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Now that KH mobile is gone

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Since Kh mobile is gone now and Coded is Japan only and got a remake would you like to see a KH game come to mobile phones again? Would you like it to be important to the story or not? Would you want for it to be released around the world or in Japan only?

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I dunno about a whole game on the mobile, but maybe some kind of phone app that was like just a simple storytelling thing 

and maybe it could serve as our BBS vol. 2 

Edited by FireRubies1

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The mobile game was totally important to the storyline! D: It let Maleficent be the "main" bad guy one last time.  I like to think it was apart of her motivation for her dumb revenge plot in KH2 LOL.

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The mobile game was totally important to the storyline! D: It let Maleficent be the "main" bad guy one last time.  I like to think it was apart of her motivation for her dumb revenge plot in KH2 LOL.

That's the V-cast kh (sometimes called mobile as well). 

I'm referring to the one that just ended yesterday 

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Also, KH v-cast isn't canon.

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I've been thinking lately about a "Kingdom Hearts Chronicles" game on iOS. Basically a game with separate downloadable chapters that cover missing gaps in the timeline, stuff that isn't big enough to be self sustaining games on their own.

-Aqua's time in RoD

-Mickey's time in RoD

-Riku's journey during KH2

-Xehanort as Ansem's apprentice

-Xehanort's early years

-Kairi's training

-Lea's training

-Sora's return to Sleep realm

-pretty much any other character they may wish to highlight. Like oh IDK, the life story of Luxord just because.

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That's the V-cast kh (sometimes called mobile as well). 

I'm referring to the one that just ended yesterday 

Posted Image

Also, KH v-cast isn't canon.

....what the heck! o_o I didn't even know about this!

Edited by Spiney

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No. Keep Kingdom Hearts away from iOS. Kingdom Hearts on Nintendo handhelds and PlayStations forever.

A spin-off game wouldn't be a bad idea to release on the iOS (or Android for that matter) if it was completely non-canon like Kingdom Hearts Mobile was. The only bad thing they could do with it is riddle the game with micro-transactions like Final Fantasy All the Bravest which would essentially be in the "do not want" section.

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