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Dust 514 Release Date!

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That's right people you read that correctly! No Jedi mind tricks or system hacking going on here!

Just plain old truth.


Believe it or not that wonderful futuristic game changer, FPS shooter. (Pardon the pun). Finally has a release date!

Announced a long time ago in an alternate galaxy, in 2009, rivaling that of Final Fantasy Versus XIII.


Dust 514 by CCP brings new life to their game Eve. A game I haven't had anything to do with, but I hear it's worth checking out. But even without Eve, Dust 514 offers plenty. Deeply thought out game play, every battle introduces different tactics as you attempt to cover ground, deplete the enemy clone reserves and maintain control of the battle ground. Massive customization, hours can be spent designing drop suits, altering everything you have, trying to get the best out of your limited lifespan. And much, much more.


After being rumored for release last year, in October. It's been one let down after another. With a free, highly active and enjoyable beta available on PS3, fans have been able to survive.

But now the wait is over. At the massive Eve-fest held over the past few days Dust 514 was finally given a release date!


Fittingly it has been given the release date of the 14 of May. Australians will miss out on this joke due to their day/month/year system.

But Americans and that Japanese will be able to joy the delicious pun of 5/14... Dust 5-1-4.... Genius.


A video of what the new game will look like, and showcasing some of the new features can be found below. Enjoy Dust-ers. (Oh what a pun.... I'll show myself out...)



Edited by KeybladeWielder_

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CCP is creating a universe that will definitely be at the forefront of the sci-fi genre for a long time. I'm an avid EVE Online player and I am very happy to see how the sci-fi universe I know and love is being expanded rapidly. 


I'm also stoked to hear that we are getting some sort of TV show about EVE and DUST 514. 

I played the beta about a year ago and I didn't really think it was that good, many of the buy weapons seemed horribly overpowered, maybe it has since changed.....


It's been in beta for like a year, easily one of the longest testing periods of any game I've seen.  CCP is clearly taking their time with the full release so hopefully things have gotten better. 

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Sorry, every time I write the post it screws up, give me a second to fix it.

It was a beta... Thought it m was a full game on PSN only .... Well I feel stupid ;-;

Don't feel stupid! The fact you thought it was a full game shows how good it is, and what a good community it has

I played the beta about a year ago and I didn't really think it was that good, many of the buy weapons seemed horribly overpowered, maybe it has since changed.....

Every thing you can purchase is still over powered. You will come across someone who has payed for everything and they will get 20 kills and 0 deaths. And then someone like me will get 0 kills and 20 deaths... But I still enjoy it, hopefully with the update there will be a more even playing field.

CCP is creating a universe that will definitely be at the forefront of the sci-fi genre for a long time. I'm an avid EVE Online player and I am very happy to see how the sci-fi universe I know and love is being expanded rapidly. 


I'm also stoked to hear that we are getting some sort of TV show about EVE and DUST 514. 

A TV SHOW! Oh wow, awesome!

Also do you enjoy EVE Online? Is it worth getting into. How do I get it? Is it free to play or do I buy it? And if so is it on Steam or retail? Sorry for the questions, I'm just very interested in the game and would like to play it. =)

I feel like I should also add that you will no longer have to buy the upgrade packs to be able to use a mic.

It took me a very long time to realise that in the beta you had to pay to use the mic.... With the full game there will no longer be a need for that.

Just letting you know.

Edited by KeybladeWielder_

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Sorry, every time I write the post it screws up, give me a second to fix it.

Don't feel stupid! The fact you thought it was a full game shows how good it is, and what a good community it has

Every thing you can purchase is still over powered. You will come across someone who has payed for everything and they will get 20 kills and 0 deaths. And then someone like me will get 0 kills and 20 deaths... But I still enjoy it, hopefully with the update there will be a more even playing field.

A TV SHOW! Oh wow, awesome!

Also do you enjoy EVE Online? Is it worth getting into. How do I get it? Is it free to play or do I buy it? And if so is it on Steam or retail? Sorry for the questions, I'm just very interested in the game and would like to play it. =)

I feel like I should also add that you will no longer have to buy the upgrade packs to be able to use a mic.

It took me a very long time to realise that in the beta you had to pay to use the mic.... With the full game there will no longer be a need for that.

Just letting you know.




I play EVE Online quite a lot, I am part of the Eve Defense Force Corporation, one of the oldest corporations in the game. I'd say it's worth getting into but it's not for the faint of heart. The game is incredibly challenging at first though once you get the hang of it it's ridiculously easy. 


Posted Image



The game is actually both Free to Play and  Purchase. You can pay for a subscription at roughly 15 USD a month (the monthly cost drops if you buy say a year subscription instead of a 3 month one for example) or you can actually pay none of your real money and instead purchase an ingame item called a PLEX (Pilots Licence Extension) which will give you 30 days of game time. A PLEX currently cost around 500,000,000 ISK (15 USD) which may seem like a lot but you can get much more than that a lot faster than you might think. 


The game is on steam and will give you about 30 days of gametime. There are also retail versions though they are hard to find at local gamestores but can be easily purchased online through amazon. 


The best way to get started in my opinion is to create a trial account (which can be upgraded to a full account). Typically, a trial is only 14 days. However, I can give you a 21 day trial as I have a full account. Just follow the link below for your 21 day trial. 




Fly Safe!

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I played the beta about a year ago and I didn't really think it was that good, many of the buy weapons seemed horribly overpowered, maybe it has since changed.....


I played DUST few months ago a bit and there is definitely some imbalance on it. But it is not as horrible pay to win as some other games. With shotgun and sniper I could do fairly well because if you get good meatshot or headshot, you have pretty much guaranteed kill. But assaultriffles were harder. The free ones had terrible accuracy and I did better by taking my pistol out. 

Also I noticed that I hit better without aiming with many weapons.


Biggest problem with this game is that PS3 really can't handle it too well. And maps are quite horrenderous

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Thank you for such a good description. As this is my last year of high school and I spend very little time gaming I don't think I'll make the commitment to EVE at this stage. Maybe at the end of the year. Thank you again.

I played DUST few months ago a bit and there is definitely some imbalance on it. But it is not as horrible pay to win as some other games. With shotgun and sniper I could do fairly well because if you get good meatshot or headshot, you have pretty much guaranteed kill. But assaultriffles were harder. The free ones had terrible accuracy and I did better by taking my pistol out. 

I'm going to try a sniper and shotgun now. Thank you for that indirect tip :)

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