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Mystics Apprentice

Inside the Organization (RP)

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(You're welcome Spider. :))


Naminé was quite surprised when Riku moved to stop the Organization member from taking her. She didn't think it would really made a difference to him. Once again, she wished that she had people whom she could call her friends.


Naminé gasped when Larxene came. To tell the truth, the blonde woman scared her...even more then the Organizations number eleven. After she and Larxene were through the portal, Naminé looked up at Larxene, her blue eyes wide. For Naminé this had been a very interesting day, normally her days went by relatively uneventful, though she knew for a fact that she wasn't supposed to be out of that room. "I--I'm sorry Larxene, I know I shouldn't have left the room. Just no one was there. I was only going to take a quick look around," Naminé said all in one breath. She paused briefly, watching Larxene's expression before continuing. "I promise I wasn't going to cause any trouble."

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As Luxord and Demyx headed to the latter's room, they encountered a dark portal pulsed with energy.  It simply sat there, unattended, waiting to engulf whoever decided to step foot in it.  Little did Luxord and Demyx know it would grant passage to the place where Nobodies originated: Radiant Garden.


Riku froze at the mention of his name.  Suddenly the boy whipped around, sword in hand.  Behind him stood a strangely cloaked figure, whose face was concealed with crimson cloth and belts.  He rose his weapon and resumed his battle stance.  "Who are you?  Are you with the Organization as well?!  What do you want with me?"


More importantly: how could this main help him?


Zexion's brows furrowed as he scanned the list Lexeaus handed him.  It was comprised of his latest mission in Wonderland that required his presence for the past month.  Zexion partly wondered why he hadn't heard any of this already, but then he remembered all the other happenings in the Organization that he wasn't privy to.  Still, this suspect in Wonderland was curious, one that Zexion felt required a bit of extra attention.  Finally he turned to face the Silent Hero.  "I would gladly exchange missions for the time being, Lexeaus, and will dedicate every last moment into discovering the identity and nature of this...tricky target."  


Not wishing to waste a moment, the Cloaked Schemer rose.  He shot a surreptitious glance at the two youngest members of the Organization.  "I'd suggest you two keep out of trouble, there's danger afoot in the Organization"--he paused to open a portal, before glancing over his shoulder at the two--"I would also hate to see the two of you get involved with traitors.  For, you see, treason is punishable by death.  Or, rather, by being transformed into a lower, more mindless being than yourself."


With that, the Cloaked Schemer vanished from sight, entering a world filled with houses in need of repair, and gardens everywhere his eyes fell.  He drew in the scent, closing his eyes as the sunshine hit his pallid face.  If only a Nobody could feel emotions, Zexion would've felt true happiness to return home.


Vexen was breathless by the time he finally caught up with Larxene.  Breathless, and livid.  With a shaking hand, the Chilly Academic smoothed his pale locks back as he shot a glare to his female colleague.  "Why did you just decide to interrupt like that?!  I had everything perfectly under control!"  The scientist scowled and swore under his breath.  "It wasn't like I was going to hurt the boy or girl.  I merely wanted to...conduct an experiment on them...yes."


But, of course, no one in their right mind would allow Vexen to experiment on two crucial pieces to an operation.

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"Haven't gotton to meet the little guy, as of yet. But I imagine he's gone through a few tests since I left the castle. Which I guess I should be getting back to, right??" Axel sighed. Opening up a corridor.


"Catchya later, Isa.." He waved to his friend, grinning a bit. He was glad to have a talk with him. But he knew he had to get back to business

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Roxas sighed, immediately sitting down in one of the available chairs.

"Great...so now I need to wait for Xigbar to get here.." He mumbled, a bit anxious. Xigbar was...creepy to him, the scars, his eye, everything about him oozed some sort of evil that repulsed Roxas.

He looked about the Grey Room, his eyes momentarily eying the Moogle that often floated around. Roxas's eyes looked at the pom-pom, getting the odd urge to ruffle it.

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"I am DiZ, or that is all I have left to be called."

It felt so fake, maybe even more fake than Xehanort's current name at least.

"I do not work for the Organization. I have a small, prick of revenge to use against them."

