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WBC plans to picket the funerals of Boston bombing victims.

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In a tweeting binge following the explosions at the finish line of the Boston Marathon on Monday, the Westboro Baptist Church celebrated the carnage and announced its intention to picket the funerals of victims.

The tiny Topeka, Kan., fundamentalist group urged the U.S. government to "reinstate" the death penalty for homosexuality and warned "violence will fully consume u [sic]" if that doesn't happen. Most of the church's tweets said same-sex marriage caused the bombing, but others mentioned abortion and supposed mistreatment of the church.

A news release dated April 15 announced the church's intention to picket the funerals of the three bombing victims. Massachusetts, the release says, "invited this special wrath from God Almighty when it was the FIRST STATE to pass same-sex marriage" in 2004. "Westboro Baptist Church to picket funerals of those dead by Boston Bombs! GOD SENT THE BOMBS IN FURY OVER gentleman MARRIAGE! #PraiseGod," said a tweet from the church's @WBCFliers account.


"THANK GOD FOR THE BOSTON MARATHON BOMBS!! Westboro Baptist Church to picket funerals of those killed. #PraiseGod," said another tweet from the @WBCSays account.

The church did not respond to an email from U.S. News seeking details about the picket plans. The church's phone line was consistently busy Tuesday. There are no Massachusetts events currently listed on the church's online protest schedule.

A similar plan by the church to picket the funeral of the elementary school principal who was murdered in the December Newtown, Conn., school shooting was unsuccessful, The Huffington Post reported, because volunteers blocked access to the funeral until church members changed their plans.

One tweet from @WBCSays Tuesday featured a photo of a man comforting a female victim with blood splattered along a Boston sidewalk. "LOOK at this image - sent directly fm God! He promised to cast ur bloody carcasses on ur flag idol! #WBCIsSoThankful," said the church.


Church pastor Fred Phelps - the aging patriarch who is related to most congregation members - said in a comment released on Twitter, "God is busy punishing those who've mistreated His people for preaching." Another tweet said, "Memo to Boston police: Is it time to re-think that mistreat and abuse WBC policy you implemented many years ago?!?!"

The church also said that the death of 8-year-old Martin Richard was God's punishment. "His blood is on YOUR hands. Died for #SSM," tweeted church member Margie Phelps.

The church is infamous for picketing the funerals of fallen soldiers with vulgar anti-gay signs and posters. They often picket for maximum exposure and are frequently greeted by irate locals.

A significant stream of income for the church comes from lawsuits, many arguing that state and local laws – or enforcement of the laws – violate members' First Amendment rights.

In reaction to Westboro's spiteful piety, a petition on the White House's "We the People" website urges authorities to "ban" the church members from entering Boston.




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Edited by TheApprenticeofKingMickey

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even though i shouldn't be saying this they should be the ones that got hit by the bomb cause i mean that is sick and wrong to celebrate about the bombing they better be glad i dont live in boston or i would go to there church and kick thier ass

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Can't these people be recognized as a hate group? Because that's basically what they are, on top of being idiots of course.

They want that, seriously

What the firetruck is wrong with them


They're a group of f-ed up fundamentalists led by a person who many believe is a closet homosexual.

even though i shouldn't be saying this they should be the ones that got hit by the bomb cause i mean that is sick and wrong to celebrate about the bombing they better be glad i dont live in boston or i would go to there church and kick thier ass


If you do that, then you're going to regret it. Of the populous, most of them are lawyers who make all they money they enjoy suing people

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even though i shouldn't be saying this they should be the ones that got hit by the bomb cause i mean that is sick and wrong to celebrate about the bombing they better be glad i dont live in boston or i would go to there church and kick thier ass

Their church is in Kansas

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Thats horrible !!! No Christian should ever do that!! They are supposed to love people and help them in times of need; Jesus said let the children come to me. God wouldn't punish a small child. Besides these acts are orchastrated by some pychopaths who have a desire to steall kill and destroy. That's why they are called terrorist.

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...... I hope God punishes WBC in a cruelist fashion, because what they said there, is INHUMAN. I know churches sometimes don't like same-sex marriage, but saying that we should be happy that the bombing occured, is sickening.

Edited by Xamtweth-ReMIXed

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firetruck these assholes. Don't censor that. Just don't. These people deserve it.


I am a person who lives by the principle that people deserve to have their opinion.


But the WBC does not. They simply do not. And anyone who thinks that they do, also does not. Because this isn't opinion, this is just pure hate.


Any person who thinks that a bombing that took the lives of people is a good thing... that alone just makes me sick. Not to mention the fact that they think God did it? What the hell kind of thought process is that.


And yes, this is absolutely God's wrath, being wrathful over a law that was passed  9 firetruckING YEARS AGO. I might be mistaken, but I would think God's wrath would be a bit more prompt then that. I think anyone's wrath would be more prompt then that.


This is one of the reasons why I don't follow any religion, and why I don't believe religion is a thing the world needs. Because of assholes like these using it as a tool to spread hate.



Damn censors.

Edited by RoxSoxKH

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I'm convinced that WBC is more business than actual religion. Whenever they get harassed or kicked out of protests, they sue based on the first ammendment and make tons of money. Being tax exempt as a religion probably helps too.

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I'm convinced that WBC is more business than actual religion. Whenever they get harassed or kicked out of protests, they sue based on the first ammendment and make tons of money. Being tax exempt as a religion probably helps too.


That's one of the reasons why people are trying to get them declared as a hate group. Once they do, they lose their credibility as a religious group and they won't get money from the government.

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What the actual firetruck, you #PraiseGod for wrecking chaos, killing people, spreading bloodshed, leaving people helpless? Logic firetrucked up maxi and this is terribly disappointing and just...no.





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