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GameTrailers' "Kingdom Hearts Timeline" video released

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Ohyeah I see ofcourse a whole documentary.

It was very interesting I understand a bit more. Though I hoped to get more information about Lea/Axel, Isa/Saix.

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As much as a masterpiece it is and how much info they put into the timeline, I feel as if I was expecting more. I wished that they would have talked more about Xion and Namine. When giving the summary of 358/2 Days, they didn’t even talk about how Roxas ended Xion’s existence which then led him to leave the Organization and search for Sora. They skipped this important event and simply stated that Roxas left after being fed up about how the Organization was treating him. For Namine they briefly mentioned how she was special and could control the memories of Sora and those connected to them, but they failed to mention what her life “ended” when she went back to Kairi. Also I was surprised that they didn’t mention anything about Braig/Xigbar and Isa/Saix. They are part of the new Organization and are being slowly transformed into Xehanort. They should have talked about the reason why Braig got involved with Master Xehanort was because he wanted to wield a keyblade, therefore he gave up his body to be turned into Xehnort so he could have his own keyblade. Actually, I was surprised they didn’t talk more about the individuals of Organization 13, especially Marluxia and Vexen. Marluxia is the one who came up with the plan to overthrow Organization and he was the one who lured Sora to Castle Oblivion in order to use him. In the video all they did was show clips of him, so how are people supposed to know he was the one who came up with plan, much less know he’s a man? When they said that Axel needs a special mentioning when they were talking about Organization I wanted to scream and say “What about Vexen?”. He created Xion and Replica Riku! Speaking of Replica Riku, there was no mentioning of him at all! Yeah, he’s not a main character, but he’s much like Xion. Both were puppets created to help Organization 13. Last, but not least, I wanted them to talk more about Dream Drop Distance. It’s the game that pretty much explains the whole series and leads up to KH3. They did talk briefly about the Recusant’s Sigil, but forgot to mention that the reason Sora was able to be captured by Xehanort was because of the sigil that Sora was marked with. Then they could have talked about how Riku was able to save Sora because he acted as a dreameater. Another thing that I was surprised that they didn’t mention is how Ansem the Wise place all his data inside Sora which Riku found out about after diving into his heart. This is an important event because it shows how many people are inside Sora’s hearts waiting for their awakening (Xion, Ven, Roxas). I’m not hating the video at all, it is amazing and I loved how they put so much information in. I know they worked hard, however, they left out so many key points in the series. I hope that anyone that who is confused about the games will not rely solely on this video to know everything about Kingdom Hearts.

Edited by michiharuharu

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As much as a masterpiece it is and how much info they put into the timeline, I feel as if I was expecting more. I wished that they would have talked more about Xion and Namine. When giving the summary of 358/2 Days, they didn’t even talk about how Roxas ended Xion’s existence which then led him to leave the Organization and search for Sora. They skipped this important event and simply stated that Roxas left after being fed up about how the Organization was treating him. For Namine they briefly mentioned how she was special and could control the memories of Sora and those connected to them, but they failed to mention what her life “ended” when she went back to Kairi. Also I was surprised that they didn’t mention anything about Braig/Xigbar and Isa/Saix. They are part of the new Organization and are being slowly transformed into Xehanort. They should have talked about the reason why Braig got involved with Master Xehanort was because he wanted to wield a keyblade, therefore he gave up his body to be turned into Xehnort so he could have his own keyblade. Actually, I was surprised they didn’t talk more about the individuals of Organization 13, especially Marluxia and Vexen. Marluxia is the one who came up with the plan to overthrow Organization and he was the one who lured Sora to Castle Oblivion in order to use him. In the video all they did was show clips of him, so how are people supposed to know he was the one who came up with plan, much less know he’s a man? When they said that Axel needs a special mentioning when they were talking about Organization I wanted to scream and say “What about Vexen?”. He created Xion and Replica Riku! Speaking of Replica Riku, there was no mentioning of him at all! Yeah, he’s not a main character, but he’s much like Xion. Both were puppets created to help Organization 13. Last, but not least, I wanted them to talk more about Dream Drop Distance. It’s the game that pretty much explains the whole series and leads up to KH3. They did talk briefly about the Recusant’s Sigil, but forgot to mention that the reason Sora was able to be captured by Xehanort was because of the sigil that Sora was marked with. Then they could have talked about how Riku was able to save Sora because he acted as a dreameater. Another thing that I was surprised that they didn’t mention is how Ansem the Wise place all his data inside Sora which Riku found out about after diving into his heart. This is an important event because it shows how many people are inside Sora’s hearts waiting for their awakening (Xion, Ven, Roxas). I’m not hating the video at all, it is amazing and I loved how they put so much information in. I know they worked hard, however, they left out so many key points in the series. I hope that anyone that who is confused about the games will not rely solely on this video to know everything about Kingdom Hearts.

Pretty much this. maybe I understood it wrong and it's actually not supposed to explain EVERYTHING, and it does a good job for someone who would rather skip the whole series and watch this, but it would have been even better if it had more information.

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I thought Sora got his keyblade because of his connection to Ventus - Not because he touched Riku while the island was being ravaged.

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I thought Sora got his keyblade because of his connection to Ventus - Not because he touched Riku while the island was being ravaged.

In short, Ventus' heart was part of the reason. Since Riku was unavailable to wield the keyblade at the time the keyblade went to Sora. Ventus' heart helped out with that.

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I was looking forward to this a lot...and I'm left disappointed. Given the time it took to make (the teaser was out months before the trailer) I was expecting more. I feel there was a lot of points left out, like the members of the new Org (some of which can be safely assumed) and the candidates for the 7 lights, the fact that Eraqus' heart is in Terranort (in fact was it even mentioned he was killed?), Namine. Heck the thing I was most looking forward to was a cool looking timeline picture (like the one they did for LoZ which was a piece of art) and we just got the game covers lined up...

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They didnt mess with the deatils that give KH its flavor, but, even i already know the series and played the games, it teach me some new theories and helps to refresh the mayor part of the story, it also helps to show how its not a story plained game by game, i like this video i a am going to keep it, when they upload it on youtube

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I was looking forward to this a lot ...and I'm left disappointed. Given the time it took to make (the teaser was out months before the trailer) I was expecting more. I feel there was a lot of points left out, like the members of the new Org (some of which can be safely assumed) and the candidates for the 7 lights, the fact that Eraqus' heart is in Terranort (in fact was it even mentioned he was killed?), Namine. Heck the thing I was most looking forward to was a cool looking timeline picture (like the one they did for LoZ which was a piece of art) and we just got the game covers lined up...

I was surprised they left all that out, but at least they mentioned those characters. The thing I was most disappointed at was the fact they failed to mention Replica Riku. He's was one of the antagonists of Chain of Memories. He wasn't the main one, but he played such a huge role in COM. If someone watches the timeline and then goes to play COM, they'll be confused about the guy that looks like Riku.

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I thought it was pretty good. Yes they missed certain details, but I think this trailer is more of a general overview of the KH series for people who may not have played the games before and a refresher for people who haven't played the games in a while. Thinking of it that way, it does a terrific job, and I hope this encourages more players to pick up 1.5 so that they can play for themselves and see how amazing this series can be.

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I may sound crazy but it sure looks like they had 2.5 data. LOOK AT HOW SHARP BBS LOOKS,,.. well some of it, there was a huge difference between some of the cutscenes from KH2 and BBS,,.. I know it's very unlikely that SE would actually release their cutscenes just so someone can create a timeline, but still it does look pretty neat (some of it)

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