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Sony has a deal with Square Enix

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Apparently there is rumors going around that Sony and Square have made a deal that involves KH3 and FFvsXIII being PS4 exclusives. This news shows how Sony is getting in with Square, the same way Microsoft is getting in with EA.


The info on this deal they have going on has not yet fully been revealed, although we are just be told to wait for this years E3. I personally am liking the direction Square is going with Sony, how about yous?

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Apparently there is rumors going around that Sony and Square have made a deal that involves KH3 and FFvsXIII being PS4 exclusives. This news shows how Sony is getting in with Square, the same way Microsoft is getting in with EA.The info on this deal they have going on has not yet fully been revealed, although we are just be told to wait for this years E3. I personally am liking the direction Square is going with Sony, how about yous?

Well that's that.

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I bet another Kid with an enlightenment made this up.


Everyone, it's obvious that Kingdom Hearts 3 will come out on Playstation 4. Why on earth would Sony encourage Square to put it on last generations console, they know that Kingdom Hearts fans are loyal, most fans only buy specific systems just so they can play Kingdom Hearts on it. Nintendo knows this, and so does Sony, why else do you think Millions of 3DS handhelds were sold around the time Dream Drop Distance came out? Sony wants PS4 Consoles to be bought, and in order to do that, they need to have big exclusives on their system.

No it's not obvious. 

Edited by VanitasTheBest

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Everyone, it's obvious that Kingdom Hearts 3 will come out on Playstation 4. Why on earth would Sony encourage Square to put it on last generations console, they know that Kingdom Hearts fans are loyal, most fans only buy specific systems just so they can play Kingdom Hearts on it. Nintendo knows this, and so does Sony, why else do you think Millions of 3DS handhelds were sold around the time Dream Drop Distance came out? Sony wants PS4 Consoles to be bought, and in order to do that, they need to have big exclusives on their system.

Not everyone has enough money to buy Ps4..especially if they were going to buy it just for KH3 :/

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Nomura wanted all games on one console, right? That's why 1.5 and probably 2.5 are coming to PS3. He wouldn't release all those on PS3, then put KH3 on PS4. I'm sure even he knows how much that would piss the fanbase off.

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Everyone, it's obvious that Kingdom Hearts 3 will come out on Playstation 4. Why on earth would Sony encourage Square to put it on last generations console, they know that Kingdom Hearts fans are loyal, most fans only buy specific systems just so they can play Kingdom Hearts on it. Nintendo knows this, and so does Sony, why else do you think Millions of 3DS handhelds were sold around the time Dream Drop Distance came out? Sony wants PS4 Consoles to be bought, and in order to do that, they need to have big exclusives on their system.

finally someone gets it

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It would be pointless to put all the Remix's on the PS3, with the reason of bringing all the games to one console, to put the final chapter of the saga on a new console, considering so many fans got pissed off and abandoned the series since they kept releasing games on multiple consoles they didn't have, didn't want or couldn't afford to turn round and do the same thing with KH3, would be highly idiotic to piss those fans off again after you just got them back by bringing all the exclusives to one console.


Now I fully believe Sony and Square got a deal going on, but it would be more beneficial to Square to develop KH3 for the PS3 and port it to the PS4 by the PSN if they are releasing it on both, or else release a Complete Master Xehanort Remastered Collection including all the games from BBS to KH3 for the PS4.  

In my personal opinion I think it would be better to start the new saga on the PS4, a new saga for a new system it hadn't been on before.  

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Pleaaaase let KH3 be on Ps3


we've bought so many consoles to keep up with the series

HAHA!!! so true,my friend who introduced me to Kingdom Hearts almost gave up on the serie because of that.

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HAHA!!! so true,my friend who introduced me to Kingdom Hearts almost gave up on the serie because of that.

That's the point my friend ^_^


It became too expensive to keep up with the series if it's on so many consoles


I didn't have a problem buying a PSP but I knew a lot of people who didn't want to buy it but got it for BBS anyway....same thing with other entries


If they can't make the series for multiplatforms(Minus the Xbox)....at least they can gather them again on one console with the collections on Ps3.


It won't make any sense if they made the collection for PS3 then toss KH3 to Ps4 which would piss alot of fans....a LOT of fans who bought a Ps3 JUST for KH3 despite the fact that some of them couldn't afford buying one or don't want to buy it.


KH3 for Ps3.....nuff said



And before anyone say: Ps3 is Over.


Sony has said they would support the Ps3 until 2015


And we all know that KH2 got released on Ps2 a year and a half before the Ps3 got released

Edited by Metal Snake

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Nomura wanted all games on one console, right? That's why 1.5 and probably 2.5 are coming to PS3. He wouldn't release all those on PS3, then put KH3 on PS4. I'm sure even he knows how much that would piss the fanbase off.


Nomura said a lot of things. I'm sure back in 2007 if you told him in 2013 Versus wouldn't even be out yet, he would've laughed in your face.


It's pretty obvious the PS4 will push a lot of sales very early on, a lot of people are already sold on the console. I completely agree with what kingdomlanelover said; Square knows that the KH fanbase is loyal and will pretty much buy a system for a single game. It's sleazy, dirty, and makes sense from a business standpoint.


But yeah, wherever OP got this info from it was pulled out of somebody's ass.


EDIT: Did some snooping and this seems to be the source of the rumor: http://www.stfuandplay.com/story/content/final-fantasy-versus-and-kingdom-hearts-3-exclusive-to-ps41#.UaI_69jFnkd

Edited by heyitsdeven

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