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The Unversed

Kingdom Hearts: Worlds at War (RP)

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Axuqa blocked Shera's poor swing, her jaw tightening at the sound of Tamara's pain. She wanted to dispel the Heart Of Pain spell on Tamara, but she didn't know if she had enough mana to do so. She backed away from Shera, dropped to a knee by Tamara, and placed a hand on her, using what mana she had left to help Tamara.She looked back at Shera, as more about the woman made sense to her. Being that isolated would twist anyone."But would continuing your plan really bring them back to you?" Axuqa asked. "You said it yourself, right now your Eraqus and Xehanort are just echoes. No matter how much power you attain, even enough to control hearts, they would still just be echoes. You could tell your Xehanort how you feel, but would he truly feel what the original Xehanort would have, or just what you would have wanted him to? He would return your feelings, but that is because there is no other he could feel. He would have no choice."She fell silent for a moment."If you feel nothing of them, then your heart must have been damaged inside the Door to Heart. We can help you, Shera. Please, stop this and we can try to heal your heart."

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Aexis looks at Shera as he clenches his Keyblade hard. He doesn't want the battle to continue on like this. He hates to kill people unless they really mean to be pure evil. He then speaks to Shera by saying. "Please, Shera, revenge will do nothing, it satisfies nothing.. Stop all of this, bring everyone who you used as puppets back to the living... I do understand your pain, believe me, I really do... But all I'm seeing is despair, just like Gabranth's hatred of Cosmos and Chaos when he was in that Hell-like dimension in World B, and Cid of the Lufaine when he wanted revenge on Onrac..." Said Aexis, trying to talk to Shera.

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Keyblade Graveyard - Mountain Top


Ziio had tricked Xehanort as she had no heart for him to take, she had a strong soul instead of a heart, then Ziio quicly used the moment of confusion to attack Xehanort "DARN YOU!!" shouted Xehanort as he's insides exploded from Ziio's beam of moonlight attack. Lucky for Ziio that attack not only went straight through his armour but it had destroyed his heart from within & as Xehanort started to fade away into tiny shattered pieces he looked at Ziio and said " I...I will return after Shera succeeds in her plans and when i do you'll be the ones turning into shattered pieces. mahahahaha" after that was said Xehanort faded away into nothingness & all 5 keyblade tornado's Xehanort made soon stopped. Meanwhile Ovan had just managed to fully destroy Eraqus's massive meteor with his 'Ultima Cannon' attack but Ovan was really drained from overusing his powers.


Meanwhile Axuqa had managed to break the 'Heart of Pain' spell on Tamara "Thanks Axuqa" said Tamara with a light smile as she got back up off the ground, Aexis was talking to Shera and Shera looked at him for minute and said "I can't bring back the dead you foolish boy, but once i become Kingdom Hearts i will, you no nothing about true despair my dear boy but soon you will...you will" after Shera said that to Aexis Axuqa spoke out to her saying something that Shera never thought of before, that her heart may have been damaged within the Door to Heart (rikunobodyxiii, you just hit the nail on the head. good job). What Shera doesn't know is that those strange creatures that attacked her within the Door to Heart not only were taking her limbs but they also damaged her heart by cutting the connections with all those connected to her heart and now Shera's heart can't feel or connect to other hearts. Axuqa also spoke about Shera's plan and pointed out some problems with it but Shera just ignored her words "No matter what i mus....wait, It looks like I won't be needing you anymore Eraqus. It looks like the time is almost upon us" said Shera as she made a hand seal with one hand and all of a sudden Eraqus shattered into tiny pieces as a heart fragment faded away.


Just then both Xehanort's keyblade & Eraqus's keyblade materialized in Shera's hands "I'll show you a secret that no others know...It's something only learned within the Door to Heart, haven't you all wondered why those keyblade weapons are called that...hehe, it's because the X-blade gave the name part 'blade' to those lesser keys as a symbol of its powers. There are 3 other key weapons that no one knows about & all 3 can be gained within the 3 doors but a deep cost will be payed to wield such a weapon. One is within the Door to Light, another is within the Door to Darkness & the other is the one i possess. I will now show you that weapons power" said Shera as she then stabbed herself with both of her friends keyblades. Shera's body was soon swallowed by a bright light, then as the bright light started to fade everyone could now see that Shera's body was not the same as it once was cause now they could see Shera's armour is broken off everywhere except her privates, she's got a long tail, sharp claws instead of her finger nails & toe nails, two little horns coming out from the top sides of her forehead, parts of her body have scales like a dragon, her forehead grew an eye that is coloured yellow (Xehanorts eye), her right eye changed colour to brown (Eraqus's eye) & she's got a strange symbol of a heart with a hole in it on chest were her heart is. Then a strange staff like weapon appeared in her left hand "This key weapon is called the 'Keystaff' (it has 3 kingdom keys fused, the tip is sharp with a key spear look, same for the bottom & it has all the magic spells floating around it in orb form). Shera looked up into the sky and shouted out loud "I have become the Queen of Keys!"

