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Dark Memories

The Double Life (RP)

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Tichelli nodded to Kai.

"i need a favor, watch them over please. my plane leaves soon. and i need to get going. would you mid keeping an eye on ALL of them?" he said as he walked over to Amelia. "I am sorry." he said kissing her on the forehead. "i'll be back soon, you needa trust me." Amelia only laughed sarcastically.

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Jason could feel himself getting angry at Tichelli  "You lied to us.  You told us it was a cure so we could be your experiments!   Jason's eyes shifted to his brighter blue like he was about to turn.  He then got in Tichelli's face.   "Why should we trust you?" He said towering over Tichelli.  His eyes then cut to Amelia he seemed a bit shaken up but was slowly recovering from what happened.

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"You would have changed with or without me. Im leaving you all with Kai, he knows more about this than i do. And he can help." Tichelli said as he grabbed a brief case and looked at them all, he sighed. He stepped out of thebdoor.



Amelia didnt even know if she was even mad anymore. More sad then mad was what she felt. She felt a pain in her side from when jason had scratched her and she looked to see how deep the wound was, but it was no longer there.

"Holy crap." she said to herself.

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"Eat something." Kerri instructed Amelia. "Preferrably something with lots of protein. If your body is healing that fast, it must be burning fuel fast."

She nodded towards Jason.

"It wouldn't be a bad idea for you to do the same."

She snorted a laugh.

"If we are now werewolves, I think it would be better to be well feed ones then hungry."

She regarded Kai a moment.

"You been...well, changed, long?"

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Amelia nodded and headed into the kitchen. She cleared the table and put out what all was in her fridge on the table which wasnt much.

"Guess if we all needa eat, we need food first." She said grabbing some food and scarfing it down.

"Kai, he's been coming to my dad for a while now. didnt know he was a werewolf."

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Kerri followed Amelia into the Kitchen. She took careful stock of the food.

"Alright, let's let those who got shot first get the food first." she called back to the others.

She took a deep breath. She had to admit, she was a bit hungry herself, but Amelia, Jason, and possibly Kai needed to get it first. She proped her elbows on the arms of her wheelchair and held her head in her hands.

"Well, I needed a new hobby. Being a werewolf might just be what I was looking for." she said in a dry tone.

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After staring groggily at her foot for a few moments, he looked up at the girl and finally realized why she was so amazed, she was in a wheelchair!!


[Wha..??!!] Dion thought, almost in shock [How can that be???? Is the injection some kind of miracle serum??!!] His mouth was open in amazement.

After a while the others came back in


He could read what Tichelli and the others were saying, but he could hardly believe it


[There's just.. no way.. how can these people be talking about this stuff seriously??]


His face felt hot, and his nausea had just gotten worse


[They're gonna eat?? ] He thought extremely confused as Amelia started clearing the table. At that moment he felt his stomach growl [Ehhh, I'm getting kinda hungry too..]


He remained seated, but continued looking as another joined her in the kitchen. He had a confused and scared look on his face

Edited by Pretium

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"im fine." she said to Jason not even bothering to look at him as she searched around the kitchen.

"Maybe so, Kerri hows your foot holding up?" she said as she took another bite out of her food.

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Kerri lowered her hands and looked at her feet. She seemed to be concentrating on her toes.

"Still no movement." she reported. "But I can tell these socks itch."

She looked at the assembled foot and saw a half empty carton of eggs.

"Anybody want some scrambled eggs?" she asked as she grabbed the carton, placed them in her lap and wheeled over to the stove.

"Where are the pans?"

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Amelia grinned. "Hmm, well they should be here." She said as she stood on her tip toes reaching h the pan in the cabinet. She pulled it out and handed it to Kerri.

"There ya go." she said as crossed her arms.

"i think i'll go to the store and go get some stuff." she said walkinf over to her room.

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Kai nodded at Kerri's question "Yes for quite awhile now"

Kira walked into the kitchen where the others were "Yea so everyone forgets about me" She put thumbs up "Thats just real nice" she said sarcastically and shook her head.

Kai looked over at Kira with a grin "Hey, im Kai and you are?" He said bowing

"Im Kira, nice to meet you" she felt over to the counter and sat there.


"So how long have you all been like this? you know" Kai asked looking at everyone in the kitchen

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Kerri took the pan with a "Thank you" and started pulling some more ingredients for scrambled eggs.

"You gonna be okay?" she asked Amelia over her shoulder as she started to up the stove.

