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The Unversed

Kingdom Hearts: Worlds at War (RP)

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Darkness looks on at Kai, and sighs. He doesn't like being bossed around by people of the Light, as it enrages him to the core. He walks over to Kai's group, and folds his arms. He then speaks to the group, by saying. "Let's all get a move on..." Said Darkness, trying to get his group to go to the assigned world.

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Ovan:  "Uh sure Heart" I said a little bit confused.  Before stepping through, I heard Evocus say:  "Hold it Ovan!" in a very angry manner.  Crossing my arms, I say:  "You guys go on to Land of Departure.  I'll catch up soon."

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"We will. Just be patient." Kai's eyes turned icey when he turned to face Darkness. "I'd suggest you watch your mouth but of course you probably won't. Here's what I'll instead. You do anything stupid and I'll kick your ass to Kingdom Hearts before tossing you into The Realm of Darkness." Clenching his fist before holding out his hand. "This ought a be enough..." The Light Corridor opened instantly while he glared at Darkness.


"Fine with me then." Staring at Ovan for a second longer. "Have fun, Ovan." Turning on his heel before running into the Light Corridor as it bath his body in Light. Hopefully this would end well.

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Darkness just shrugs of what Kai just said to him. He doesn't seem to care at all about it. He walks off into Kai's Light Corridor, with a stern look on his face. He then thinks to himself mentally, with the following words. "These pathetic fools, they shall not be powerful enough to beat me, the very image and personification of Darkness and Pure Evil itself...." Thought Darkness, about himself.

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Ovan:  I turned around to see he was coming.  Evocus stopped as he was right in front of me.  My arms crossed, I say:  "Well hey there Evocus.  What do you want with me?"


Evocus:  "First of all, I perfer you just call me 'Evo'.  Second of all, I want to finish the match we had earlier, if it's too much trouble."


Ovan:  "I'm not sure.  I should be at my post at my given world.  Besides, don't you have to be with your team?"


Evocus:  "They can wait.  Come on and lets go.  It will only take 5 minutes.  Or are you afraid of losing?"


Ovan:  "I'm not afraid of anyone or anything.  And what did you mean by 'It will only take 5 minutes'?"


Evocus:  "Oh that's just how long we will go at it and I want to spend.  So, what will it be Ovan?"

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As a demonstration, three Keyblades burst to life, one in her hands and two held telekineticly behind her back.

"Two Become One and Stormfall. Xion and Namine. Their power helps me, as well as their experience and hearts."

She grinned. "You could say three hearts fight as one."

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(Then you reach your world, you will have a camp there waiting for you as well as an army of normal wielders of light (a bunch of useless people ready to fight with you) and the commanders get the biggest tents, while everyone else gets normal sized tents and in those tents you'll have your beds, foods, drinks, equipment and weapons)


(Their will be a 'calm before the storm' moment. When you reach your world.)

Edited by The Unversed

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The Replica studied the blades for a moment, then nodded her approval.

"Good. That should definitely be useful."

She looked at each of her teammates in turn.

"Since we seem to be here, shall we go?"



Max made it out of the portal. He shook himself and nodded.

"Not too bumpy." he said. "Not a bad ride."

His eyes narrowed a little as he looked over the camp. After a few seconds, he straigntened up and gave a whistle.

"Wow, I'm impressed we got so many volunteers."

Edited by rikunobodyxiii

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Valter quickly went through the portal and come out the other side to find everything a person needs to manage an army to fight the Dark ones.


Tamara then showed up next to Evocus and grabed his hand and said to him "STOP THIS AT ONCE EVOCUS!. You know better than that after I said there was to be no fighting here. Now that i have you, We must be off to our world to defend it NOW!. She then opened up a light portal for them to go through. Tamara waited for Evocus to go through the portal first before she and her daughter did. 

Edited by The Unversed

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Darkness arrives to Olympus Colosseum with the rest of his group. He looks around the world, with a stern look on his face. He begins walking towards the gate ot the Underworld. He then speaks to his "Comrades", by saying "I'll be right back, I'm going to explore..." Said Darkness, as he goes off into the Underworld.

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Ovan:  Chuckling, I say:  "Well Evo, I guess we won't have it, not that I don't mind.  See ya."  I walk through the light corridor.


Evocus:  I shout:  "Ovan, get back here!!".  But he was already gone.  Growling, I shrugged of Tamaras' grip and said:  "FINE!  Lets just go!" as I stomped through the light portal.  While moving, I thought:  You got lucky Ovan.  The next time we meet, I WILL have my fight with you!