Edited by The Unversed

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Ovan looked at Eraqus, thinking on how to defeat him.  Out of nowhere, Eraqus shattered and faded away.  Ovan thought:  Okay?  and was confused on what occurred.  He looked to his right and saw Shera in her transformed state.  Speechless, he thought:  Sweet Kingdom mother of all hearts.  and starts running towards her.

Edited by Ultimus Grid

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Aexis is a little shocked by Shera's new weapon, but he regains composure and stares at her sternly. He points his Keyblade at her, charging up Light in it. He is about to attack Shera. He then speaks to Shera by saying. "Fine, looks like we have no choice but to put you down... Sensing that fact that your Heart was damaged.." Said Aexis, preparing to attack Shera. Aexis casts a barrage up to thousands of balls of Light at Shera.

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With Xehanort slowly fading away, as a response to him saying that she will fade away, she coldly spoke to the old man. "Beings of heart disgust me, they often go on impulse and never think clearly, especially about what they say. The day I fade away is the moment my HP hits zero, and I'm not letting that happen."


In the mean time, Ray floated outside of the barrier. "This shouldn't have taken so long, it should have been a one-sided match, either way, and a battle normally only takes a little wile in there anyway..." he thought, but as he did so, the Keyblade tornadoes stopped. "This may not be good..." Ray prepared Ultima Weapon, as well as his other two blades just in case Xehanort had won. The barrier shattered, the black fog melting away showing Ziio being the only living creature to exit. Fenrir forcibly left her body and returned to Ray, and Ziio fainted. Ray rushed over and caught the weakened girl from plummeting to the ground. "Honey, are you OK?" He asked his daughter when she came around.


"I'm fine. It just took a lot out of me to do that." She spoke with an exhausted sigh at the end. "Moonbeam is a hard technique on the body sometimes..." She breathed out before falling completely unconscious again.


"You're a tough girl, Ziio... Go ahead and rest for now..." He flew over to the side of the mountain face and created a little cave hole, then used Earth magic to hide her away and made a few holes so she could breath. "You should be safe here till you recover." Ray sighed, eying his daughter through one of the holes. "I'm likely not gonna make it out of this... So you need to live." He flew off to the top, finding Shera in her new attire. "Fancy. But will it hold up to those like us?" Ray said, taking stance.

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(rikunobodyxiii, you just hit the nail on the head. good job)

(Heh, well Shera said she had been eating heart fragments, and that didn't seem like a healthy, well-balanced diet to me. Lol.)"Damn." Axuqa thought, her face blank. "I thought I was getting through to her."She brought her right hand around and slapped the piece of armor on her left arm. In a burst of light, she was once again encased in armor, her cape fluttering behind her. "Shera!" She yelled to the self proclaimed Queen of Keys. "Listen to me. The only thing your plan will accomplish is hurting people like you were hurt. To tear away loved ones and lives, just like what happened to you. Can you really put others through what you did? Even with a damaged heart, you must feel this is wrong."Axuqa closed her right hand around Stormfall's handle as the Keyblade was summoned. "If you keep doing this, we will have to stop you. Just like Xehanort, Eraqus and you would have done in our place. Like you, we are fighting to protect those we love!"The Replica Keyblade Master went into her battle stance, Stormfall held behind her and Star Keeper held perpendicular to her body in front. "Please, don't make me do this." She whispered. Edited by rikunobodyxiii

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Keyblade Graveyard - Mountain Top


Aexis had just shot thousands of light balls at Shera hoping to do some mega damage but as they were getting closer to Shera one of Shera's spell orbs around her Keystaff weapon started to glow and soon all the balls of light faded away as if they were never cast in the first place. Tamara could see that Shera's new weapon's power was not like the other key weapons "Hmm...it looks like her keystaff has other powers, different from the keyblade's powers...I hope we can still pull this off" said Tamara as she readied herself. Soon Axuqa spoke to Shera in hopes she will still stop this crazy plan of hers "..............Heart.............Hurts" said Shera quietly, Shera's face looked motionless for a bit, It's almost like Shera was not herself anymore. Tamara saw the look Shera gave them all "It looks like her heart as become to far for us to reach it now, I'm sorry Axuqa....but I think it's time we finished her off for good....it's for the best" said Tamara with a sad look on her face.


