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Sora shadow

Text The four kingdom: Zeza journey

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This story takes place in medieval times. There are 4 kingdoms one of earth, the second wind, the third water/ice, and the four fire. Those kingdoms it was in war and in that war died a warrior of the fire kingdom let his wife alone with a baby of 4 month called Zeza. The story will began 15 years later when the world it would be in danger and the only ones can save the world s his son and 3 friends hi make in his journey.


Chapter 1 disaster


Zeza its 15 years old, it

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thanks im workingon the next chapter


Chapter 2 the beginning of the journey


A soldier found Zeza and makes him to wake up. Zeza ask: where are we? The soldier says in a secret passage. When he was better the soldier give to Zeza a map and a sword and orders him to find what causing that those creatures appear. He mark in the map a region that in there can found a clue of what make that creature appear and then the soldier go. Zeza go on his journey. For reach to the mark he need to travel a long distances. In the way appears some creature. With the sword in his normal form he doesn

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thanks im working on the next chapter


Chapter 3 jungle


Zeza was now on the jungle and in here it will confront more than just that creature. In his way he get hungry so he decide to stop a moment for eat something. But at that moment an animal appears it was a furious bear. Zeza slowly take out his sword and when the bear go over him he kill the bear. Then he decides to eat the bear than his lunch. Zeza don

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Chapter 6 the clue


When they defeat the monster they leave the cave and decide to rest for have the strength for the next day. At last the four adolescent find where it assumed they would find an answer to because it appeared strange creatures in all kingdoms and destroy them. There they found an older gentleman called Caz who has lived more than any one and with a great knowledge of what is happening. Caz say welcomes Zeza, Nina, Daryl, and Jenica I waiting for you a long time. They ask how he knows our names and then Caz say that he hears about them. Then Zeza ask what happening in all the kingdoms? Caz say that there is an evil man called Viel how is awakening the darkness and then take control over the world. But you four can stop him if you learn the true power of your element. The four ask: we could have more power than we have? Caz answer: yes, you only are using half of your true power. Then they ask how to learn that power and Caz give them the books that hold the true power of fire, water, wind and earth. Then Caz disappear.

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ok like you two said. and i think so two that it like final fantasy games. Now the new Chapter



Chapter 7 the training


The four first decide to sleep and in the morning reads and training. In the morning they read those books and obtain the knowledge of the true power they hold. Then the four decide to practice fighting one to each other. The first in training was Zeza with Daryl then, Zeza with Nina and they continue until they t was Zeza and Jenica. Jenica attack first with a ball of ice that go directly to Zeza face, then Zeza evade the attack an send her a thunder ray to her but then she make a ice shield and at the same time she attack and win the training. Then Zeza go with Daryl to hunt their food by his way and Nina and Jenica by her way. Zeza confesses to Daryl that he love Jenica. At the night the four met and it what they hunted, and later go to sleep.


Chapter 8 journey continue


In the morning the prepare themselves to continue their journey. They need to go to an old Palace where some time the four kingdoms where unit and rule in peace. There is where the man called Viel is awakening the darkness. But to get there they need to cross through various dangerous places. The first place it is a volcano. They get to the top of it and in there appears a monster created part of lava and part of darkness. Zeza don

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He will die this is the final chapter


Chapter 11 army and end of Viel

Now they camp in the night for have the power to defeat Viel. In the morning they go inside the palace and in there they feel the pure essence of darkness. Once inside there no way out unless the man that awake the darkness is defeated (this man is Viel). But to reach him the four needs to kill a lot of creatures that was making of darkness for protect his new leader. They don

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