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"We're here" Kiru looked back at the others and stepped out of the corridor behind Max

"I have not been here in awhile" she stepped to the side out the way of the corridor entrance letting the others out and looked at the others pulling off her hood

Edited by X-Blade_Wielder

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Ray stepped through to the bright place. "Sunny, I might just stay and get a tan when our assignment is over." Ray looked over and found his tent. "I guess, since Kiru is the leader, she gets the biggest tent, but still, all the furnishings for it must have cut the war budget a bit." He walked in to see his old friend: A bed. "Man, I need a nap." He plopped down and fell instantly asleep.

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"Yeah, I'm a nobody. Is there a problem? I'm not affiliated in anyway with the organization, I hate them just as much as you do mate." Embrex said in reply, perplexed. This Heart seemed like a nice enough guy, but with a problem with nobodies. She shrugged it off for now, and followed Heart into the light portal.

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Silver sighed. Jade had yet to reply; probably lost in her own world again.

"Alright. Well, let's do this. I don't normally likje being the leader-- but let's do this anyways." Silver announced, rising from his chair.

At full height, despite the fact he was of average height, he seemed to be a rather imposing figure; with his black garments and two blades strapped to his back, along with a golden visor hanging from his belt.

"We're going to The End of The World. Is everyone ready?"

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  On 4/14/2013 at 11:00 PM, rikunobodyxiii said:

"Yes." Axuqa answered. "I was created during the time of the Organization."She looked over at Silver."Silver Kuroi. Sorry for missing you."



  On 4/15/2013 at 12:24 AM, Oathkeeper136 said:

As a demonstration, three Keyblades burst to life, one in her hands and two held telekineticly behind her back.

"Two Become One and Stormfall. Xion and Namine. Their power helps me, as well as their experience and hearts."

She grinned. "You could say three hearts fight as one."



  On 4/15/2013 at 12:35 AM, rikunobodyxiii said:

{Axuqa}The Replica studied the blades for a moment, then nodded her approval."Good. That should definitely be useful."She looked at each of her teammates in turn."Since we seem to be here, shall we go?"

Vexen's dossier didn't mention about another sucessful experiment. Then again, Kai showed me that there were TEN other experiments that weren't on record. How many did that guy make?


"Depends if our 'commander' here is gonna let us." he said towards Axqua while nodding at Silver. He noticed that the other groups were already being dispatched to their assigned worlds. Most of them were using portals. "I hope we won't be using those portals to go to our assigned worlds. It's gonna feel weird not using my gummi ship to travel to other worlds. But... she'll be safer here." he whispered to himself as he placed his helmet back on. "Hey, Silver. We're being deployed. You gonna take charge or just sit there?"


"Alright. Well, let's do this. I don't normally likje being the leader-- but let's do this anyways. We're going to The End of The World. Is everyone ready?"


"Affirmative." Was Four's reply. He opened his short range wrist communicator, ready to tell Victoria to get the ship dispatched to The World That Never Was in case his group decides to use a light portal.

Edited by Javelin434

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Ovan:  I made it through the other side of the corridor and found myself in a camp with various keyblade wielders.  I looked around to see many supplies and tents, one of them being the largest.  Rubbing my chin, I say:  "The largest tent has to be mine, since I'm commander and all.  Hm."  Evocus seemed pretty angry for not being able to fight me.  I shouldn't worry about it, for time to explore the camp.

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Kiru walked over to the biggest tent "I guess this ones mines then" she went inside and instantly ran over to the food and stuffed her mouth with some "This place is perfect!" after stuffing her mouth with food, she plopped down on her bed.

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Max laughed just from hearing what was happening in Kiru's tent.

"Well, at least they're comfortable." he commented, heading over to one of the smaller tents.

He looked at a few of them, picked one closer to the commander's tent and claimed it. He went inside, pleased to see that, while not a grand suit, it was homey and comfortable. It actually reminded him of some of the trips he had gone with his Dad. They were usually all over the place, fighting off some form of darkness or another, but no matter what, they saw it through.

Max sat on the edge of his new cot, his face going somber. He pushed some useless guessing aside and set about getting some work done.

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Kiru decided to walk around the camp "Its so sunny and bright, reminds me of how the Island use to be"

She walked around seeing people talking and doing whatever they we doing.


"Hey your a pretty little lady, whats your name?" a boy asked

"None of your business..." is all Kiru said and folded her arms

"Excuse me? no one talks to me like that lady"

"Well I believe I just did, your not gonna do anything about it so I suggest you go sit down somewhere" she smirked "Before you get on my nerves"

"Why you" The boy lifted his fist up and was about to land a hit on her face but she calmly put her hand in the way of his hand and grabbed his fist then his collar

"You know I told you to sit down now didnt I?" Kiru kicked him in his stomach sending him flying back into a wall.