Then Shera's face gave a dagger look at them all, Then said something bone chilling "....All worlds begin in darkness, and all will end. The heart makes no difference. Darkness sprouts within all, it grows, consumes all. Such as it's nature. In the end, everything returns to the darkness whence it came. You see, there is no hope left in this or any world" after that 3 hearts appeared floating around Shera's back, one was a heart of darkness, another was a heart of light & the last was a heart that was half broken. Tamara ran towards Shera with her katana blade in hand but as Tamara got closer to Shera once again her keystaff had an orb glowing and soon Tamara felt her energy fading away as well as her body "No..not yet" said Tamara as she tried even harder to reach Shera, As Tamara just got close enough to reach Shera for an attack. Shera made a swift attack first by sending Tamara's blade flying away and then cutting straight through Tamara's body, cutting her in half. Tamara was now on the ground and starting to fade as it looks like her energy to remain in this world had run out. (This is it...the end of all hope begins with Tamara dying...I need a moment here........)

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Keyblade Graveyard - Mountain Top Aexis had just shot thousands of light balls at Shera hoping to do some mega damage but as they were getting closer to Shera one of Shera's spell orbs around her Keystaff weapon started to glow and soon all the balls of light faded away as if they were never cast in the first place. Tamara could see that Shera's new weapon's power was not like the other key weapons "Hmm...it looks like her keystaff has other powers, different from the keyblade's powers...I hope we can still pull this off" said Tamara as she readied herself. Soon Axuqa spoke to Shera in hopes she will still stop this crazy plan of hers "..............Heart.............Hurts" said Shera quietly, Shera's face looked motionless for a bit, It's almost like Shera was not herself anymore. Tamara saw the look Shera gave them all "It looks like her heart as become to far for us to reach it now, I'm sorry Axuqa....but I think it's time we finished her off for good....it's for the best" said Tamara with a sad look on her face. Then Shera's face gave a dagger look at them all, Then said something bone chilling "....All worlds begin in darkness, and all will end. The heart makes no difference. Darkness sprouts within all, it grows, consumes all. Such as it's nature. In the end, everything returns to the darkness whence it came. You see, there is no hope left in this or any world" after that 3 hearts appeared floating around Shera's back, one was a heart of darkness, another was a heart of light & the last was a heart that was half broken. Tamara ran towards Shera with her katana blade in hand but as Tamara got closer to Shera once again her keystaff had an orb glowing and soon Tamara felt her energy fading away as well as her body "No..not yet" said Tamara as she tried even harder to reach Shera, As Tamara just got close enough to reach Shera for an attack. Shera made a swift attack first by sending Tamara's blade flying away and then cutting straight through Tamara's body, cutting her in half. Tamara was now on the ground and starting to fade as it looks like her energy to remain in this world had run out. (This is it...the end of all hope begins with Tamara dying...I need a moment here........)

"Hey, Narrator dude. You say all hope's gone? I'm not gonna just lay down my weapons because someone else fell! I'll fight harder! I won't stop till either we win or I die, and I won't let myself go just yet!" Ray said to the narrator mentally. "I won't ever stop, and so long as I draw breath, I won't give in." Ray said to himself again, obviously somewhat self-aware at this point... Or is he? "I don't know if your actually there, but I feel that it must be said, for my own mental stability." Ray sent away the Keyblades on his person, knowing weapons like that wouldn't be useful on someone like Shera. "Impulse, rage, need, things that stole away your heart. You are no more than a beast, a creature like a Nobody or a Heartless. I'm happy to tell you that I'll be killin' you today."Ray said to Shera.

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Ovan chuckles after hearing what Shera said.  Shaking his head in disappointment, he replies: "I can't help but find it funny on what you just said.  That little speech was similar to a certain somebody's heartless spoke a long time ago.  I also find it sad on you turned up now.  Wish things wouldn't have come to this, but there's no point in trying to persuade you to stop.  So better get to it."


Ovan launches out a Megaflare, followed by a flurry of bullets from his gunblade and firagas'.

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Axuqa screamed her pain as she watched Tamara fading away. Then, under her helmet, her face went deathly calm.

"Looks like there is only one peace left for you to feel." She said to Shera,her voice ice. "And so you will end."

The Replica Keyblade master charged forward, her two Keyblades blurring as they sliced and struck at Shera.

