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Sikota Urinakano

Text Kingdom Hearts: Awakening

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Wow, I really like this story, and I like how you describe the respective characters clothing, it really brings in a lot of detail into the moment.  I also like how you've effortlessly put your characters to fit in with Birth By Sleep's story!  Well done, Sikota, I'll be sure to follow this story! :D

Actually, Riven, Vanessa, Aura, and Vanity are mine, if you wanted to know.

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Chapter 4

From the orange rooftops to the matching plateaus of another world, the broken boy lay amongst the lifeless Keys. Was his amongst them? Out of a dark portal, a hunched figure clad in a black coat stepped onto the plateau. He looked over the broken boy. "The peculiarities of the heart never cease to amaze me." His raspy voice said. He was clearly elderly. "You carry a pure heart, but you are a damaged vessel, yet it chose you... Why could this be?"

The boy pushed himself up. "Because there's no way anyone could tear us apart. That's why!"

​"It speaks." The old man exclaimed sarcastically. "Through such brokenness, however, it is doubtful that either of you could utter your names." He summoned his Keyblade. It was all made up of dark grays, with wing-like spikes around the guard, the hilt emblazoned with a kind of demonic head, two barbed shafts leading up to the claw-like protrusions in the shape of an axe's blade. The center if the head marked with a blue, reptilian eye. It was a dark Keyblade. "You'll need to be known as something else." A beam of light shot out of the dark Keyblade and into the boy. "Enjoy your time in the Aether, Nexomarc." He dissolved into the air.

Edited by Sikota Urinakano

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Chapter 5



Takeharu looked down at the two incapacitated Keybladers before her. She wore a black jacket and dark shorts; her long, black hair, even tied in pigtails, reached down to her waist. She looked young, but her time in the Aether would say otherwise. She gave a smug smile. "Looks like the war hawk has given me some more soldiers."

Aura was the first to wake. "Terra? Aqua? Brother?" She jumped to her feet, summoning her Keyblade. "What's going on?!" She demanded of Takeharu.



Out of the shadows, a large number of ovular discs darted out, spinning hostilely. "Hm..." Takeharu was unfamiliar with these creatures. "I'll leave them to you." She disappeared through a dark portal.

"Fine then." Aura said. She swung at the first disc. It disappeared on impact. She dodged over another, cutting two more while spinning back to her feet. The discs stood there, spinning. "Is that it?" The young girl taunted.




The discs retreated back into the shadows. Nexomarc struggled to his feet. "Where the heck are we?"

Aura rushed to his aid. "You okay?" She asked helping him up.

The broken boy pushed himself away. "Fine, thanks." He looked around. "Do you know where we are?"

Aura shook her head. "No, but I can tell you this, my name's Aura." She smiled.

"Er... Hi. My name is..." His mouth moved but there was no sound where his name would have been. "Er... Nexomarc. I'm Nexomarc."

"Nice to meet you, Nexomarc." After greeting her new friend, Aura looked in the direction of where Takeharu had disappeared. "you think we should go after her?"

"Who?" Nexomarc was unaware of what had occurred.

"It doesn't matter, should we go or not? Definitely beats sitting around here."

"You're right, let's explore a little bit." Nexomarc replied. The two of them stepped into the shadows.



Meanwhile, on a secluded island in another world, a young, brown haired girl in a lace dress sat against a thick palm tree. The silver-haired boy in a yellow vest fell from the tree and into the sand. "Riku!" The girl ran across the boardwalk and around the end of the 8 foot cliff, along the massive precipice beside it, taking her almost a minute to rush to her friends aid.

Riku got up, rubbing the back of his head. “Sorry, Kiana, I couldn’t get it.”

Kiana smiled and helped her friend up. “You’re okay though, right?”

He nodded. “The sand broke my fall.”

“Guys, I got it. Woah, WOOOAAAHHH!!!” Another young boy, with spiky brown hair, dressed in a plain white shirt and red shorts also feel to the ground. “Guess I don’t got it.”

Kiana laughed at her thick-headed brother. Who needed a special fruit? She couldn’t think of anything that could keep them apart at all.

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Chapter 6

Takeharu sat in the white throne. “Very peculiar cases.” She said to herself. “A broken girl with a heart of untainted light. A broken boy with a pure heart that isn’t his own. Those creatures... they seemed to come from him as well. Divided seem to be a proper name. Maybe I could exert some power over them... I’ll have to look into this a little more. Yuki!”

A young man with long dark hair, not extending past his jawline, but his bangs going down along his nose in some places, appeared in flurry of snow and shadows. He wore a black coat over a white, high collared shirt, and a red tie. His blue eyes as cold as winter itself. “What is it?”

“We have two newcomers. Go test them.”

“Yes, ma’am.” He disappeared in a flurry of shadows and snow.

The coldhearted fighter appeared before Aura and Nexomarc along the stone path they were traveling. “Who are you.” Nexomarc asked.

A pair of silver blades materialized in his hands. “Survive.” He lunged.

Nexomarc was still able to summon his purple Keyblade. With surprising speed, he blocked their assailants strike and pushed him back. Aura had summoned her Wayward Wind and rushed their opponent. Yuki was able to avoid the flurry of attacks by disappearing through one shadow and reappearing behind Nexomarc. He struck. The broken boy easily blocked and moved in to counter, Yuki had struck with one blade, so Nexomarc’s block opened up his opponent’s upper left torso, using his Keyblade’s hilt, he moved Yuki’s other blade out of the way and stabbed him in the center.

He jumped back, clutching his wound. “Well done.” A large amount of the ovular discs appeared from the shadows. “I’ll leave the Divided to you.” He disappeared in another flurry of snow and shadows.

“Divided?” Nexomarc pondered.

“I got this!” Aura declared, she held her Keyblade in front of her. She seemed to glow as her eyes darted from one disc to another. “Take this!” Surrounded by light, she darted from one enemy to the next in a flurry of wind and light. After countless discs were destroyed she paused in the air and crashed down sending out a burst of light that destroyed the remaining discs and momentarily blinded Nexomarc. Aura looked back and smiled at her friend, Keyblade dematerializing. “How was that?”

Nexomarc was awestruck. “That... was pretty amazing.” He said. Laughing. It felt good to laugh. Like whatever piece of him was missing was there just for a little bit.

Aura laughed alongside her new friend. “Brother, Terra, and Aqua could all do it way better than I ever could.” She missed her friends and family. But it didn’t matter all that bad. She’d be back for them, and there’s nothing wrong with enjoying the path back home.

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Wow.. I see your updating daily.

Not too sure about that unfortunately, there was just a flurry of things. I'll probably update more or less regularly but there are my other writing projects that will directly affect my future too.

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