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The Unversed

Kingdom Hearts: Worlds at War (RP)

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Ovan:  I got really interested in what this old man had to say.  I thought:  So it's been decided who will be the commanders?  Well this sounds real good.


Evocus:  Scoffing, I think:  So that's the big announcement?  What everyone has been waiting to hear?  Whatever.  Lets just hear it already.

Edited by Ultimus Grid

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The old man said "That is of no worry to us, as we have many lights that are willing to fight the dark army waiting on the worlds we'll be sending you too". Tamara then spoke "those who are here now are specially pick out to be the main attack force, In which we will be the ones to finish whoever is responsible for this mess". The old man then said "Ok enough of these questions, we need to hurry and send you all to your worlds to defend them. I will now read out the list of commanders and what worlds you'll be defending". The old man then pulled out a piece of paper and started to read it. 

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"Hmmmm." The term specially picked didn't go well with him. 'You mean grab as man Dark related people as you could.' The thought drifted in like wild fire. So many of the people here had Darkness in there hearts to all be just specially picked. Everything from Heartless, Nobodies, Replicas, and even someone Pure Hearted. Some of this did not make sense.

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"Come on, hurry up already! This is wasting our time" She said to herself and pulled her headphones on her neck

Whats so special about this anyway? The voice asked Kira but she just shrugged, listening to what Heart was saying and the old man.

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The old Man took his time and finally spoke the names. Tamara was guessing he fell asleep again but the list was spoke out loud "Division 1's commander is Kiru, Division 2's is Kai Hikairi, Division 3's is Sivler Kuroi, Division 4's is Ovan, Division 5's is Tamara and we also have backup names if anything happens to the current commanders. Those who are now commanders have the responsibility to protect their comrades in battle. I will now read out the list of worlds for the Divisions. Division 1's world is Hollow Bastion, Division 2's world is Olympus Coliseum , Division 3's world is End of the world, Division 4's world is Land of Departure, Division 5 is The world That never was". Just then someone come into the room very late, Tamara yelled at him "VALTER, YOUR LATE" The man simply sat on a chair and didn't say a thing. Tamara then said "Lynn get out from under there and put that list that shows every Division everyone's in like I told you to do before we started this".


The little girl that was hidding under the table then quickly came out and pined the list on a board where everyone can see it. "OK NOW THAT YOU ALL KNOW WHERE YOU STAND I SUGGEST YOU USE THIS TIME TO PREPARE FOR BATTLE, TALK TO THOSE YOU'LL BE WITH IN YOUR DIVISION AND TO SHAKE OFF THAT FEAR IN YOUR EYES". Then the speech was over and Tamara went to get something to drink, Lynn just quickly run back under the table again and Valter simple sat never still on this chair not moving a muscle. 

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So the girl would be the leader for Division 1. Still there could be worse choices. Turning o the girl in question while quirking an eye brow. "We'll hello Kiru. I'm Another." He spoke softly as his chocolate orbs studied her. "What have I gotten myself into?" Having to go and protect Hollow Bastion no Radiant Garden. A world so deeply connected with many of the figures through the worlds.


Wait, what?! He was the leader? Dear god, some of the others on his team where scary as hell. "Why me?" His perkiness from earlier vanished, along with the flourishing Light within him, while his eyes turned glassy. "I hope this doesn't end bad with that guy Darkness." Or any of the other scary people around here, most of them could beat him in a snap.


The Land of Depature also known as Castle Oblivion. Oh fate had it in for him alright. "At least I know the world." Turning he swiftly walked over to Ovam before sizing him up. 'Damn. Maybe I do have to watch my mouth for now.' Letting out a soft sigh before finally addressing Ovan. "So you got to be commander? Lucky, lucky you then." I hope he knows his way around The Land of Depature.

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Of course, that was the most epic time when a flash of light deposited Zion...five feet above the table.

Falling flat on said table, miraculously missing all the food, she sat up.

