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How do You Deal with a Ridiculous Backlog of Games?

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I seriously have almost 10 games that I have bought or received but haven't played or finished yet. I'm currently playing Luigi's Mansion (school and stuff has prevented me from playing it these last few weeks, but I think I'll be good for gaming next week) and I have so many other games to play. Sure, summer is coming up soon, but I need some advice if this happens to me again when there's no breaks from school or work in a while.


And also, I don't play more than one game at a time. I simply can't do it. My focus can only remain on one game, unless there's a casual game, but all the games in my backlog/queue are hardcore...



Edited by TwiliLord

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I've got something like over 50 uncompleted games. :P Just finish them when you want or feel like it, it doesn't make the world end if you don't do it in a straight run. Just play the games you feel like playing and you'll complete them all eventually.

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I have about 40 games I need to play cause I missed out on and about 50 nostalgia I have to get my hands back on

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Lol it seems people have it much worse off than me. I thought 10 was bad.... wow lol. I guess I'll just take it at a steady pace then, completing each game at a time and playing what I feel like playing.


Thanks KHros. (ehh, doesn't sound that bad actually, I may just use it)

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I dont have the problem I only buy a new game once ive finished my last one....

That's what I usually do. However, for some reason, this past year I've just been getting games after games, mostly because I found really good deals I couldn't resist (new Far Cry 3 for $20! (friend traded with me)) or I received games as gifts. Ahhh well.

Simple, dont buy games until you beat the ones you have.

Same as above ^^

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As far as most video games go, it's only worth playing if you're having fun doing it. Don't try to beat them as fast as you can, but enjoy them at your own pace. As for buying new games, just wait untill you're done with the games you've recently bought.  Now, that doesn't mean you have to beat them all first. If you've lost intrest in a game, just stop playing it for a while, and if you eventually get the urge to play it again, feel free. 

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I don't really like rushing out games. If they're all games I want to experience I'll take my time with them. If I don't particularly enjoy them however, I'll play the other games first.

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I currently have lot of games I should finish, but most of time this happens "I think I could beat this game..." *friend calls* "Hey wanna play something?!" "Okay!" 

then I just play some multiplayer game and that happens me almost everyday.

I dunno I just have lost interest on many games and I could put all of my time to League of Legends and stuff lol

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I have the same problem with books. I'll go to a book store, buy like 20 books and take forever to read them all. 


I found the best way to solve the problem is to play the games on a "schedule" sort of similar to TV programs. For example on one day you will play one game and on the next day you will play a different game.

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