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Why so much Multiplayer?

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What's the deal with developers these days shoving online multiplayer into single player series? Happened with Assassins Creed, Mass Effect, now with Batman Origins? ect. I mean, they really should just flesh out there single player experience , instead of tacking on an unneeded and unwanted multiplayer mode. ( I have no problem with Co-Op though).


Your thoughts on todays games multiplayer "trend"?

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If I'm not mistaken it increases the price for the games, but ,more importantly, because people like it. 

I don't have anything agaisnt it, but I hate if they just put multiplayer mode that is not even good...

Edited by AntonioKHT

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I agree! There are some games that are disregarded if they don't have multiplayer, and those end up being fantastic games. Not perfect but fantastic. (I mean the one's involving online, locally ,like most Tales of games. I don't mind)

Edited by WingedIcarus

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I get kinda pissed off when games don't have co-op, almost every game would be better with it. but yea I agree only games like battlefield which were made for online should have stuff like deathmatch or conquest (Im looking at you metal gear online >:I)

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What's the deal with developers these days shoving online multiplayer into single player series? Happened with Assassins Creed, Mass Effect, now with Batman Origins? ect. I mean, they really should just flesh out there single player experience , instead of tacking on an unneeded and unwanted multiplayer mode. ( I have no problem with Co-Op though).


Your thoughts on todays games multiplayer "trend"?

i don't usually play the multiplayer on those games so i got no complaints :ph34r:

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What's the deal with developers these days shoving online multiplayer into single player series? Happened with Assassins Creed, Mass Effect, now with Batman Origins? ect. I mean, they really should just flesh out there single player experience , instead of tacking on an unneeded and unwanted multiplayer mode. ( I have no problem with Co-Op though). Your thoughts on todays games multiplayer "trend"?

Yeah Tomb Raider could have got perfect scores but the multiplayer screwed it up...

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I believe that the developers do it to "extend the game" and to "feel like you got your money's worth."  Personally, I don't like it, and most of the time it feels tact-on, but sometimes it can turn out pretty fun. For example, in Bioshock 2, the multiplayer did feel like it wasn't needed (I definitely could have lived without it), but I did enjoy the time I had with it. I hope developers start to chill when it comes to multiplayer, and focus on singleplayer (like Bioshock Infinite).

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It adds to the longevity of the game. Like trophies, it's not necessary, but (in the trophies case), most people will replay games to get all of them. Just like mulitiplayer. I could have sold all my CoDs, but multiplayer is the only reason why I still own them.

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Multiplayer has always been a selling point for me. I grew up on multiplayer games, and I always enjoy playing with friends.

I have played both the Mass Effect and Assassin Creed multiplayer and enjoyed them. Me and a buddy of mine still get together to play some ME3 together. My only complaint about them is that there is no splitscreen, something I definitely think there should be more of.

I have said these things mostly so you will understand my opinion about companies throwing multiplayer mods into games for no appearent reason: I am torn. I want there to be more multiplayer options. I want to play coop Mass Effect or Kingdom Hearts. I want do to lock gunblades with another player in a deathmach or capture the flag game. But, like what has been said before, it has to be good. Whether it's a purely single player game or a game meant for lots of people to play together, it has to be made well. If by designing a multiplayer element, you leave your main game play to suffer, you need to leave that mode out and focus on what the game is about.

I'm all for mutiplayer modes in games and I hope to see more, but it's got to add to the experience. Not subtract.

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Because killing someone in game and knowing that somewhere across the world, you are making someone rage/cry is so satisfying. 


Also computers are easy and predictable. Yeah you can turn up the difficulty, but that doesn't change how enemies behave, just how deadly they are to you and how tough they are too kill. Good players in a multiplayer game can provide a good challenge that won't be met by even the most advanced enemy AIs for some time to come. 

Edited by Amon

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