For everything he stole and for everything he caused from it.

"Assistance in completing my plot against the Organization, seeing as you could benefit from me as well. Another plagues your heart, while you try to find one who has helped you before. Sora, The key bearer, if I remember. You could get much from helping me, Riku."

Still, he had to be cautious of the boy. If not watched the boy was a bomb ready to go off.

"I believe you know of Ansem, do you not?"

This ought to get a well earned reaction.

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Saix nodded in assent. "Well, you were going to go on a mission with Xion. But I think it may be best if you go back to Castle Oblivion for the time being. I'll go with Xion instead." With that Saix turned and walked back out of the large basement. He made his way back towards some stairs that would lead up into the parts of the castle that other members of the Organization inhabited.


Saix came to a halt upon spotting Marluxia and scowled, his brows furrowing together. "Hello Marluxia. Do you need something, or are you here to report?"

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Larxene looked down to Namine, who was trying to make it up to her with various excuses. She sighed and sat in a nearby chair. "Your not in trouble memory witch. I don't care if you left your room. Just wanted to get you away from that fight so you wouldn't get hurt." The Savage Nymph told Namine, relaxing now. She truly didn't want the young girl to get hurt in the chaos that would ensue. As much as she hated being around the castle, caring for the only other girl near the Organization was nice. Eventually Vexen came rushing up the stairs. Larxene glanced at him before going back to her magazine. "I know you could beat the kid. Just didn't want Namine here to be caught in the crossfire. And didn't Saix tell you to stop experimenting on people we need?" The Savage Nymph spoke carelessly, flipping through her magazine and paying the Chilly Academic little heed.

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Marluxia looked at the yellow eyes of Saix. It was funny: the stoney, knowing gaze that Lexeaus gave made him feel uneasy, but somehow, the constant look of aloof arrogance from Saix only made Marluxia grin more. "Ah, Saix," he said, "I'd nearly given up hope of finding you." He noticed that Axel was no longer present, which was hard to feel easy about: if you couldn't see Axel, it meant it was more than likely he was up to something somewhere. "I merely wish to file my daily report." 


Brushing his hair back (more for sake of show than actual necessity), Marluxia explained. "Sora has made his way to the upper levels of Castle Oblivion. I don't think he will be too much of a problem for much longer. Namine has done her work well. She and Zexion spent some quality time together while I was busy investigating other matters. Riku has only just awakened, and has yet to do anything of interest." Then, the Graceful Assassin made his play carefully. "Vexen's replica is growing impatient. He spoke much about wanting to meet his original and proving he is the best. I believe our puppet hero is developing a jealousy complex." A replica of Riku, indeed. "I can't help but wonder what he might be driven to do next. Either against Riku, or other potential replicas that might take his place." 


Marluxia crossed his arm and bowed. "And I believe that's all of interest that happened today."


Of course, he had no way of knowing all the things that had happened in the short time he had been away.



(Question: are Larxene, Namine, and Vexen in the Grey Room?)

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(Sorry, Yuffie; it would seem I misunderstood your post.  For some reason I'd been thinking they were in Castle Oblivion...  I'll make corrections now.)


(By the way, Sikota and X-Blade_Wielder might want to consider traveling to Radiant Garden through that portal they found--I have something exciting planned there.


(RikunobodyXIII and Silver Kuroi: you guys are needed in the Castle of Dreams, whenever you get a chance. :D)


The shock must've appeared plain as day at the mention of Ansem.  The silver-haired teen frowned, his weapon lowering subconsciously.  "What do you know about Ansem?  And, can you help me find Sora?"  Finding Sora was his top priority for now.  If this man--whoever this "DiZ" was--could help Riku find him, any price would be worthwhile.  It had been all too long since he'd seen his best friend, and he felt he owed him a much-needed apology.


Zexion glanced around their old lab somberly.  He remembered the good old days when Ansem the Wise used to take the boy for walks, purchasing sea-salt ice cream from Scrooge McDuck on their way home.  While Vexen--or Even as he was once known--was his primary caregiver, he'd always been more partial to Ansem.


