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Lu Xun

Are you more or less likely to pre-order a game than you were a year ago?

Are you more or less likely to pre-order a game than you were a year ago?  

124 members have voted

  1. 1. Are you more or less likely to pre-order a game than you were a year ago?

    • Less likely... For no special reason, though.
    • About the same.. Pre-ordering just as much (or as a little) as I did last year.
    • More, the pre-order bonuses are really enticing.
    • Much more, there are certain games that look to good to pass up .
    • Can't answer since I hardly ever/never pre-order games..

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'About the same.. Pre-ordering just as much (or as a little) as I did last year.'

Bonuses mean nothing to me in EU. It's NA and JP that get the only half-decent ones unfortunately.


I only know of 3 games I'll be pre-ordering this year. ACNL, KHHD1.5, PokémonX/Y.

Edited by Xalaru

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I hardly pre-order games. Unless there is a discount, which there normally isn't, I don't really bother. Sometimes there are bonuses or extra stuff you get for pre-ordering that has tempted me but I've always question myself do I really need the "bonus" stuff and am I 100% certain I want the game. I guess you can be the first set of people to get the game first if you pre-order. And to add to all that, I rarely buy games. I don't really have a lot, like seriously. 

Edited by Noobles

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Well so far this year I've only pre-ordered the Monster Hunter 3 WiiU bundle and Animal Crossing. I'm sure there are a load of games that I'll eventually pre-order this year again but I did pre-order my fair share of games last year too so I guess it'll be about the same?


Basically if I want a game I'll pre-order it, none of that go in on the day and see if they have a copy stuff.

Edited by KHSoraKeyBlade

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It's simple with me, if I have a load of extra cash I'll pre-order a game simply cause I have the money to buy it there and then and don't need it for anything else, usually I get my games used anyway so i'm waiting a while after it's released.  KH1.5 will be the first game I preordered 

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I've done it more often in the last few months than ever before. Pre-ordered Fire Emblem: Awakening, and now I am pre-ordering Pokemon X. There might be a few more games I'll pre-order this year, just haven't found them yet :P

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I sometimes pre-order games.

Here allways later comes the games , soo I can check the american or japanese gameplays before the european releases.

Now I want pre-order the South Park :3 Disgaea D2, and the Persona 4 :3 --these comes with biiiig goodie bags :D

I never pre-order the kingdom Hearts, because here I can't pre-order. Idiotic game shops.


But sometimes pre-ordering is good . my brother pre-ordered the Assasin's Creed 3, and he get the game in released date. :D That was aaaawesome fast :D, Soo, I pre-order, when I know I get the game in the correct date.

Edited by I♥KH

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