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oblivion/oathkeeper roxas8

KH1 weird thing you did the first time playing kh

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When I first played KH I gave up on trying to fight Clayton nd the big heartless in Deep Jungle... I just wasn't able to beat them o.o I thought my older sister could do it, but she couldn't. And then I gave up and didn't play it for at least 2 years ... When I played it again I realized I didn't have to do anything but jump on the highest point of the map and let Donald and Goofy fight... I was incredibly butthurt x:

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For not being able to find my way in Deep Jungle. I had trouble jumping across the vines, so i gave up for awhile, until i realized that was the only place i could go to progress the story.


That and wandering around Atlantica FOREVER. I COULD NEVER FIGURE OUT WHERE TO GO, I ALWAYS WOULD GET LOST NO MATTER WHAT. I have a horrible sense of direction in RPG dungeons.



Edited by spiderfreak1011

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The first time I played Kingdom Hearts (I was eight), I got all the way to the final boss, Ansem. I fought him only once and lost, so I quit. The weird part was, I had a TON of hours put into Kingdom Hearts. It took me hours to beat Riku in Hollow Bastion, I lost hundreds of times, but never gave up. It only took me one time to give up on Ansem. I think subconsciously, I knew that if I beat Ansem, the game would be over and I didn't want that, so I did not try to beat him. I ended up moving on to Kingdom Hearts II soon after, which I beat. It wasn't until last year when I had a Kingdom Hearts marathon that I finally beat the first Kingdom Hearts for the first time.

Edited by Flying Cattle

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First time playing, until like Hallow Bastion, I didn't know you could switch to different keyblades (though I was doing well).

Edited by Ultimus Grid

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I had no idea how to get the coconut for the second day on Destiny Islands until I just randomly hit a tree and I was like really?!?!

In Kingdom Hearts 2 I had no idea how to change Keychains until I was like halfway done with The World that Never Was and by then I was like well firetruck this might as well finish it with the Kingdom Key.  And another silly thing I did in Kingdom Hearts 2 was after I beat Xigbar I didn't save and I was going to fight the Dragon Nobody thing on the ship type thing with Riku and.....power went out....FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUU

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  On 5/4/2013 at 3:25 AM, Ultimus Grid said:

First time playing, until like Hallow Bastion, I didn't know you could switch to different keyblades (though I was doing well).


Exactly same thing happened to me (or me and my sister because i played the game with her) O.O And it was Hollow Bastion for me too when we realized that it was possible. It also took long to figure out how to use accessories.


We also didn't think of using reaction commands and all in the big fight in Hollow Bastion in kh2 and took so long to finish it but it was fun. I was a little dissappointed when i realized that its possible to beat the heartless in much less time...

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  On 5/4/2013 at 10:06 PM, Rob said:

I thought Kairi was wearing panties, so I moved the camera to check.


Note: I am not a pedo.

u can alluly see hers in kh2

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In KH2, I never realized you could switch you Keyblade or add abilities (actually I didn't even know there was a menu button) until my 2nd time in The Land of Dragons. It was interesting xD


In KH1, I seriously could not find the coconuts. I had no idea you could climb trees or hit them. I got so mad that I tried hitting one then boop. Coconut.


In Re:CoM.........let's just say cards and bosses were not my best friends....at all......didn't know how to use cards.....just kept making random combos....TnT

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One word Atlantica.I didn't know what to do when i had to move that statue or something I don't remember what it was exactly :/

I was like 10 and my english was really bad back then :P

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We should as well build a club of people who didn't know that switching Keyblades was possible. It was just... not clear that they could be switched lol


Also, I was a fool to think that Sora liked girls and to think he and Kairi would start a love story. He is clearly into something else (Damn Riku!)

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I had my brother beat all the bosses for me because I was so scared! My heart would beat so fast and I felt like my life was on the line. I was so little. Proabably like 7 or 8. Funny stuff.

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On the topic of Atlantica, I didn't realize you had to actually EQUIP that kicking ability with your tail (don't remember the name) so I kept swimming against the current- I kid you not- for about an hour. I finally realized it and declared myself an idiot.

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  On 5/4/2013 at 10:06 PM, Rob said:

I thought Kairi was wearing panties, so I moved the camera to check.


Note: I am not a pedo.

I personally don't blame you xD


On topic: Made Sora stand next to Kairi and waited to see if anything interesting happened. Sadly, nothing happened...

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spent ages dieing in monstro without realizing I could leave through the save point

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