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What else is there for Ven to do?

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In BBS, Ven's quest (physical and emotional) seemed to involve:


-Going to other worlds to experience life outside of his otherwise constricted lifestyle and expand his horizons.

-Cease to rely on others and be able to stand up on his own/ become more independent.

-Try and do something important or heroic that will stand up in the eyes of his two older friends/ prove that he's good enough to hang around with them (in his own mind)

-Find a sense of self.


 Well, by the end of Birth By Sleep, he has accomplished most or all of his goals.


-He got to go exploring and make friends with many people.

-He adventured without the supervision or help of Aqua or Terra, and proved he could do it on his own

-He's the only one who accomplished his goal of beating the villain (he stopped Vanitas, and ceased the forging of the X-blade)

-He asserted himself as more than just a puppet of Xehanort, or a pet of Eraquas

-And by the end of the story, he's the only one who seems to have done anything that might be considered close to saving the world.


So even if he's in a coma, he can rest in peace. He's done everything that he wanted or needed to do. His story is essentially done in this series.


So, assuming that he's going to make a comeback in KHIII, what is there left for him to do?


I mean, yes, saving Terra/Aqua, yadda yadda yadda, but really, that just seems like filler, almost. He can save them, but he will still be the same character as he would be if he hadn't saved them. His character arc has gone as far and as strong as you could ever hope. He can't develop much more than he already has. The only way to make Ven compelling in another game would be by giving him more reason to expand emotionally, but his character doesn't really provide for too many more openings.


Where else can Ven go, as a character? What else can he do?

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In BBS, Ven's quest (physical and emotional) seemed to involve:


-Going to other worlds to experience life outside of his otherwise constricted lifestyle and expand his horizons.

-Cease to rely on others and be able to stand up on his own/ become more independent.

-Try and do something important or heroic that will stand up in the eyes of his two older friends/ prove that he's good enough to hang around with them (in his own mind)

-Find a sense of self.


 Well, by the end of Birth By Sleep, he has accomplished most or all of his goals.


-He got to go exploring and make friends with many people.

-He adventured without the supervision or help of Aqua or Terra, and proved he could do it on his own

-He's the only one who accomplished his goal of beating the villain (he stopped Vanitas, and ceased the forging of the X-blade)

-He asserted himself as more than just a puppet of Xehanort, or a pet of Eraquas

-And by the end of the story, he's the only one who seems to have done anything that might be considered close to saving the world.


So even if he's in a coma, he can rest in peace. He's done everything that he wanted or needed to do. His story is essentially done in this series.


So, assuming that he's going to make a comeback in KHIII, what is there left for him to do?


I mean, yes, saving Terra/Aqua, yadda yadda yadda, but really, that just seems like filler, almost. He can save them, but he will still be the same character as he would be if he hadn't saved them. His character arc has gone as far and as strong as you could ever hope. He can't develop much more than he already has. The only way to make Ven compelling in another game would be by giving him more reason to expand emotionally, but his character doesn't really provide for too many more openings.


Where else can Ven go, as a character? What else can he do?

I guess Ventus can only help to defeat Xehanort at this point.


Also, he can't save Aqua, because Aqua has to be saved in order to bring him back from his Coma in the first place. He could still try to get to Terra though.


There are still a few unexplored things with Ventus that Nomura can delve into in the next Saga of KH. I mean, we have no idea where he was originally from and why he Joined Xehanort to begin with, so things like that could be used for him, to discover more about his past.

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Not really sure.  Of the BBS trio, I found Ventus to be the least compelling relatively speaking.  On his own he would be, but he was intentionally designed to be a mixture of both Sora and Roxas... but we already have Sora and Roxas, so do we need a combination of the two?  When you stand him next to the two, how does he stand out?  I think most of his important development is done, for the reasons you said.  It's like with Riku, I think.  His development is pretty much over by now, overcoming most of his beefs and earning/accepting the title of Keyblade Master (for all the good it does), so I figure the only thing left for he and Ventus is to apply the lessons they've learned.

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Well, he's not only gonna save Terra (I think Aqua will be rescued first), but he will also help defeating the thirteen darkness and put an end to Master Xehanort's plans.

After that, he will use his life to go on his own quests withn his helps and help everyone across the worlds. He could also train a little more if he's not yet considered a Master, then he'd live a life of a Light that seeks to guide eveyone to prosperety.

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Well, I think we can assume that Vanitas will be making some sort of return, so maybe Ven will fight him again?  Though it might be cooler if Sora fought him :3

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Ven also wanted to become a Keyblade master. Because he was told to. Sort of. This is a long term goal I always found weird because it felt so tacked on. ME takes Ven partly with the intention of training him to one day be a master like Terra and Aqua but because of Ven's state at the time he didn't go in with that intention. He just did what everyone told him to do/did what everyone else's was doing. In the four years he was at LoD it seemed to never seriously cross his mind that one day he might become a Keyblade master himself, even though that's what he spent all those years training for, and his short term goal was just being able to see Terra and Aqua reach their own goals. It wasn't until Ven went on his journey that it finally clicked: "you know, this Keyblade master gig sounds pretty fly." 


But I can't help but think the only reason he wants to be a master is because his friends are or aspire to be masters and so that's all he knows. He didn't have any memories prior to MX dropping him off at LoD so for all intensive purposes his entire life revolves around "Keyblade culture". The person taking care of him was a Keyblade master who attained him from another keyblade master and spent years training him to be a Keyblade master with other people who want nothing more than to be...well...Keyblade masters.    


So I guess after the whole Xehanort shebang is over Ven will try to reach his goal of becoming a Keyblade master (<I've made myself sick of this term already, lol). What I'd LIKE from Ven's character is for him to perhaps realize that the only reason he has this goal is because of his conditioning rather than his will and wants to do more self searching to figure out what he really wants out of life. I wouldn't mind if he still came to the conclusion that he wants to be a Keyblade master, but I'd at least want a little more meat out of it.


But I know his long term goal from here on out will be to be a master because...reasons. Hey, why did Aqua and Terra want to become masters in the first place anyway?  

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Well he can't really save Aqua seeing as she's the only one who can find him so they'd need to save her first. He could save Terra. I'm pretty sure he will be a guardian of light. So he will be important in that aspect if it turns out to be correct. Other than that there's not much else for him to do......


at least for this saga.

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Well he can't really save Aqua seeing as she's the only one who can find him so they'd need to save her first. He could save Terra. I'm pretty sure he will be a guardian of light. So he will be important in that aspect if it turns out to be correct. Other than that there's not much else for him to do......


at least for this saga.

Ventus will probably be one of the 7 lights. I mean, Xehanort expelled the darkness from him and made Vanitas, so he really can't be a darkness now.

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