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Dark vs Light - the end

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Persia quickly takes rare,unique items out of his bag and starts putting them on his blade,while its yellow runes glowed brightly,nearly revealing the entire area.

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As the yellow runes shine bright, my eyes get irritated and the light slowly reveals me as the light shines and the darkness beings to shine around myself. As I realize this I stand up and run off the side of the building. I jump and manage to grab a hold of a patio. I quickly lower myself to the ground, and race around the buildings.

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Auxon finds an alley way to hide in. As his eyes hurt terribly from the light. He pulls over his canteen and opens it. He pours it over his eyes, as his eyes burn he lets out a loud scream. ( He is easily hurt because he is injured and not fully healed ) Auxon can barely seen now. He punchs the wall next to him in rage at how easily he was hurt.


"This is #$%!@, no way a kid could do this to me, ME"


Auxon continues to walk around town, as he uses his other senses to guide him.

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Seiko decided that they should work together to stop the war, but she had to work on her final regrets first, so she left and set out on her "self-journey".

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Name: Mystery Kelp

Age: 21

Appearance: Posted Image

Bio: Mystery's father was a marine.. she is the only child and very tough.

Personality: (Like Lightning with a touch of Vanille)

Mystery was walking; she was looking for anybody.

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Auxon stumbled further around the city, his eyes still dazed and sore from the light. He manages to make his way to a building that hadn't collapsed. He went inside and pulled out a few herbs and began to rub them on his eyes. As he sat down, he went into a deep thought. Trying to relax himself.

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(( Oni's back. In this post. :D ))

Seiko stood before what used to be a house. The house that she lived in-- that she burned down. Yet, it could still stand.

Seiko walked in and looked around, remembering memories that weren't forgotten. She then stood where her reunion took place.

There wasn't any leftovers of a corpse.

Suddenly, a cool blade was against her neck.

"I've told people... I can't die."

Seiko didn't even have to turn to see who it was.

"... Oni..."

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"It seemed as though my calculations were wrong," Oni said as she snatched the sword from Seiko's hand. "I wouldn't die by killing you. I've seen what happened."

"What are you--"

"Word got out about my race. They wanted to see if you were one too, maybe even prevent you."

"What are you saying?"

Oni smirked. "You aren't any innocent girl anymore, demon."

Seiko's eyes widened. "... You... don't mean...?"

"Oh, I do. You're down to your last life. I would be more than happy to take it, but balances are uneven. Uneven balances that mess up my calculations. I'll let you live until this war is over."

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"And if the war doesn't end...?" Seiko asked as she looked her.

"Well, I have a lot of time on my hands," Oni remarked. "You just make sure you keep your guard up." Oni walked out of the wrecked house.

Seiko merely looked down at the ground. "So... I'm a demon now...?" After a minute, she left as well.

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