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Lu Xun

Which is the best console-based gaming network right now?

Which is the best console-based gaming network right now?  

145 members have voted

  1. 1. Which is the best console-based gaming network right now?

    • Nintendo Network.
    • PlayStation Network.
    • Xbox Live.
    • None.

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Playstation Network for me,even though i don't know what i feels like to have an XBox but i think both of them and could be on par with it...

Edited by Hazimie

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Well this will be the most controversial poll ever.


Though I would have to say Xbox Live. It's the best for playing with friends due to party chats, the servers are stable, the network is very secure (no hackers from anonymous will steal your credit card info) and it's the largest online gaming community, which is pretty impressive because it accomplished this despite being a payed service, which is fine because 5 dollars a month is nothing (price of a new game per year, not bad) and you easily get what you pay for. 

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Speaking as a huge PS fan, as much as I like and enjoy PSN, Live is simply the better service. Even though the price is really hefty, it just gets more things right than PSN, though I do believe PSN has some aspects that are superior to XBL.


As for the Wii, I really don't know what happened there and how it failed so spectacularily. Haven't played Wii U, but I hope it fixed its online.

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Nintendo sucks because it does local multiplayer TO much

Xbox live is good , but sucks because you have to pay TO much

PSN Is good, but lags sometimes and is mostly known to for getting hack... PSN it is.

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For social stuff, Xbox Live is the best. But in terms of value, I give it to PSN all the way. Even without PS+ the sales have been excellent and Sony has been better about supporting unique downloadable games. It's still slow and occasionally clunky, but so was the first Xbox Live. 


As for Nintendo, I can't vouch for the Wii U's Miiverse/Nintendo Network. I'm sure it works fine, but online experiences aren't what I think of when I think of Nintendo.

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I only say PSN because it is currently free. If/when they switch to Play Station Plus and it no longer becomes free, I will see it as the same as Xbox Live. I don't have an Xbox, but my friend does, and Live sounds like it's almost the same thing as PSN.

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I only use the Playstation Network and Nintendo Network and both aren't great. PSN used to be good but I lost any bit of care for it when they went and ruined the Store and shoved Singstar on the XMB. I haven't played online on my PS3 in a very long time.



Nintendo's is eh... Mario Kart Wii/7 are really the only games that utilise the Network well. I don't own many games that can be played online over the Wii/3DS or Wii U but I never have had a problem with the games I do own that work with it. The best thing Nintendo did was getting rid of the friend codes for the Wii U. The worst thing was locking your account to the Wii U system.



Both have flaws so I cannot pick one. Shame the question was "console-based" otherwise I would have been like, Steam.

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