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Anime | Manga High School and Anime

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What's the deal with High School being such a big thing in anime, like it's been huge for a while now obviously, but why? What's so interesting about people going to school and doing school things. Sure you could say the "comedy" aspect of it, but really, it's just school. Today's animes seem to be flooded with it, it's become a cliche. Where are the giant robots man, come on. Make an anime in which giant robots go to school, then we've got something interesting. Also, in most anime there will typically be AT LEAST one girl or guy wearing school attire.



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Anyway, that ends my short rant on high school anime and such. Your thoughts? 

Edited by Hei

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Some 'High School centered' animes are actually really good; I think the school is just an easy area to display plot and character development. Where else would people grow, mature, and age other than school?


However, there is quite a few of them out there, and some of them, sadly, are kinda bad..


(Want to know of a good one, though? Check out Chuunibyou demo koi ga shitai.)

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Don't know, don't care. I got to see THIS because of it, so I can sorta die happy now...

Now you'll have to excuse me while I go lose and regain my composure.


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Edited by Javelin434

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Well teens kinda overreact and highschool's  when they find who they are sometimes. Their characters can be kinda radical and even stereotypes, plus there's a million of them to interact with while they're there. I mean if there was an anime about a man who worked at a grocery store... it's not like he has fun interactions often. There wouldn't be as many fun personalities either

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Highschool thingy is problem for me as well. It has started to get quiiiiiiite repetitive when most of new animes have main characters who are in highschool and spend something like half of episodes there. I don't need highschool to my anime. There are other places to carry plot around than just throwing your characters to highschool and give them some extremely tight uniforms.  


Also this kinda does applies to Persona series as well. There are other places than just highschool in world. 

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