3U.).

Edited by Iamkingdomhearts1000

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