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Ninja turtles and Daredevil originated from the same accident

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According to Cracked’s Maxwell Yezpitelok both the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles and Marvel’s Man without Fear Matt Murdock were created from the same accident.

Daredevil’s origin story which is told in Daredevil #1, shows young Matt Murdock (who at the time can see) save a blind man from getting run over by a truck carrying canisters of toxic waste, only to get a canister to the face causing him to go blind but also increasing his other senses. The Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles are born from an almost identical accident, in which a blind old guy is saved from getting run by a kid who gets smacked in the face with a canister of toxic waste for his troubles. This canister ends up going down the drain with the turtles and turns them into the Mean Green Machines we grew to love and their sensei, the giant rat.

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These shows have been connected

Daredevil isn't a show, i would love if their was one. You could say comics since there both that.


So, more connections that Marvel and DC take place in the same universe.

and Tmnt isn't owned by dc

Edited by Deadshot

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