He entered Ansem's computer room, where he'd once spent much time pooling over his experimentations and results on the heart.  Letting out a sigh, Zexion slid into the chair and stared at the blank monitor.  He'd come to Radiant Garden searching for answers, though he wasn't entirely certain what he would find.  In his absentminded state, he'd nearly overlooked the papers sprawled out under his nose.  Blinking, Zexion picked up one of the pages.  The ink smeared under his thumb, indicating that it couldn't have been very old.  The first page had tons of letters and numbers.  He set this one aside for now; it would take time to decode.


Another page had an image of a heartless, along with the heading "Nobody" written in bold letters.  Zexion too set this one aside, and paused on the final paper.  On this page was a list, that looked something like this:



Castle of Dreams

Halloween Town

Land of Departure


It was curious, Zexion thought, that this list was comprised of worlds, particularly with Wonderland being the last to get marked out.  The Cloaked Schemer had never heard of the Castle of Dreams before; could it be a world the Organization has yet discovered?  What was most curious of all, however, was the handwriting.  It had been nearly ten years since he'd seen it, but still he couldn't mistake it for anyone else's.  The handwriting was...Ansem's.



Vexen scowled and crossed his arms, shooting a glance between the Savage Nymph and the small blond girl.  "You, Larxene, need to learn how to mind your own business!  Saix and I already discussed my experimentation and, while he's expressed displeasure in my scientific habits, I deem it not his place to say."  He glanced over as the scar-faced man entered the Gray room, though he chose to ignore him.  He was far more interested in the Graceful Assassin that entered closely behind him.  The Chilly Academic's expression brightened as he crossed the room to Marluxia.  While Zexion might have been considered the schemer of the operation, he couldn't help but feel Marluxia might've been a better choice--not that he would've preferred it.  He despised Marluxia.  "Well, well, well...  How is our Graceful Assassin these days?  Found any other new pets in the castle that you'd prefer keep secret from me?  And, I must know"--his smile was sickening--"what ever did you do to my replication device?  I heard from a little bird that you broke it."

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Saix smirked when Vexen accused Marluxia. He had expected that Larxene had done it, but he supposed that it was just as likely Marluxia, considering he seemed to be up to something of his own. Saix glanced around the gray room, he cocked his head to the side out of confusion. What were Larxene and Naminé doing there? He would have to ask Larxene about that momentarily, first he needed to catch the puppet. He spotted her standing across the room.


Still scowling in Larxene's direction Saix walked up to Xion. He turned his gaze to the puppet, the scowl still stuck on his face. "Xion, you were originally to go on a mission with Axel, but there has been a change of plans. Instead, you will be going on the mission with me. Understand I do not usually accompany others on missions, however do to several things I will be going with you today."


Naminé was quite surprised that Larxene wasn't more irritated then she was, perhaps The Savage Nymph wasn't quite as mean as she had always thought. She looked around the room. She had never been inside The Castle that Never Was before, she assumed that was where she was now. Naminé looked around, eyeing the other Organization members in the room. She recognized a couple of them, her eyes lingered on a member of the Organization that looked a bit like Sora, at least in the face. She wondered if he was Sora's Nobody. Her eyes widened when she spotted Marluxia. She shrunk back against the wall, hoping not to be noticed by him. 

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(Cool alright)


Demyx stopped in his tracks and looked at Luxord "wonder where it leads to"

He shrugged "Might as well find out!" He ran inside the portal dragging Luxord behind him.

When they came out the corridor Demyx found themselves in Radiant Garden was it? Yea

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(Cool alright)


Demyx stopped in his tracks and looked at Luxord "wonder where it leads to"

He shrugged "Might as well find out!" He ran inside the portal dragging Luxord behind him.

When they came out the corridor Demyx found themselves in Radiant Garden was it? Yea

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  On 4/20/2013 at 6:05 PM, Lunar Berserker said:

Sora leaped to his feet, oh boy did his head hurt! First that woman with the blonde hair had hit him, and now this man had dropped him right on his head! He squinted at the member of the Organization, he pulled his Keyblade out in one hand and rubbed his head with his free hand. "What are you talking about?! You're with the Organization! Why would you want to help me?!" He let go of his head and held his Keyblade in both hands, pointing it at the dark-haired member of the Organization, a scowl on his face. "What do you guys want with me? And why'd you take Naminé?"


