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Screams and Smiles (Roleplay Sign-Ups and Discussions)

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Surely you've screamed before, yes? Perhaps not...but you've most certainly smiled before.Smiles. :) Ahh, smiling, smiling, smiling. Isn't smiling great? It's the true epitome of expression and the very look everyone gives when in the ardors of happiness and joy. Smiling is the sign of pleasure and enjoyment that every human does on instinct. A normal person smiles; as does a blind person who's never seen anyone else smile, yet they know what it is, and they do so as well. More effective than the spoken language, it truly defines the human's feelings without lies.Without lies...without lies...without lies....I suppose that's a lie in itself.When a smile...is off of its true meaning and response...when smiling is unnatural and even unknown...that's when it happens. That's when something so familiarly happy...turns into something insane. Something...scary. When such a smile is broken away from its original intention and reason...that's when something familiar becomes so suddenly unfamiliar, right? A smile...its supposed to be of happiness...joy...ardor. But why...can it be of...sorrow...grief...and insanity? Why would it cause such despair and uncertainty? Why would it cause so much paranoia? A smile of madness...brings confusion...paranoia...hesitance...and fear. It'll make someone run. Run. And run more. Never to look back again. Leaving their sense of safety...never to return to that same feeling. The insanity of a smile...can bring forth the insanity of another.The smile can make you shiver...no, tremble. It can make you fear, and hesitate, and run, and sweat....An insane smile...is a truly...truly scary thing to see. Perhaps you'd need to see it...experience it...to believe it. After all.........................The smile can make you scream. :) ~Outline~Oh, that darn pure pressure and bravery in people sometimes. There is that ghost town quite a few miles ahead. It'd be kind of cool to stay there for a night. Scary, right? Maybe. From 9:00 P.M. to 6:00 A.M.... you'd better be prepared for the worst.8:32 P.M. You're there. You've made it to the town. Bypassing the sign at the entrance: Hellen City, you find a rather nice house to stay for the night after a few short minutes.8:56 P.M.  Hellen City is rather boring...uneventful. You just got there, though. Why not make it a bit more interesting? It looks like one of the group of friends that came to the town...brought a nice little game board. A board game, most would assume. No...not necessarily. They brought...a Ouija board.9:00 P.M. The night's started. Looks like there's some extra visitors on their way though... try and survive the night.For every hour...will bring new visitors to the town. With you. Try not to scream......try not to find someone smiling~Rules~All KH13 rules applyIf your character goes somewhere and you want me to describe the scenery, end your post with "..."Keep moving along the town. How easy it'd be to find someone so still.No forcing other characters towards a new visitorIt's recommended to run from anything supernatural, or I may do something to you: be it death or otherwiseRomance allowed: keep PG13Gore allowed, but nothing overly graphicTry to see things as disturbing as you'd like through your charactersPlease show some kind of emotion through your characters...it doesn't have to be dramatic, but I wouldn't like a one-dimensional character here too muchPlease tell me if you wish to abandon the RPNo godmoddingPut a :) at the end of your character sheet to show me you've read the rulesNo controlling others' charactersNo killing others' characters (I shall do the killing if they abandon, don't listen to the rules, wish to die, etc.)Please post at least three sentences on the RPThere is nothing mystical or magical in this RP but the supernatural that only I use~Character Sheets~Name:Age:Gender:Appearance:Personality:Greatest fear:Bio (Optional):I will post my character when we have enough signed up

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Name: Luke Acirema

Age: 17

Gender: Male


Posted Image

Personality: A serious guy who acts like the leader--though often too humble to take that position. Lucas doesn't have a warm side to him, he's used to being cold and cynical.

Greatest fear: Werewolves.

Bio (Optional): (This is in regards to his fear). At a younger age, Lucas was heavily into supernatural phenomenon, most specifically lycanthropes.  The thought of them captivated his young mind, and often he would disappear into the night, hoping to see one in the forest behind his home.

He never did, but it was one night he heard a bloodcurdling howl (It was merely a normal wolf), and off he ran, tripping and screaming as he rushed home. He hasn't been the same about those supernatural monsters since.



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Name: Akito Naizaka
Age: 15
Gender: Male



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Personality: Always willing to help. Keeps close to his friends. They're the best he's got. His joking and friendly demeanor does, however, have a serious side behind it. He cares no matter which side he's on. Will always protect. Potentially yandere...
Greatest fear: Not being able to help those close to him when they need them most. To be a little specific, him not being able to protect.
Bio (Optional): Also pertaining to his fear. Two years ago, there was a shootout in the town he was passing through. He took cover with his little sister. The screams of terror were driving him crazy. Ordering his sister to stay put, he took on the shooter with nothing but wits and a phew stones. The worst he got was a slight tear in his shirt, he was lucky enough to incapacitate the shooter. Unfortunately, his little sister, just a few weeks into her tenth year, ran for her brothers protection. Not the smartest since he was throwing himself amidst the danger. He still has his moments every now and then... moments of self pity. Moments of re-realizing his failure...


Edited by Sikota Urinakano

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Name: Akito Naizaka

Age: 15

Gender: Male




Posted Image



Personality: Always willing to help. Keeps close to his friends. They're the best he's got. His joking and friendly demeanor does, however, have a serious side behind it. He cares no matter which side he's on. Will always protect. Potentially yandere...

Greatest fear: Not being able to help those close to him when they need them most. To be a little specific, him not being able to protect.

