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Why are hurricanes always named after women?

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Some girls take their obsessions too far, get far too drama prone about things (emotionally ill or not), and, well....yeah.


Being a girl is weird D: But shouldn't be an excuse for bad behavier nothing should be.

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There was a hurricane spelt differently from my name but sounded the same.

When it struck and people talked about it then always looked at me

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They switch between boy and girl every time pretty much. Also if it's obscure they'll use up the name and continue on to the next name so you might only hear of big ones. But I've heard of mostly guy names for major ones.

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Hey look! A completely original joke I've never heard before!


Only, you know, that's what I would say if this wasn't a Villi thread.

Edited by RoxSoxKH

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They've been plenty of storms named after men.


But a lot of the times things are feminized, like countries for example.

Edited by Ducky

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