"Sorry I'm late!" she said.

-We're late!- Namine cried.

<Who's fault is that?> Xion grumbled.

The girl rubbed the back of her head. "Uh, yeah. Three girls, one body. Whacha gonna do?"

Lifting into the air, she calmly flew over to her seat and landed. "So, what did we miss?" She asked.

-Hi Four. How's Sora?-

<And Riku?>


Now, this girl's voice and mannerisms were changing on the fly, so really, it probably was hard for someone who wasn't privvy to the fact Zion had three GIRLS in a SINGLE BODY would be utterly confused.

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Four looked at Silver, who was surrounded by an interesting group of people. Judging by the look on his face, he'd rather be anywhere BUT where he sat now. Under the helmet, Four smirked a little before deciding to approach the quiet person. As he took the first step, Zion appeared in a flash of light. He immediately looked towards her direction


-Hi Four. How's Sora?-

<And Riku?>


He smiled, relieved to see a familiar face as well as remembering Sora, Kairi and Riku. "They're both doing fine. Still waiting for Sora to share that damned paopu fruit with Kairi though. Even Riku has decided that enough was enough and wanted to help me out!" he said between laughs. A moment passed before he regained his composure. "Some old man has given us new orders and a directive." He nodded towards Silver. "We've been assigned to Division 3, and that guy is our Division leader." 

Edited by Javelin434

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As Tamara grabbed herself a drink of water from the table she felt something tug her white pants. She looks down and it was just Lynn "What are you doing under there? come out" Tamara said softly. "NO!, these people are to scary looking ma" said Lynn, "Oh dear.. Lynn you can't hide forever under there and remember when the time comes for you to fight you won't be able to hide and that's when you'll find new strength, ok, So please don't get scared" said Tamara with a warm smile on her face. Tamara soon laid her eyes on 2 man that she saw as interesting, the man called Kai Hikairi and the other called Evocus. Tamara decided to talk with Kai Hikairi first and later talk with Evocus, So she then walked over to him, drink in hand and asked him "Are you alright there? I saw you mumbling to yourself about something, I bet your just thrilled that you became the commander for Division 2, right?"


Lynn soon slowly started to come out from hiding under the table and started to run to her mum with her eyes shut (cause she thinks no one can see her if her eyes are shut) but soon she accidentally bump's into Evocus. Lynn then slowly opened her eyes to see him standing there looking at her, Lynn started to get scared as he was so tall compared to her size. she started to sob and get teary eyes.


Valter finally moved by turning his head to face Darkness. Valter just continued to star at him with a simple motionless face, Not saying anything at all.

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Darkness looks upon Valter, with a stern look on his face. He begins to fold his arms, as he stares at him. He can see that Valter is looking as if he was motionless. He then speaks to him, by saying. "What? The cat bite your tongue?" Asked Darkness, as he looks on at Valter.

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Kiru shook her head "Are you serious they picked me? out of all the people" She was a little upset by the fact that they chose her to be the commander of division one, she let out a sigh and turned around to the boy that was behind her "Hey, its nice to meet you Another" she managed to put on a smile, she was looking at his eyes, they remind her of something or someone but just can't put her finger. "So what brings you here?" Kiru asked as she hopped on the table and sat down on it thinking to herself "Im meeting many interesting people today, all different but yet so similar though"

Edited by X-Blade_Wielder

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Silver sighed. It seems he was now the Leader of the Third Division. It was interesting that he was chosen, even though he was quiet, lonely, and was generally cold to everyone around him; yet they still chose him as leader.

Of course, that cold feeling melted away the moment Jade approached him.


"Oh..Jade." He said quietly, his face showing a small smile, "I'm fine. Better now that you're here. Apparently I'm also the Third Division leader." Silver said, smiling to Jade; perhaps the only person who he could smile to.

