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Lu Xun

Are you at all disturbed by the amount of violence in today's games?

Are you at all disturbed by the amount of violence in today's games?  

163 members have voted

  1. 1. Are you at all disturbed by the amount of violence in today's games?

    • Yes.... I avoid playing games that are to violent!
    • A little bit. I prefer when games weren't like that.
    • Only if there's a lot of blood and gore.
    • Not really, I kinda like these games.
    • Nope. I actually like playing games like these, and I would like them the same way even if there were more violence!
    • Another option? Tell us below!

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I don't mind if the game is violent. I'm not the type of person that plays games like GTA and CoD to begin with but Dragon Age and Kingdoms of Amalur had its fair share of blood everywhere and I didn't mind.


Madworld was probably the only insanely violent game I played and that stuff was awesome.

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What I don't understand is why violence is more of an issue with games than say Movie, TV or comics. It's still an entertainment medium with it's own age rating system, why single out video gaming entertainment? Same goes for sex or nudity. Suddenly becomes more of an issue when it's in a game. Why is this even an issue?

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if you mean stuff like call of duty then yes.

but the violence in stuff like legend of zelda, kingdom hearts, and kid icarus is totaly ok. i only hate stuff like call of duty. i hate this new thing. i hate first person shooters.

Edited by benj0818

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I don't really care.  I never go for gorey games cause it's not something I favor seeing.  Same way I don't watch gorey horror movies, would rather a thriller or jumper horror movie than one that's main fear is simply drawn from the graphic mutilations.  But I don't think they're too violent considering you could easily not play it, and doing so to then complain is like eating a pile of shit, and complaining to everyone that you didn't like it, when you knew fine well what you were diving into.  


The most graphic game I've played is Alice Madness Returns, and it's tame in comparison to some games.  

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Yes, GREATLY Disturbed!!


Personally, I just don't see anything enjoyable about killing and watching blood "splash" around.  More than likely, it has something to do with the fact I easily feel sick at the mere sight of blood or the discussion of violence.


Yet, is the question only referring to PHYSICAL VIOLENCE, or was it also talking about VERBAL VIOLENCE?  IF it means BOTH, I can tolerate VERBAL VIOLENCE A LOT BETTER than PHYSICAL VIOLENCE.

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Sort of. Games like Prototype definitely take it too far where it really isn't necessary. That overuse is just tasteless and, frankly, stupid.

But games like Metal Gear Rising, where the large amount of violence is an integral part of the gameplay and it makes sense, I can appreciate.

Basically, if it's justified enough, I don't have a problem. So it all sort of depends.

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Me, I really don't care for it, but I don't play those games anyway, the only games I really play are Pokemon, Kingdom Hearts, and I just recently got into Skyrim.

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The only game recently that I played that was violent was Metal Gear Rising Revengeance, and my dad watched me play a level and was said, "Holy fu**!" when he saw me chopping up people and sneaking up on them and stabbing them right through their chests in a 3D style. He looked genuinely disgusted... Then again, he only ever played games like techmobowl and pong...

Edited by Master Juan

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I don't give a crap if its violence or not, all that matters is if its good. I still play Super Monkey Ball games!!

But, when I do play games with blood I want MORE BLOOD MORE GORE MORE GRAPHIC( no nudity though)!! And talking about games like COD and BF... Mortal Kombat gets a passing grade for having TONS of blood :3

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not as long its original. then again, mortal kombat for the N64 WAS one of the first games I played

In all honisty, it really does disturb me. I kinda wish it disturbed others more...the fact that it doesn't seem to also disturbs me....
Not that I can't play games at all. But...
This thread makes me worry even more that I have to like/ENJOY violence to be a 'good' person.......why did i click on it? :<<<<
I sure hope its not true....not trying to disrespect anyone elses opinion at all but someone needed to speak up about this...a bit......
sorry if this post upset anyone...i couldn't help myself this time around...........

what do you mean? like what you like and if anyone feels different like your not a good person damn them to hell for all I care, I personally love violence in vgames but it dosnt change my opinion of how awesome you are

Edited by JUSTaGMR

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I really don't mind the violence that is represented in video games.  That's all it is, a video game.  And even though that there are some games that are way too violent, and sometimes unnecessary gore and nudity, I really don't mind games with violence.  Sometimes I have to take a break from the Mario's or Pokemon's and just get into the Assassin's Creed's and Call of Duty's.  It's all just a matter of perception and how great or little people exaggerate or emphasize violence in video games. 

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Only if there's a lot of it. I don't like shooting games because most of them are mindless and not story-driven at all... not to mention most of them are pretty much the same aside from controls across platforms. I'm fine with blood and gore to be honest, I just hate the shooting/fighting genre 'cause it's, well, boring. inFAMOUS2 has about the right amount, I like that one (which isn't shooting BULLETS exactly, but y'know).

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Only when the developers try to make a game seem cool and fun because of the violence in order to avoid having to make a quality game. Like if an advertiser tries to make it seem like only violent and gory games are cool. It used to be that the graphics power didn't allow for that so they had to work really hard to make something entertaining.

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kinda of?


Also, not really, but when your favorite video game series has a kid running around beating people up with a giant key and ripping hearts out, that's kind of expected.

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I think it's a little depressing that games these days have to resort to blood and violence and gore to reach an audience instead of gameplay. Not that blood and gore isn't necessary for the story aspect of the games.


Like, Dead Space. Tons of blood and gore, but it's part of the mood and feel of the game. To be weirded out and placed in this abhorrent setting. But it was all part of the story for it. But gore just to make it rated M for Mature as a selling point just won't make a game any better.

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