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Which multiplayer was the most well done?

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We've had multiplayer in Com, BBS, Days and DDD but which one did you think handled multiplayer the best?


I personally think Days did the concept best. It had many characters to choose from, weapons to choose from, many different battle options including friendly fire and missions. It's only real flaw was the repetitive missions, same as with the story itself. Other than that though, I believe this game did the multiplayer best.

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Days most definitely. Felt more like a fun co-op mission with a bunch of random Org. XIII members, while the others (Not counting BBS) was just small things added to the game that didn't have much point in being there.

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The only one I've played is Days, so I'd have to say that one. I really liked the character options, though. That was the best part of it, probably. I think that if multiplayer were to be in KH3 though, BBS' style would work best.

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We've had multiplayer in Com, BBS, Days and DDD but which one did you think handled multiplayer the best?


I personally think Days did the concept best. It had many characters to choose from, weapons to choose from, many different battle options including friendly fire and missions. It's only real flaw was the repetitive missions, same as with the story itself. Other than that though, I believe this game did the multiplayer best.

i agree it was days and it made more sense for org Xlll members to be going on missions together anyhow.

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bbs was the best I played but I didn't know com had multi

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