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Hai, Ima give chu a lessun.

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Kitteh spek. No1 rlly noes hao to do et.

-frownie face-


Kitten Speak. No one really knows how to do it.

-frownie face-


Not a lot of people have perfected Kitten speak.

So, let me give you a lesson.

Kitten speak was made popular when the Lol Cats came across the internet. There way of language was... forever known as Kitten speak.

How to do kitten apeak you ask?


A word ending with "Ay" or "ye" or "ey" is always exchanged with "ai"


Hey/Hay/Hi = Hai.

Bye = bai.

et cetera.


Words ending with "ow" is exchanged with "ao"

Now = nao.

et cetera.


"Z" always replaces "s"

Has = Haz



"en" is with "eh"

Kitten = Kitteh



"ight" = "ite"


light=lite. etc


Words ending with S? add an h.

Is -= ish


got the hang of it? Type a whole sentence in this thread... and I'll judge your kitteh speak.

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