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Witnessing Master Eraqus shatter before his very eyes, Four immediately recovered from his swift aerial attack, sliding on the ground as he positioned himself to assist Axqua. He decided to play it safe, using his arrow-rifle to take shots from a distance and trying his best to nail Shera. Hearing Axqua's scream as Tamera was critically injured, Four went into overdrive as he immediately ran up to her side, trying his best to brink back Tamera from her critically injured state.His healing effect in full force, he called upon his Lingering Will's specialization as a barrier shield formed around him. Taking long, controlled breaths, he channeled his healing magic onto the girl in his hands, doing his best to bring her back to a stable condition. 

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Keyblade Graveyard - Mountain Top


Ray stood there saying that Shera had become a creature just like a Nobody or a Heartless & this was true (Crona, your corrected, nice guess there haha). Ovan then decided to act second by launching out a megaflare attack, followed by a flurry of bullets from his gunblade & firaga's, They headed towards Shera but as they got closer to her Shera's Keystaff had an orb glowing around it just like before. Then all Ovan's attacks started to disappear, but the bullets had just managed to hit her body, but as they hit her, the bullets couldn't penetrate her body's skin, instead they just bounced off of her body like they were harmless. Soon after that Axuqa was saddened by Tamara's fall to Shera and Axuqa charged at Shera striking her body hard with her two keyblade weapons. Axuqa got a shock to see that Shera was still standing, Shera didn't even flinch from her attack, but was the most shocking is that Shera's body wasn't even phased, no scratch, no harm, nothing. Shera then grabbed Axuqa by the neck lifted her up "Axu....qa" said Shera with a cold look in her eyes, Shera then threw Axuqa aside, sending Axuqa tumbling along the ground, Shera's Keystaff had 2 orbs glowing around it now.


Meanwhile Four had tried to shoot Shera from a distance but he's attacks just kept on vanishing like everyone else's attacks, Four soon ran over to Tamara to trying and save her with his healing magic but Tamara quickly grabbed his hands and said "NO...don't waist your magic on me Four, You must save your strength to defeat Shera....I..I am of no use to anyone now, But my light still lingers on in the hearts of those with my will & I died on the battlefield a while back anyway remember? ha...ha..haaa. My time has come...I will see the light shine brighter within the eyes of Lynn. Please...please tell her that i love her Four..." and with that said Tamara had a tear run down her face as she then faded away into nothingness. Tamara's katana blade was soon coming down form the sky falling off the mountain top, but was grabbed by someone that was continuing to walk up to the top.    

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Keyblade Graveyard - Mountain TopRay stood there saying that Shera had become a creature just like a Nobody or a Heartless & this was true (Crona, your corrected, nice guess there haha). Ovan then decided to act second by launching out a megaflare attack, followed by a flurry of bullets from his gunblade & firaga's, They headed towards Shera but as they got closer to her Shera's Keystaff had an orb glowing around it just like before. Then all Ovan's attacks started to disappear, but the bullets had just managed to hit her body, but as they hit her, the bullets couldn't penetrate her body's skin, instead they just bounced off of her body like they were harmless. Soon after that Axuqa was saddened by Tamara's fall to Shera and Axuqa charged at Shera striking her body hard with her two keyblade weapons. Axuqa got a shock to see that Shera was still standing, Shera didn't even flinch from her attack, but was the most shocking is that Shera's body wasn't even phased, no scratch, no harm, nothing. Shera then grabbed Axuqa by the neck lifted her up "Axu....qa" said Shera with a cold look in her eyes, Shera then threw Axuqa aside, sending Axuqa tumbling along the ground, Shera's Keystaff had 2 orbs glowing around it now.Meanwhile Four had tried to shoot Shera from a distance but he's attacks just kept on vanishing like everyone else's attacks, Four soon ran over to Tamara to trying and save her with his healing magic but Tamara quickly grabbed his hands and said "NO...don't waist your magic on me Four, You must save your strength to defeat Shera....I..I am of no use to anyone now, But my light still lingers on in the hearts of those with my will & I died on the battlefield a while back anyway remember? ha...ha..haaa. My time has come...I will see the light shine brighter within the eyes of Lynn. Please...please tell her that i love her Four..." and with that said Tamara had a tear run down her face as she then faded away into nothingness. Tamara's katana blade was soon coming down form the sky falling off the mountain top, but was grabbed by someone that was continuing to walk up to the top.

"Those orbs.... They gotta be able to absorb magic... Well, time to break them!" Ray ran at Shera, and threw a false swipe at Shera's head to distract her and instead struck the orb that absorbed the Mega Flare and Firaga's.

