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Square Enix Europe to show off HD 1.5 ReMIX in London

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Square Enix Europe have announced via the official Facebook page for Kingdom Hearts that they will be showing off Kingdom Hearts HD 1.5 ReMIX in London on Friday April 26, 2013, and be asking people to talk about the experience on camera. This will be at the Square Enix office in London, and start at 7PM. If you are interested in participating, Square Enix asks for you to send an email to secommunity@square-enix.com.

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Hi Guys :)I will be attending the Kingdom Hearts HD 1.5 ReMIX event in London on Friday 26th of April.

Since not many of my friends are Kingdom Hearts fans, i was wondering if anyone else going to this even would like to meet up so we can all talk together about the show.

Let me know if your interested

Thanks guys :)

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Sorry to write that here, but I have found a very strange video. It is showing a small teaser about Kingdom Hearts 3. I really don't know if this is a fake or not. What do you think? http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DozYoXzd3fU

The poster has only one video and made their name Square Enix. It's clearly fake. When a KH3 trailer comes up, trust me, kh13 will be going crazy over it.

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