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Pokemon Gijinka RP : Future of the World (Sign-ups/Discussions)

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At Pokemon world,many people have been travel,fighting and including have moments together with their partner known as 'Pokemon'.However,the World changed as 'Gijinka' was been developed.It is said that it all started when the trainer's beloved pokemon,died and turn into a spirit and fused along with their trainers,and became a 'Pokemon Gijinka',entrusting them for the future of the world whether it will be chaos or saved since it all started by the people itself.Which allied would you choose once you got your power from your pokemon?Is it chaos,or saved?the future depends on your choice...




  • Followed KH13 Rules
  • Do not control other characters/pokemon unless you have their permission
  • Do not killing other characters/pokemon unless you have their permission
  • In order to make sure that you have read the rules,put 'Gijinka' at the end of the character sheets
  • Have Fun!


Here's the characters for both Gijika and Trainers :



Character Sheets (Trainer) :

Name : (What's your name?)

Age : (10 years and above)

Gender : (Male or Female?)

Appearance : (Pics are allowed)

Bio : (You can tell more about your character)

Alignment : (Good,Evil or Neutral?)

Region : (Kanto,Johto,Hoenn,Sinnoh or Unova?)

Hometown : (What's your hometown on your region?)

Pokemon : (Max.3 of pokemons first)



Character Sheets (Gijinka) :

Name :

Age :

Gender :

Pokemon :

Appearance :

Bio :

Alignment :

Region :

Hometown :



So yeah,here's mine :


Character Sheets (Gijinka) :

Name : Hazimie

Age : 16

Gender : Male

Pokemon : Arceus

Appearance :



Posted Image



Bio : 

It is said that he was entrusted the power of Arceus,the Legendary Pokemon that creates the Pokemon World,for it's future.He doesn't allied with good or evil,he trust his own agenda and protect the world at all cost...

Alignment : Neutral

Region : Sinnoh

Hometown : Twinleaf Town




We will start if we have more people!  :D

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Character Sheets (Gijinka) :

Name : Xion

Age : 15

Gender : Female

Pokemon : Latias

Appearance : LINK

Bio : Entrusted with the power of Latias, Xion was given the task of watching over people. With flight and invisibility, though, her job has been mostly pranks.

Why she was chosen, is yet to be determined.

Alignment : Saved

Region : Unova

Hometown : Aspertia City



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Character Sheets (Gijinka) :

Name : Leon

Age : 16

Gender : Male


Pokemon : Lucario


Appearance :

Posted Image



Bio : Embedded with the power of Lucario, Leon has the speed and steel-hard will that is known amongst the Lucarios. Leon at that time lost some of his memories, as his body fused with that of his Lucario that had recently died at the time. That his the only memory he has, and it often leaves hims frozen for a few seconds, as the memory comes back to him.


Alignment : Neutral


Region : Hoenn


Hometown : Mossdeep



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Name :Vince

Age :14

Gender :Male

Pokemon : Absol

Appearance :Short silvery hair, coco brown skin, a normal white t-shirt, Ice Blue eyes, Grey Pants with a silver crescent moon in the design. Bio :Due to the fusion with his trusty absol, everywhere he goes something bad happens. Before his Absol's death, he was part of team Aqua and was makinghis way through the ranks. He lurks in shadows but has a bit of a sense of humor. Walking into him is a disaster itself since he will mess with you for fun.


Region :Hoenn

Hometown :Fortree City

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