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Rank the series

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We've discussed favorite kh games before but your favorite usually isn't the best at everything. So, let's rank the series by the following categories. List them in order from best attributing to that element to least attributing to that element.


My rankings



Com, Kh1, BBS, Days, DDD, KH2, Re: Coded
DDD, Com, Re: Coded, KH2, BBS, KH1, Days
Days, Re: Coded, BBS, DDD, Com, Kh2, Kh1
KH2, BBS, KH1, Re: Coded, Com, DDD, Days
KH1, Com, BBS, DDD, KH2, Re: Coded, Days
BBS, Re: Coded, KH1, KH2, Com, DDD, Days

Re: Coded, DDD, Kh2, BBS, Days, KH1, Com,

If you can think of more categories feel free to add them as well.

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My rankings



BBS, DDD, KH2, Re:CoM, KH1, 358/2 Days, Coded
DDD, BBS, KH2, KH1, 358/2 Days, Coded, Re:CoM
BBS, DDD, Coded, KH2, Re:CoM, 358/2 Days, KH1
KH2, KH1, Re:CoM, BBS, DDD, 358/2 Days, Coded
BBS, KH1, KH2, DDD, Re:CoM(3 way tie for me), 358/2 Days, Coded
BBS, KH2, DDD, KH1, Re:CoM, 358/2 Days, Coded

KH2, KH1, BBS, DDD, Re:CoM, 358/2 Days, Coded


KH2, KH1, BBS, DDD, 358/2 Days, Re:CoM, Coded

Major Villain(s):

BBS, KH2, DDD, Re:CoM, 358/2 Days, KH1, Coded

Cover Art:

DDD, Re:CoM, BBS, KH2, KH1, 358/2 Days, Coded

Opening Cinematic:

DDD, BBS, KH2, KH1, Re:CoM, 358/2 Days, Coded


BBS, DDD, KH2, Re:CoM, KH1, 358/2 Days, Coded


Sorry Coded. 

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I haven't played bbs so here

My rankings


KH2, Kh1, Days, DDD, Com, Re: Coded
DDD, KH2, Com, KH1, Days, Re: Coded
Days, DDD, Com, Kh2, Kh1, Re: Coded
KH2, BBS, KH1, Re: Coded, Com, DDD, Days
KH1, KH2, DDD, KH2, Days, Re: Coded
KH1, KH2, Days, Com, DDD, Re: Coded

KH2, Days, DDD, KH1, Com,Re: Coded


(as you can tell, I didn't like coded that much)

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I'm going to leave Com out cause I never played that one.I also left weapons out, cause even though I do love the keyblades, I don't really recall which Keyblade equipped which ability in which game and I left custamisation out.

 Days, Kh1, KH2, BBS, DDD, Re: CodedI put Day's first, because Xion was a big secret to me, I loved how much this game left unfolded. Then KH1 and KH2 because those are the main story lines and the biggest so they have the most to them... obviously Coded is the WORST, hahaha, I just loved Days and I loved playing it, I was all the time wanting more.
DDD, BBS, KH2, KH1, Re:coded Daysbecause there's no graphics session I'm also going to conclude it a little in this section. DDD because of flowmotion. I put re:Coded a little lower, even though the gameplay switched, I hated how you had to redo the colluseum layers,.. ALL OF THEM and the bug systems could get to big and boring eventually. BBS, melding commands., KH1 is above coded cause overall I tought the worlds where more fun.
Days (7x), KH2 (4x), KH1 (3x), BBS and DDD (2x), re:Coded (1x)
Days (Axel? Roxas? Xion?,... dah), KH1 (I loved travelling with Donald and Goofy here), KH2 (still fun time travelling, and hell yeah >> NAMINÉ), DDD (Riku's pretty awesome here, so is YMX), BBS (Characters felt a little fake... or something? Loved them though), Coded (a data of Sora...?)
Days, BBS, KH1, KH2, DDD, re:Coded

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Oh, dear. I'm afraid I'm not cool enough to rank the games in all these categories myself (seriously: major props for that Weiss). LOL. But I will attempt to at least rank my overall favorites (mostly in story) and in gameplay.


So going with overall game (and story?), and my enjoyment/love for it: Kingdom Hearts I, Birth by Sleep, Kingdom Hearts II (though I do like KHII, and sometimes think it beats BbS for me, since BbS was almost too much like KHI... there was so much silliness to KHII, however, that I have to rank it like this right now), Dream Drop Distance (I don't know so much as for story as for overall... well, maybe, but I did have some issues with the plot), 358/2 Days, Chain of Memories (it's strange; while I do think CoM has a better story than Days, and maybe even DDD, that game frustrates me to no end. Probably because the entire time I want to scream, "No, Sora! Listen to Vexen! You're about to eff everything up for numerous games to come, and Nami's replacing Kairi with herself in your memories." For reasons like that, I prefer Days over CoM. Plus, I really enjoyed 358, and it's change of pace, and don't think it got as much credit as it actually deserves), and Re:Coded (no surprise there, as this game really had no overall relevance to the plot).