  On 4/23/2013 at 10:06 PM, rikunobodyxiii said:

(Xig was talking with Sora. Who has Sora now?)

Lunar Berserker currently has Sora.  Above is the latest exchange from Sora to Xigbar. :)

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Saix opened up a portal, gesturing for Xion to follow him. "We leave immediately. As long as you don't have any pressing matter to attend." He smirked. "Which I doubt." He walked over to the portal and paused, looking over at Larxene. "I hope you have a rather good reason for bringing Naminé here, Larxene. Or the Superior won't be pleased."

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  On 4/23/2013 at 10:31 PM, Mystics Apprentice said:

Lunar Berserker currently has Sora.  Above is the latest exchange from Sora to Xigbar. :)

(Ah, I had missed that. My thanks. :) )Xigbar shrugged."Who knows with Marluxia." he answered, his fingers going up as if counting off from a list. "Larxene probably just wants to crush your soul, leaving you crying at her feet."He paused his count down."It's not personal. I think she wants to do that to just about everybody she meets."He continued his count down."Vexen is all for science. I swear, I would not be surprised if he started making be lab where he could run tests with live subjects. Maybe egging them on with promises of cake or whatever."The Freeshooter stopped and looked at his three extended fingers. "Who else have you met?"

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(What was the last thing that you remember happening, Sora's Baby?  I'd gladly provide a recap. :)  Right now Saix is taking Xion to another world, if that is what you're referring to.)


(P.S.: Lunar, feel free to take her to Radiant Garden, as something interesting is about to happen there.)

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(Zexion is going to have a heartattack later on.)

"Much. I knew who he was, who he is, and who his other is." Three very different but similar sides. 

Clenching his fist as the thought of Ansem or so they kept saying.

"As for your friend, Sora, I know where he is. Scaling this place in order to find you and his lost memories." They key to ones heart.

Letting a breif sigh before pushing Ansem completely from his thoughts.

"If you aid me, then you shall see your friend and end Ansem forever."

He had to get this moving very quickly. Someone was catching onto him. If they figured out the connection then he would have no way of completing his plans.

"Well, Riku, are you up to accepting any terms I may give you? You may not always agree with my vast, opinions, of what will happen later on."

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(Sora's Baby:  I sent you a PM with a recap.  Let me know if you have any questions on it. :))


Axel entered Castle Oblivion, stepping out of a dark portal to find...


Nothing and no one.  No one was in the Castle at all.  However, the room Axel entered was different than all the others he'd frequented.  It was empty, with a long, dark spiral staircase leading up.  In front of him, however, rested a suit of armor in shades of steel-blues and silver.  Unique in nature, it appeared to have once belonged to a slender woman.  The only other object occupying the room was a sheet of paper: a single sheet, lying facedown on the ground.  If Axel flipped it over, he would've found a picture of Sora, Riku, and...Namine.



Luxord and Demyx arrived in a courtyard.  Waterfalls shone in the sunlight, while pansies and other flowers radiated beauty.  The grass was short, green, and perfect.  In fact, everything looked relatively perfect--save for the reconstruction of the buildings all around.  It looked as though war had once been waged there, and its civilians were desperate to return it to its original state.


Suddenly, Heartless appeared all around the two Nobodies, creating a ring around the party that was impossible to escape from.  These were a combination of Soldiers, Blue Rhapsodys, and Invisibles.  They creeped closer to the party, preparing to strike.



(I agree that Zexion will. ;))

"What?" Riku shook his head.  Multiple Ansems?  That was more than he cared to think about.  He'd always assumed Ansem was tied to the Organization, though how remained aloof to him.  This guy certainly gave him the creeps, but he was desperate.  And he promised everything Riku wanted.  The demise of Ansem, the retrieval of his best friend...  DiZ was promising all of it to him.  It seemed that, to Riku, any price was worthy of paying to acquire what he desired.


Almost in answer, Riku allowed his sword to dematerialize as he took a step towards DiZ.  "I want to find Sora first and foremost.  If you can help me do that, then consider me yours."

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