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"Not really. I never wanted to the leader in the first place." He spoke softly while looking at the young women. "That and some of the others in my group are a little scary." It was easy to guess which one gave him the most discomfort. "So how have you been? I don't think anyone is much worst the other in a situation like this."

"Time traveler for lack of better word. Wanted to help repair something I technically helped cause." Even if this Xehanort turned completely of his own free will. "No two people are alike here, no one could even close to being it. Still some of these faces disturb me, a little." His head tilted silently as he focused on her eyes. "So I'm guessing your never really alone with another in you."

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Kiru nodded in agreement "Yeah some of these people in Division one are kinda creepy"

Next moment you know she had a mix of shock and confusion on her face "How did you know about that?" This Another dude seemed interesting at the moment "You read people pretty good"

Edited by X-Blade_Wielder

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"I should know how to by now." Considering for most of life before this, all I could do was watch. "So, who do I look similar to then. There so many possibilities." Holding his hand to his head while scrunched his face to go. "Man, Darkness tends to bite back at the worst time." As long as his eyes didn't turn yellow again he'd be fine.

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Kiru just shrugged not wanting to really think about a answer to his question right now.

"Like a punch to the face" she let out a quiet sigh "I try my hardest not to let it out but it just slips sometimes though, So I don't fight to hard most of the time"

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"Heh. I wasn't wrong about any of this so far. Wonder what it would be like." His own words drifting off while his face scrunched together. "But I can't ever go back to my true home. Ever had that feeling, the feeling you know where you want to be, but you can't? I'm already old enough with out the feeling weighting me down so much more." Finally smiling again as he opened his eyes. "Ah. They stayed brown for once." Now for the problem of Radiant Garden. "So we got Radiant Garden to protect? This ought a be fun."

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"Well, Ray is somewhere, and as for Max, well I don't know where he went." Skiing as he shook his head before turning sideways to look around. "Meh. I can do things as two people. This-" Masters Keeper appeared in his right hand. "Along with this-" Master Xehanort's Keyblade appeared in his left. "Will make sure of it. Don't think many others here have the power to dual wield like I can." Or use Time magic to his power. He could stop anyone for a matter of minutes before it vanished, usually it only lasted seconds for others.

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"Cool keyblades!" those were the most interesting keyblades that Kiru had ever seen in her life well as long as she could remember.

She just found her second in command "Im very impressed, your definatly not like the others here" She said with a smile

"So your my new second in command! no if's not but's and I certainly won't take a no either"

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"He honestly never mentioned these keyblades to you? I would of thought that he would of at least mention Masters Keeper or even Master Xehanort's Keyblade-" His expression twisted in a slightly nervous one. He needed to give the damn Keyblade a name for his sake of name. "Argh. I need to give the damned thing a name." Masters Keeper vanished while he Master Xehanort's Keyblade in front of him. "Meh. I'm like no one here because I don't belong here, technically I don't belong ANYWHERE."

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Kiru didnt know what else to say anymore, she wasnt really good at these types of situations.

"For all of the members in this division, probably the only question im going to ask, Are you a good guy or bad guy? Or you don't really know?" Another didn't really look like a bad guy but she was just gonna ask everyone in the first division anyway.

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Darkness begins to walk over to where the groups are. He folds his arms, as a smirks at them. He cannot wait to show what he really is, once the time is right to show his "True Colors". He then speaks to the group, by saying. "You all should be careful for what you may say, it may cause too much confusion.." Said Darkness, about the conversation.

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"I honestly don't know anymore. I believe in a thing such as fate. It may be cruel but you can't just change fate. Still, I'd love to be able to figure it out at some point." Master Xehanort's Keyblade vanished as he turned to look straight at Darkness. "Though, anyone evil, of ill will, won't survive. No one is ever going to ever come close to winning against the Light. Fate will always keep that in line." He glared as his eyes flashed yellow for a second. "I suggest yo watch your mouth, Darkness. You try anything and I will be there to kick your ass back into the dark."

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