As for gameplay... It's probably BbS, 3D (why'd they have to get rid of command melding, and make you level up through your Spirits?! Otherwise, this game would have easily beat out BbS for me!), KHII (if it wasn't so easy, and Reaction Command heavy), KHI, Re:Coded, Days, CoM...


Those last three were really hard choices for me. Because while in ways I love Re:Coded's gameplay, and think it should be much higher on the list, things like the Eliminators, difficult System Sector stuff, and unneeded padding in the Castle Oblivion level, make me really dislike that game (sometimes I dislike it even more than Days' gameplay). 


And though in some ways I think Days' gameplay should be ranked after CoM, I could just never master the card system. And though the controls were as clunky as hell in 358, I understood they had issues with it, and do like how they at least tried to make it like the traditional KH battle system. There are days I really enjoy the Days' gameplay challenge, actually, but other things (like having to wait until all the Heartless are defeated to be able to access things, which they fixed in KHII. I don't know why they brought it back for Days)... not so much. 



Edited by DenizenofTwilight

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BBS kh1 kh2 days DDD com coded


DDD BBS kh2 kh1 com coded days


DDD BBS Coded COM kh2 kh1 days


BBS Kh2 Kh1 DDD COM Coded days


BBS kh1 days kh2 Com DDD coded


BBS Kh2 Kh1 DDD Days coded Com(same 3-4 tracks over and over)


Kh1 Kh2 BBS DDD days coded Com

mayjor villans

BBS Kh2 Com DDD Kh1 days coded

opening cinematics

BBS kh1 kh2 days Com DDD coded

Overall game

BBS Kh1 Kh2(tied with kh1) days DDD Com Coded

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KH1, KH2, CoM, Days, Re:coded


KH2, KH1, Days, Re:coded, CoM


Days, KH2, KH1, Re:coded, CoM


KH2, KH1, Days, CoM, Re:coded


KH1, KH2, Days, CoM, Re:coded


KH2, KH1, Days, CoM, Re:coded


Days, KH2, KH1, CoM, Re:coded


(as you can see I love the numbered titles xD)

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DDD, BBS, KH1, KH2, COM, 358/2 Days, Coded
I liked that in Dream Drop Distance they had lots of plot twists but, Coded was like KH1 and, COM Combined.
BBS, DDD, KH2, KH1, 358/ 2 Days, Coded, COM
I really liked the command board it should really return in the future along with D-Links but, COM was like yugioh.......
BBS, DDD, Coded, 358/2 Days, KH2, KH1, COM
Birth by Sleep had lots of Customization but, COM you have a limit of how many cards you can put in a deck -_-
KH2, KH1, Re:CoM, BBS, DDD, 358/2 Days, Coded
KH2 was cool becuase you can go back and fight the Organization and redo Minigames but, well Coded only thing thats Replayable is New Game.....


KH2, KH1, BBS, DDD, 358/2 Days, Re:CoM, Coded

KH2 had the best worlds but Coded was just KH1 worlds (Not all of them) and Castle Oblivion.

Major Villain(s):

BBS, KH2, DDD, Re:CoM, 358/2 Days, KH1, Coded

Xehanort was the best Villain but in Coded is just Maleficent.....but I love her but shes like lets take over this world and that world. (Let's goto her house and put her in a nut house ^~^)

Opening Cinematic:

DDD, BBS, KH2, KH1, Re:CoM, 358/2 Days, Coded

Dream Drop Distance was like all of the Story combind into one while The last 3 are just like not CGI.


BBS, DDD, KH2, Re:CoM, KH1, 358/2 Days, Coded

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BBS, 358/2 Days, KH2, COM, KH1, DDD, Coded.

BBS was one of the best in story.



KH1, BBS, DDD, KH2, COM, 358/2 Days, Coded.

I like the Command Deck, but i prefer the Battle Menu IMHO.



DDD, KH1, BBS, KH2, COM, 358/2 Days, Coded.

DDD is so short and everything, so i play it more often.



KH1, KH2, DDD, COM, BBS. 358/2 Days, Coded.

KH1 had 14 worlds, so it didn't need to have you go to them twice(Save for TT since it was the hub) like in KH2.



KH1, KH2, BBS, DDD, COM, 358/2 Days, Coded.

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Might as well take a shot at this.


My Ranking



DDD, CoM, 358/2 Days, BBS, KH1, KH2, Coded



KH2, DDD, Coded, BBS, CoM, KH1, 358/2 Days



Coded, 358/2 Days, DDD, CoM, BBS, KH2, KH1



KH2, DDD, KH1, BBS, Coded, CoM, 358/2 Days



358/2 Days, BBS, DDD, KH2, KH1, CoM, Coded



BBS, DDD, KH2, KH1, CoM, 358/2 Days, Coded



KH2, 358/2 Days, Coded, DDD, KH1, BBS, CoM



KH2, DDD, BBS, CoM, KH1, 358/2 Days, Coded

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