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Ovan crossed his arms and thought:  Shoot.  None of those spells and bullets managed to injure her.  Although I should've expected that.  I wonder what Shera is planning to do with those orbs.  I think Ray has the right idea of removing the orbs, so I should probably assist.  Ovan charges at the other orb . 


(I got nothing else for now.)

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Axuqa twisted in midair from Shera's throw, managing to land in a crouch, with her left hand, holding Star Seeker, on the ground for support. When she had stopped sliding, she looked up and studied Shera's movements and abilities. Conventional methods didn't seem to be doing anything to the mutated Shera. But something meant for the heart might have an effect. Xemnas had left enough knowledge in her head to know a think or two about hearts, up first she needed time.

Summoning up a little power she had left, she called out to some of the Nobodies under her command. Her call was answered by three Samurai and two Beserkers.

"Distract her." She ordered.

Without a word, the five nobodies followed their mistress's command and charged at Shera. Axuqa hated using the Nobodies like that, but she didn't have a lot of options with her mana being so low.

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Aexis points his Keyblade at Shera, charging it with Light. He is planning to attack her right now. He doesn't want to waste time in the battle. He then speaks to Shera by saying. "You may not be able to understand what you've become with your broken Heart, but I'll make your rest, quick and easy.." Said Aexis, preparing to attack Shera. Aexis then fires a big beam of Light from his Keyblade right at Shera's chest.

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Keyblade Graveyard - Mountain Top


Ray had managed to figure out one of the secret powers of the Keystaff weapon and tried to destroy one of the orbs by first making a false swipe attack at Shera's head to distract her. But instead Ray struck an orb that floated around the Keystaff, But to Ray's surprise his attack had not destroyed the orb & the orb had a little strong dark flowing reflect spell around it, protecting it. Just in Ray's sight of vision he could see that Shera's 3rd eye (Xehanort's eye) was looking at him, but her other eyes had been distracted for just a second before quickly looking at Ray (It looks like Shera's 3rd eye is not just any normal eye after all...I think it has something to do with that reflect spell that was casted). Shera then quickly sent Ray flying with an Aeroga spell that was casted from an orb near Ray's hip "So you managed to fingure out that these orbs are not just for show...hehe, you still won't be able to take me down knowing just a little bit of information. MAHAHAHA!" said Shera with a cold laugh.


Ovan made a charge at another orb, Shera saw him coming at her "The same trick won't work on me again" said Shera as she held her Keystaff pointing it at the sky, Then all the orbs around the Keystaff scattered from the Keystaff weapon, floating around everywhere "Now you'll have to watch me & the orbs for an attack, But which of us is more of a threat" said Shera mocking her opponents. Meanwhile Axuqa had summoned 5 nobodies, 3 were samurai's & the other 2 were beserkers. Axuqa had ordered the nobodies to distract Shera, the nobodies charged at Shera "You think these creatures have any chance against me" said Shera as she started to charge at the nobodies, Shera was violently shredding apart the nobodies Axuqa summoned, it didn't seem that the nobodies would last much longer.


But while Shera was busy killing off the nobodies, Aexis had charged up powers of light into a big beam of light that headed straight for Shera's chest were her strange heart symbol is. But just as it was about to hit Shera's chest, Shera looked at the beam of light with her right eye (Eraqus's eye) and all of a sudden the beam of light changed it's course and headed towards Axuqa (Holy mother! Shera's right eye has something weird happening with it too). As the battle was getting harder a strange straight light started to glow and expand near the other two opened doors in the far distance "Is it finally happening?..the door to Heart has started to open" said Shera with a surprised look on her face. Just then the person that has been slowly walking up the mountain to reach the top had finally made it, It was Lynn and she had Tamara's katana blade in her hands, along with her left eye a glow with a dark purple aura "Y..you hurt my mummy, didn't you...you big MEANY!!!!" yelled Lynn in anger as a dark green aura started to glow around her body along with the dirt under her feet starting to rise up. (HOLY MOLY! Lynn is back and she doesn't look to happy. I wonder whats gonna happen next...lets watch and find out) 

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Four was oddly calm and collected as Tamera faded from his arms. "May you forever rest..... In peaceful slumber" He whispered as he stood back up, latching his arrow-rifle onto his back and pulling out his keyblade. He ran towards Axqua, focused instead on winning the battle and relaying her last words to Lynn.

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Ovan thinks:  Nuts.  and jumps back as far as he can.  Assessing the situation, he thinks:  Well this is annoying.  Each eye on Shera has a different property/ability.  Gonna have to find some way to blind or remove them.  Then there are the orbs.  They're quite a nuisance as well.  Ovan looks out and sees Lynn off in the distance.  Concerned, he thinks:  Tamara's daughter is up and she doesn't look so calm.  And her left eye is still that dark purple.  Is some part of Valter still alive in Lynn?

