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Dio Brando


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Seriously of all things they took out of the anime,they took out Jigglypuff???


The last appearance for her was almost in the beginning of the Hoenn season and then she disappeared for no reason.


I kinda liked Jigglypuff's humorous appearance in the anime,I don't know why but it always put a smile on my face whenever I see Jigglypuff pulling of her permenant marker every time she sing.

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So did all the other great Pokemon in that generation. That's how it works, right? New Pokemon every season?

Edited by Firaga Sensei

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Thus ended the era of Pokemon that was actually trying for a cohesive plot :(


Thats right Pokemon Company, throw out ALL of what made the original series good (connections to the past like Richie, Jigglypuff, Charizard, or any of Ash's past Pokemon, May never being seen/heard from again, permanently getting rid of Brock, among other things).

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Thus ended the era of Pokemon that was actually trying for a cohesive plot :(


Thats right Pokemon Company, throw out ALL of what made the original series good (connections to the past like Richie, Jigglypuff, Charizard, or any of Ash's past Pokemon, May never being seen/heard from again, permanently getting rid of Brock, among other things).

Well,at least they're bringing Butterfree and Charizard back(it has been announced weeks ago)


But still I want Brock back,Cilan will never EVER be a good replacement for Brock

Edited by Metal Snake

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Yeah, that was when the anime started changing. Ash saying he wants to become a pokemon master less and less and less.

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Yeah, that was when the anime started changing. Ash saying he wants to become a pokemon master less and less and less.

Yep,what's worse,he never actually felt frustrated even once about losing the Pokemon league since Gen 1,I don't mind him being optimistic but that's just overdoing it when you frustrate your own Pokemon and embarrasing them over and over again.

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This thread makes me happy. Jigglypuff was THE best pink pokemon on the whole show!!!



.....though may's skitty was pretty adorable, i must say >w<;;;



Still, jigglypuff's a classic. And this thread makes me happy, hearing how people miss her and all, 'cuz she's cute and pink....makes me feel better about cute and pink stuffs.....



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