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Nintendo 3DS - General Discussion


24 members have voted

  1. 1. Which Version of the DS is your favorite?

    • Original Phat DS
    • Nintendo DS Lite
    • Nintendo DSi
    • Nintendo DSi XL
    • Nintendo 3DS
    • Nintendo 3DS XL

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I wasn't going to get the 3dsXL at first, but seeing the demo and trailers of KH3D played on it makes me real want to get it. Its 90% bigger and graphics are way better, increasd battery life. who else is getting it!?

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Not me. I already have 3ds and buying another one like it, the only difference is being 2x bigger is not worth the money.


But, that isn't the only difference. LOL




For me, I hope to get it because I miss my DSi XL. :(

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But, that isn't the only difference. LOL




For me, I hope to get it because I miss my DSi XL. :(


that makes no sense

the Dsi xl is still larger than the Nintendo 3ds XL


ima stick with the Nintendo 3DS id be wasting my money for the XL so the answer is no.

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I would buy the 3DS XL if it didn't come out nearly 1 month after the European release(August 19th in NA), which is July 28th(BEFORE KH3D!!!!!!)

Edited by Rob

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that makes no sense

the Dsi xl is still larger than the Nintendo 3ds XL


If you were smart enough, you would be able to understand me.


EDIT: Damn it, the pictures I looked at in a comparison have lied to me! (The difference in around 2cm though LOL)

Edited by Uncle Dolan

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Both of them are wonderful now.

I would buy it if it came before KH3D but it doesn't, not even close to the release date.

I ain't waiting to play mah KH3D for a 3DSXL.


I love my midnight purple 3DS, but the screen is so big.....*w*


I have no idea though.

My brother still needs one.

Either he gets the original one except the Midnight Purple (bc I have it) or the 3DSXL, which is highly unlikely.


But, that isn't the only difference. LOL




For me, I hope to get it because I miss my DSi XL. :(


Then what other difference is there?



Easier to use?

Edited by Shana09

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hm...not me, at least not right now..a big part of why I like the MoM ediiton is because of the case..and it doesn't fit on the 3dsxl, good for you for getting it though!


Your right, thats the only reason I am even getting the MoM edition. Now I gotta think more on this

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Your right, thats the only reason I am even getting the MoM edition. Now I gotta think more on this


Yeah I'm getting MoM too..sorry for giving you more stress! heh

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Both of them are wonderful now.

I would buy it if it came before KH3D but it doesn't, not even close to the release date.

I ain't waiting to play mah KH3D for a 3DSXL.


I love my midnight purple 3DS, but the screen is so big.....*w*


I have no idea though.

My brother still needs one.

Either he gets the original one except the Midnight Purple (bc I have it) or the 3DSXL, which is highly unlikely.

Then what other difference is there?





Around 2X Longer Battery

Redesign of the System

Ability to play DS games in 1:1 mode without them looking like shit

New Stylus

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No.I buyed a 3ds months ago,and XL will be soooooooooooooo rich when came to my country.Only playing KH3D is good,don't care if will have a little bigger screen.


Guys,XL is already available?I don't know xD

Edited by Roxas_Wagner

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No way. I have a great 3DS already, and that thing looks like a child's toy. I'm very disappointed in it. The only thing I like is the box it comes in. I'm seriously considering buying the box off ebay.

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Around 2X Longer Battery (knew it)

Redesign of the System (knew it)

Ability to play DS games in 1:1 mode without them looking like shit (did not know this)

New Stylus (did not know this)



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Around 2X Longer Battery

Redesign of the System

Ability to play DS games in 1:1 mode without them looking like shit

New Stylus


And how much is that? Tell me NoW dang it!

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