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Conspiracy Theory: Xaonort

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Many months ago we established that Xaon was Inori and Inori was Xaon. Now, today, we have established that Xaon is Hei, Hei is Inori and Xaon and Inori is Xaon. Something I find suspicious though is this list in a recent thread.


1. Flaming Lea

2. Keys

3. Kely X

4. Jim

5. Hei

6. Snow

7. Ztar

8. The Eternal Nothing

9. Tery

10. King Riku

11. Sally

12. Random

13. Benny

Inori isn't on the list but this was much much after we established Xaon was Inori and Inori was Xaon. Hei however did not become a Xaon until after this list. I've also noticed Kely X and Random acting unusual today.


Now notice the number. 13. There are exactly 13 people on this list. And who do we know that likes the number 13?

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No, not him. This guy.

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Also. Xaon sounds a lot like Xehan.

Xaonort. Xehanort. 


It's clear that Xaon is seeking to rule kh13 by creating 13 of himself to rule the world. Inori is the exception. She became a Xaonort before his plans. Everyone who has yet to become Xaonorted and is on this list be wary of his plans or you too will become Xaon.

Edited by Weiss

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Don't worry, he'll have to face the 7 lights.




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Posted ImageYoudontstandachanceXaonort



Edited by Keyblader

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Don't worry, he'll have to face the 7 lights.




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Why am I never on a list? Bah, its a conpiricy agents me! YOU ALL WANT TO EAT ME!

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