She shrugged to Kai's question.

"I figured it was only a matter of time for me. Apparently that time had already past."

Edited by rikunobodyxiii

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"Yeah, i'll be fine." Amelia said to Kerri with a smile. She lipped on her shoes and walked out the front door. She read a sign about school reopening tomorrow and she wondered how long it would be before they closed it again and headed to the market.

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Jason felt weird with Amelia after their fight.  It was almost like a fight for dominance of the group.   Jason then looked to everyone.  "Okay heres what I think.  We should eat then go home.   We'll try to keep in touch through school and make sure we all stay cool and collected and not lose our heads.  We have to make sure we stay calm through out the day" He said to the remaining group

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Amelia walked into the market and felt the pain in her hands come back. She shrugged it off anf continued on. She grabbed everything she needed and headed back to the house. Amelia really wasnt in the mood for school again, part of that fact before the virus hit she was un enrolled at school, now Tichelli wasnt there to enroll her again. She sighed and entered through the front of the house. Amelia placed the groceries on the table.

"Brought whatever had the most protein in it, er well i think it did." She said as she smiled to them. She grabbed her book and placed it in a drawer in Tichellis desk.

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Jason smelled the eggs and his stomach growled loudly.  He was so hungry but he was going to let everyone else eat.  THey needed it more since they were growing and changing.  He then backed away.  "Alright guys.  I'm going home.  I'll see ya'll at school.  I left my number on the fridge so we could all keep in touch.  See ya'll later" He said walking out the door.

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"Hey! Get in here and eat something!" Kerri yelled after Jason, as she cooked the eggs. "What ever the heck happened to you a few minutes ago has to have done something to your system. At lest take a bagel! As for the rest of you, eggs will be up shortly."

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"No, its okay ya'll take the food.  I have food at home.  Plus you newly injected need the food more than I do.  Ya'll need to stock up before the change happens to ya'll.  You can give Amelia my portion if you want." Jason said as he kept on walking.  He knew he didn't have food at home.  But he felt they should have the food before he got some.  He then got him and his stomach growled and he tried to sleep but it wasn't so easy.

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Kira just stared into space her stomach was growling louder and louder, she didnt really want eggs, she wanted meat. Kira got up and ran over to the fridge it was really hard to see dark and blurry but it wasnt impossilbe though, she opened it up and looking for whatever meaty stuff that she could find "I need meat" She kept looking threw the fridge "Where is it?" finally finding some meat she opened the pack up and stuffed her face with it "Now ths is good"

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Kerri finished cooking the eggs. she turned off the stove and moved the pan to an unsed eye.

"Alright, somebody find plates and utensils and we can dig in." She said.

She rolled out of the way, keeping an eye on Kira. She hoped there wasn't gonna be another meltdown like before. She began to wonder why she wasn't feeling that different.

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"im fine. you guys are more than welcome to stay here for as long as you like, im going outside." Amelia said as she stood up and left. Something didnt feel right to her. She felt somewhat empty, not because she was hungry but she didnt really know why. She went to the park and sat on the bench, of course no one was there, no one ever came out anymore. She layed down on the bench and looked at the sky for a while.

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Jason couldn't sleep.  Part of him was excited for school and excited for this new him.  He was ready for change.  This thing scared him but he was intrigued.  He wasn't sure how to feel.  He was also confused why he felt a tie to this group.  He guessed it was the pack mentality.  He then climbed out of his window listening to his mothers coughing from the virus was getting to much.  He had to leave.  So he began walking around town.

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Kai walked into the kitchen sitting at the table looking towards Kerri "It looks like you and Kira are the only ones eating I guess" he shrugged and looked over at Kira stuffing her mouth with any kinds of meat "Hungry arent ya?"

Kira nodded her head and replied "Yea alittle"

"Thats more then alittle ya know" Kai chuckled

"What it to ya anyways"

He shook his head "No reason"

Kira continued to eat the food that was in the fridge she threw the vegetables out of the way and grabbed all the meat, raw meat, cooked meat, any kinds that she could find.

Kai cocked his head and looked at her "I can predict what kind of werewolf you would be, you to Kerri" first he pointed at Kerri "Yours wouldnt really want to kill people, and you" he then pointed at Kira "Yours would probably be the vicious one in here... But hey its your wolf not mines so you both might not be" he shrugged waiting on someone to say something so it wouldnt feel so boring.

Edited by X-Blade_Wielder

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