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  On 4/15/2013 at 12:50 AM, Tom13 said:

Darkness arrives to Olympus Colosseum with the rest of his group. He looks around the world, with a stern look on his face. He begins walking towards the gate ot the Underworld. He then speaks to his "Comrades", by saying "I'll be right back, I'm going to explore..." Said Darkness, as he goes off into the Underworld.



  On 4/15/2013 at 12:51 AM, Ultimus Grid said:

Ovan:  Chuckling, I say:  "Well Evo, I guess we won't have it, not that I don't mind.  See ya."  I walk through the light corridor.


Evocus:  I shout:  "Ovan, get back here!!".  But he was already gone.  Growling, I shrugged of Tamaras' grip and said:  "FINE!  Lets just go!" as I stomped through the light portal.  While moving, I thought:  You got lucky Ovan.  The next time we meet, I WILL have my fight with you!



A Strange Tale

(Secret story: part 2)


Yen sid looked at the 3 new wielders that came to train to become a Keyblade master and he thought he'd try and get to know them better as he will be grading them for the mark along with 2 other Keyblade masters. The 1st kid Yen sid spoke to was none other than Xehanort himself, Xehanort was 12 years of age and quite tall for his age. Yen sid could tell just by looking at him that Xehanort's heart was the type to wonder into the unknown, To seek what's not to be seeked. Then Yen sid walked up to him as he was staring into the sky, Xehanort looks as if he was thinking about something. Yen sid asked him "So my boy, Tell me. What's the most important thing to you in this world?. Xehanort turned his head to face Yen sid and said "It's to discover the truth about the heart". Yen sid asked "why is that important to you?" Xehanort looked back at the sky and said "It's because I believe we can achieve something big that will end this stupid war, if we can somehow unlock it's real power. I heard about a legend on this thing called Kingdom Hearts, If I may Master Yen sid can I go to the Library to read about it?" Yen sid replied by saying "yes" So Xehanort went to the Library. Yen sid then closed his eyes "hm.... I have a feeling he won't make the mark of master" But what about the other two.



Division 5

"Finally we can go" said Tamara as she and her daughter entered the light portal. But when she come out from the portal it was it was pure hell, The camp grounds where filled with dark wielders attacking everywhere and everyone here, The light warriors where trying to defend the base. Tamara quickly reacted to the situation and took Lynn into the commanders tent "Where did Evocus go? I hope he took cover somewhere". She then tried to communicate to the old man at HQ. She managed to get in contact and she got her orders "OK, understood. Lynn you stay here while I fend off the enemy" said Tamara with a strong look in her eyes. "Uh.. o..ok" said Lynn scared. Tamara then ran out of the tent and started to defend the base.


Division 2

Meanwhile on the world Olympus Coliseum, There was a secret event taking place while Kai was checking out his big commander tent. Darkness had gone to the Underworld place to explore but little did he know he was being followed by Valter and when Darkness seemed like he was alone, Valter finally spoke "Well hello there Darkness, I had this feeling you where looking for someone. Maybe someone who's planing something big, Am I right?" 

Edited by The Unversed

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Darkness turns around to face Valter. He looks at him with a stern look on his face, as ever, He folds his arms, as he continues to stare at him. He then speaks to him, by saying. "Why yes, why are you following me?" Asked Darkness, wanting to know why Valter is following him.

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Silver flicked his wrist, a light portal ripping itself into existence. "Enough waiting-- if you're not ready yet then you should've done while you had the chance. Let's go."He commanded, having grown tired of waiting around when all of the other Divisions essentially left already. He looked to the rest of his Division, nodding to them all. "Well? What are you waiting for?" Silver said, stepping through the portal of light into the End of The World.

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Max finished some work and took in a deep breath. Now, time to get to know the division. He left his tent and wondered around, stopping and talking to a couple of soldiers here and there. As he was walking along, he saw a boy go flying into a wall. Instincts took over and Max summoned the Star Seeker Keyblade, ready for combat. He moved up to see that Kiru was the one who sent the boy flying.

"Oh." he said, dismissing his blade. "Any trouble, Commander?"



Axuqa moved to follow Silver through the Light Portal, but stopped when a Dusk Nobody appeared beside her. It handed her a note and disappeared. She read the note quickly, frowning slightly. When she was done, she used magic fire to burn the note.

Flicking the ashes away, she went through the Portal.

Edited by rikunobodyxiii

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