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What Character Do you main in SSBB

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So what game do you main in SSBB? And I don't mean multiple characters. I mean one character that you're good at out of all the characters you use in the character roster.

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Out of all the times I've played Smash Bros, I tend to play as Marth, I don't know why, I just enjoy him.  Not very good at the game though xD  A note is that this is during Multiplayer, and I get the feeling you mean something else..

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Out of all the times I've played Smash Bros, I tend to play as Marth, I don't know why, I just enjoy him.  Not very good at the game though xD  A note is that this is during Multiplayer, and I get the feeling you mean something else..

it can either be as multiplayer or single player. As long as you name a character you're mainly good with lol.

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I usually play as Pit.


My brothers are all about the powerful slow characters, so I always did better with light hit-and-run strategies.  Pit is perfect for that.

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Link....I mastered the way of the master sword...but for some reson I am really good with Wario..I beat my friend like everytime he finishes the invinciblity

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Lucas(Mother 3). I've played countless times at my local library with friends on Multiplayer(Its a sort of program the library hosts, for the teens), where we take turns playing matches.


I've truly honed in my skills with Lucas, and am still getting better(i recently started incorporting throws into this, and with Lucas's Rope Snake, and i can easily one shot anyone with a throw in Sudden Death). I was always good with him to start, but after i learned about the Dodge Rolls, and shields, and how to efficiently combo someone into oblivion, i rival everyone. Im not surprised if sometimes my friends gang up on me.


I would mention Ness and both Links, and also Kirby, but if anyone really is my main character, it'd have to be Lucas without a doubt. He's just such a power house, despite what the tier's say. If you're extremely good at any character, especially a low tier one, it just goes to show that the tiers are just placeholders. They don't really mean that a character is extremely powerful, or extremely useless. If you're really good with any character, thats all that matters. Not what the tiers say.

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