Bio (Optional): Also pertaining to his fear. Two years ago, there was a shootout in the town he was passing through. He took cover with his little sister. The screams of terror were driving him crazy. Ordering his sister to stay put, he took on the shooter with nothing but wits and a phew stones. The worst he got was a slight tear in his shirt, he was lucky enough to incapacitate the shooter. Unfortunately, his little sister, just a few weeks into her tenth year, ran for her brothers protection. Not the smartest since he was throwing himself amidst the danger. He still has his moments every now and then... moments of self pity. Moments of re-realizing his failure...


May be a different emoticon, but accepted, Kyoya-kito, apparently. Such a modest fear ;)


Is it okay to say that you frighten me?

Perfectly fine. All it does is flatter me xP



And go ahead, Sodom.





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I personally don't fear much, or rather, anything else. Not that I can think of at least.

As much as I tend to be satisfied by the knowledge of others' fears, I fear quite a bit, whether irrational or not. Heights are a certain irrational fear of mine.

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~Character Sheets~Name: Rin TakaraAge: 15Gender: Female~Appearance: Rin is rather short and fair-skinned. She has mid-thigh length black hair that has a wave at the end. She has two hair clips on each side of her hair keeping it from getting in her face. On of them is something that looks like a panda bear and the other looks like a black bow. Rin wears a black jacket usually with rolled up sleeves over a white dress shirt that is over a black tank-top. The shirt is loose so it shows a bit of the tank top. She wears a red shirt that reaches where the length of her hair ends, and black slightly over-the-knee socks and black slip-on school-like shoes. There is a white tie loosely around her neck...very loosely to be precise. It has black rabbits on it that look like they are drawn with pixels. There is red bow on the side of her jacket, where her left collar bone would be. Rin lastly has a rather small silver key necklace around her neck. Rin's clothing is rather....obnoxious.

Personality: Rin is rather obnoxious and hot-headed. She however is very fragile...shy...and nervous around certain people. She is naive about stuff sometimes, making her also a bit childish. She can become really upset and mad in certain situations.Greatest fear: Rin is actually afraid of many things. Usually small things like storms, darkness, random sounds that come from nowhere, death, and ANYTHING having to do with ANYTHING paranormal. She is also afraid of her friends betraying her.

Bio: Rin is basically a punk living with her father and an older brother and younger sister. She morns the death of her mother two years ago from sickness.



Edited by Sodom

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~Character Sheets~
Name: Ezekiel Myers
Age: 16
Gender: Male

Posted Image
Personality: Semi bi-polar, friendly, loyal, curious
Greatest fear: Demons and possesion
Bio: Though he's a bit of an awkward person, he still tries to make friends with everyone he sees (when he isn't having a bipolar episode). When he was a little boy, his older brother one day began to have convulsions and whisper strange things, claiming to be possessed by a demon. Eventually his brother died from a heart attack, and ever since, he's strayed away from all things that seem supernatural, especially demon related things.



(Without giving too much away, will our fears have a major play in the rp? if so I might change his fear to something more interesting...)

Edited by VIIth Angel

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Accepted, VIIth Angel! Also, everyone, note that these people are all friends who decided to come together. So the characters should already know each other, or at least know OF each other.

I'll look forward to this. So far forward.

Name: Joshua Akira
Age: 11
Gender: Male

Posted Image

Personality: With an immense amount of fear so often, Joshua's quite hesitant and paranoid of things around him when he begins to suspect something unnatural. It makes his stomach turn, and his throat tighten, as his heart beats just a bit slower. That's when he knows something's wrong. When he's somewhere he shouldn't be. Aside from the fear and paranoia and when away from those things, Joshua is generally very warmhearted and helpful, but can try to act overly mature when he has his childish persona on the inside. Certain foods and most fears are what always keep him in his childish mode. Claiming not to kill someone even for his own life, and willing to sacrifice himself for another, he's not in much position to say. He's never been in such a dilemma before...he may think other wise.
Greatest fear: A lot. Spiders, snakes, heights, creepy noises, lonesome darkness, loneliness, absolute quietude, ghosts, the supernatural, demonic things, creepy stories, paranormal movies, etc.
Bio (Optional): Joshua was raised in a rich family, receiving almost constant education and spoils. Because of this, Joshua secluded himself away from most people, never really into the same interests as others, mainly because he was 'supposed' to be mature and formal early in age-- to follow his family. With his constant studying and clamoring over reading, Joshua ended up skipping many grades up to a Freshman year in high school. Being able to meet other high schoolers, he became friends with them at school, instead of kids his age still barely at the end of Elementary.

Edited by CloakedSchemerX

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Name: Charlie Mors

Age: 16

Gender: Male

Appearance: http://fc02.deviantart.net/fs71/f/2010/014/f/7/guitar_by_huachui.jpg

Personality: Charlie is very... unique. He's a big music geek, and is always either listening to his iPod or playing his guitar. He isn't socially awkward at all, having quite a few friends, and even a girlfriend. Charlie's random kind of humor, and laid-back approach makes him likable. But he also seems, kind of distant at times. Very few people know why.

Greatest Fear: Death. Not for himself, but of his friends and family.

Bio: Charlie was born in Britain, and was originally raised in England. He had a nice life, living with his parents, and brother, Liam. He got a good education, and was clearly a gifted musician from an early age. An unfortunate car accident took all of his family away, and he was sent to live with his uncle in America. This uncle is rarely, if ever at home, and quite often drunk. Charlie perseveres though, keeping in good spirits.


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