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Axuqa brought her Keyblades together in a X pattern before her and blocked the incoming beam of Light. The force of the beam pushed her back slightly, but no damage was done. She uncrossed her blades and studied Shera's abilities and tactics. An idea occurred to her.

"She's able to turn back our attacks when she sees them coming." She thought.

She turned her head to see Four coming up.

"Four!" She called out. "We need to keep her vision divided. Move erratically and keep firing at her."

Axuqa started running herself around Shera, using some of the mana she had left to shot low level ice spells at Shera. Those Nobodies that were still alive from Shera's attack disappeared, to be replaced by Snipers and Sorcerers, who moved about and took long range shots of opportunity, never staying in the same location for long, like Axuqa.

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Axuqa brought her Keyblades together in a X pattern before her and blocked the incoming beam of Light. The force of the beam pushed her back slightly, but no damage was done. She uncrossed her blades and studied Shera's abilities and tactics. An idea occurred to her."She's able to turn back our attacks when she sees them coming." She thought.She turned her head to see Four coming up."Four!" She called out. "We need to keep her vision divided. Move erratically and keep firing at her."Axuqa started running herself around Shera, using some of the mana she had left to shot low level ice spells at Shera. Those Nobodies that were still alive from Shera's attack disappeared, to be replaced by Snipers and Sorcerers, who moved about and took long range shots of opportunity, never staying in the same location for long, like Axuqa.

Upon receiving the new information, Four smirked. "Distract her huh? Can do." he remarked to himself as he quickly turned his keyblade against himself, going back to his Guardian form. As he turned into the Lingering Shielder with the Sentinel and Striker besides him, they quickly formed a strategy. 


Shielder to Sentinel. Go at her head on, show and steady, grab her focus. Striker, go special away from us both. I'll assist in distraction.

Sentinel, understood.

Striker, affirmative.


The Shielder quickly bolted away from the Sentinel, running off to the right in a wide circle as the Striker went left. The Sentinel with his keyblade wings and dual keyblades summoned, slowly and almost menacingly walked towards Shera, his keyblade wings flared and to his sides, ready to block any incoming attack from the enemy. The Striker was in position slightly behind Shera, aggressively leaning forward and staying low to the ground as he awaited for the perfect moment to strike. The Shielder was also slightly behind her on the opposite side, readying his arrow-rifle to take a shot at her.

Edited by Javelin434

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Keyblade Graveyard - Mountain TopRay had managed to figure out one of the secret powers of the Keystaff weapon and tried to destroy one of the orbs by first making a false swipe attack at Shera's head to distract her. But instead Ray struck an orb that floated around the Keystaff, But to Ray's surprise his attack had not destroyed the orb & the orb had a little strong dark flowing reflect spell around it, protecting it. Just in Ray's sight of vision he could see that Shera's 3rd eye (Xehanort's eye) was looking at him, but her other eyes had been distracted for just a second before quickly looking at Ray (It looks like Shera's 3rd eye is not just any normal eye after all...I think it has something to do with that reflect spell that was casted). Shera then quickly sent Ray flying with an Aeroga spell that was casted from an orb near Ray's hip "So you managed to fingure out that these orbs are not just for show...hehe, you still won't be able to take me down knowing just a little bit of information. MAHAHAHA!" said Shera with a cold laugh.Ovan made a charge at another orb, Shera saw him coming at her "The same trick won't work on me again" said Shera as she held her Keystaff pointing it at the sky, Then all the orbs around the Keystaff scattered from the Keystaff weapon, floating around everywhere "Now you'll have to watch me & the orbs for an attack, But which of us is more of a threat" said Shera mocking her opponents. Meanwhile Axuqa had summoned 5 nobodies, 3 were samurai's & the other 2 were beserkers. Axuqa had ordered the nobodies to distract Shera, the nobodies charged at Shera "You think these creatures have any chance against me" said Shera as she started to charge at the nobodies, Shera was violently shredding apart the nobodies Axuqa summoned, it didn't seem that the nobodies would last much longer.But while Shera was busy killing off the nobodies, Aexis had charged up powers of light into a big beam of light that headed straight for Shera's chest were her strange heart symbol is. But just as it was about to hit Shera's chest, Shera looked at the beam of light with her right eye (Eraqus's eye) and all of a sudden the beam of light changed it's course and headed towards Axuqa (Holy mother! Shera's right eye has something weird happening with it too). As the battle was getting harder a strange straight light started to glow and expand near the other two opened doors in the far distance "Is it finally happening?..the door to Heart has started to open" said Shera with a surprised look on her face. Just then the person that has been slowly walking up the mountain to reach the top had finally made it, It was Lynn and she had Tamara's katana blade in her hands, along with her left eye a glow with a dark purple aura "Y..you hurt my mummy, didn't you...you big MEANY!!!!" yelled Lynn in anger as a dark green aura started to glow around her body along with the dirt under her feet starting to rise up. (HOLY MOLY! Lynn is back and she doesn't look to happy. I wonder whats gonna happen next...lets watch and find out)

"Come on. You can do better, can't 'cha?" Ray quickly recovered. "Analyze battle data.... The brown-gold eye can cast magic fast, the blue one can assess for phisical... The one that shares Shera's eye color has no decerned power as of yet. Plans of action.... Break through the Barrier Spell... But I need more power for that. I'm not ready for full power mode yet, and I can't use Keyblade armor... I left Moon with Ziio, just in case... Well, looks like I've got to pull out my last weapon." Ray opened the menu, going through his item, he retrieved, first, a silverish small bamboo stick, and placed it in his mouth, then he got to his weapon section. "Never thought I's bust this one out again... Well... Here we go... Password: Dire 556787892. Access granted... Exeede Blade: Racilbul... Time for the final stage."The ground around Ray glowed until a handle, embossed with careful designs of vines in its leather and a black blade with a guard shaped like half a octagon had been hollowed and used, it was jet black and had red oval shaped jewels engrusted into it, as well as on the square base of the handle. As Ray drew the blade from the ground, it formed as well. It was a black and dark grey mixture on the blade, and had runes carved into it, the blade starting thicker at the bottom, and thinning out near the end, which became a spade-shape. "Time... To fight!" He flipped Grand Tear and Void's End into the air, and transformed into his Grey form. He then took Racilbul, and managed to split it onto two seprate blades. "I'm barely running twenty-five percent... I need to at least hit fifty, think you can handle that kind of boost after so long?" He spoke to the blade, and the runes glowed. "Well, let's do this then!" Ray rushed up to the orb again, but this time approached the differently by casting a large smoke field and afterimages of himself to distrach Shera, and then began dealing combos to the orb. "Now, don't get too carryed away, if we do we'll end up in trouble." Ray thinks, the blade glowed its runes again in responce, but this time, the glow was dull and drearry.

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Keyblade Graveyard - Mountain Top


Ovan was assessing the situation with Shera's powers, along with her Keystaff's orbs flying everywhere and when Ovan see's Lynn in the distance he believes that Lynn's left eye may hold a part of Valter still within her body, And Ovan was right. Lynn's left eye holds powers of Valter within her, while Tamara's Katana blade was now in Lynn's hands, in a sense, Lynn had been given a gift from both her parents (Lynn's only inheritance...sad isn't it?). Meanwhile Axuqa got Four to help distract Shera's eye's, first Axuqa started off by running around Shera and shooting low ice spells at her. Axuqa's ice spells were hitting Shera's body but they didn't do any damage to her, not even a scratch. But Axuqa's remaining nobodies soon turned into different nobodies and also started to shoot spells at shera "This is getting annoying, I will finish you! ALL OF YOU!!" said Shera in a strong tone of voice. But just then Four had transformed into his Guardian form to help out, Four's Striker readying behind Shera waiting for a moment to attack while Four's Shielder was also behind Shera readying to attack. While Four's Sentinel walked towards Shera with his keyblades at the ready. Just then the orbs from Shera's Keystaff started to attack all 3 of Four's, along with Axuqa & Aexis, the orbs were attacking fast and moving in a similar pattern to the nobodies that Axuqa summoned shooting out magic spells like fire, thunder, blizzard etc...


Meanwhile Ray had analyzed that Shera's yellow eye (Xehanort's eye) on her forehead had powers of dark reflect & that this eye doesn't close for any distraction, while Shera's brown right eye (Eraqus's eye) has powers that can control others attacks by redirecting them. But Ray got no info on Shera's left eye which didn't change after her transformation, Ray soon transformed himself into his Grey form. Ray was thinking much clearer this time and quickly made a smoke screen along with afterimages to try and further distract Shera's eyes, Ray then begun attacking the an orb with combo's but Shera's forehead eye saw every attack Ray made even within the smoke screen. The orb was still being protected by Shera's yellow eye.


But thanks to Axuqa, Four & Ray's help with their distractions Lynn had time to appeared from the sky coming down towards Shera's back and went for a stab in Shera's strange heat symbol hoping it was Shera's weak spot. But Shera just saw Lynn within her vision and slowly dodged her attack, Instead Lynn just managed to hit one of the hearts that was floating around Shera's back before Lynn hit the ground "NOOO!!!" shouted Shera has her forehead eye (Xehanort's eye) slowly closed up "Darn you little kid!" said Shera as she grabbed Lynn lifting her up off the ground by her clothing "You just destroyed my heart of darkness...But I still need you so..." said Shera as she threw Lynn behind her only to be grabbed by Shera's tail which is tightly holding her "AHHH!! Help me anyone!" screamed Lynn as she was in pain from how tight Shera's tail was holding her, this made Lynn unable to do anything to help out. Without Shera's forehead eye she couldn't protect the orbs from anyone's attacks now, which Ray soon found out as one of his attacks finally broke through the dark reflect destroying the first orb.            

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Keyblade Graveyard - Mountain TopOvan was assessing the situation with Shera's powers, along with her Keystaff's orbs flying everywhere and when Ovan see's Lynn in the distance he believes that Lynn's left eye may hold a part of Valter still within her body, And Ovan was right. Lynn's left eye holds powers of Valter within her, while Tamara's Katana blade was now in Lynn's hands, in a sense, Lynn had been given a gift from both her parents (Lynn's only inheritance...sad isn't it?). Meanwhile Axuqa got Four to help distract Shera's eye's, first Axuqa started off by running around Shera and shooting low ice spells at her. Axuqa's ice spells were hitting Shera's body but they didn't do any damage to her, not even a scratch. But Axuqa's remaining nobodies soon turned into different nobodies and also started to shoot spells at shera "This is getting annoying, I will finish you! ALL OF YOU!!" said Shera in a strong tone of voice. But just then Four had transformed into his Guardian form to help out, Four's Striker readying behind Shera waiting for a moment to attack while Four's Shielder was also behind Shera readying to attack. While Four's Sentinel walked towards Shera with his keyblades at the ready. Just then the orbs from Shera's Keystaff started to attack all 3 of Four's, along with Axuqa & Aexis, the orbs were attacking fast and moving in a similar pattern to the nobodies that Axuqa summoned shooting out magic spells like fire, thunder, blizzard etc...Meanwhile Ray had analyzed that Shera's yellow eye (Xehanort's eye) on her forehead had powers of dark reflect & that this eye doesn't close for any distraction, while Shera's brown right eye (Eraqus's eye) has powers that can control others attacks by redirecting them. But Ray got no info on Shera's left eye which didn't change after her transformation, Ray soon transformed himself into his Grey form. Ray was thinking much clearer this time and quickly made a smoke screen along with afterimages to try and further distract Shera's eyes, Ray then begun attacking the an orb with combo's but Shera's forehead eye saw every attack Ray made even within the smoke screen. The orb was still being protected by Shera's yellow eye.But thanks to Axuqa, Four & Ray's help with their distractions Lynn had time to appeared from the sky coming down towards Shera's back and went for a stab in Shera's strange heat symbol hoping it was Shera's weak spot. But Shera just saw Lynn within her vision and slowly dodged her attack, Instead Lynn just managed to hit one of the hearts that was floating around Shera's back before Lynn hit the ground "NOOO!!!" shouted Shera has her forehead eye (Xehanort's eye) slowly closed up "Darn you little kid!" said Shera as she grabbed Lynn lifting her up off the ground by her clothing "You just destroyed my heart of darkness...But I still need you so..." said Shera as she threw Lynn behind her only to be grabbed by Shera's tail which is tightly holding her "AHHH!! Help me anyone!" screamed Lynn as she was in pain from how tight Shera's tail was holding her, this made Lynn unable to do anything to help out. Without Shera's forehead eye she couldn't protect the orbs from anyone's attacks now, which Ray soon found out as one of his attacks finally broke through the dark reflect destroying the first orb.

"Okay, orb gone. Now for the three over there... Seeing a something happened to one of the hearts around her, and the blow was actually dealt...(although there are reasons for his sun glasses...) Okay, onto the next three, seeing that there attacking the tripod and I should help..." Ray thought, as the smoke cleared out. His afterimages remained, but they all had a little something different added to them, as with the original: the handle had started to grow around Ray's hand. "Okay, no time to waste!" He thought, before rushing off to the next orbs by Four. First he struck down the thunder-shooting orb, giving it a strait cut through, he handled the first well. Blizzard and Fire were far more difficult, having to take several shots at it, as well as the magic attacks, but he managed to strike through those two.

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