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Yay! New YouTube setup!

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-_- The video bar...? NOW THE RED BAR OVERLAYS THE VIDEO!! Dx Plus, every time I log in, it tries to make me make a gmail account1 When the day comes when they make you pay to be a member, I swear of God I'M QUITTING THAT GOSHDARN SITE!!! Dx

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It makes my internet browser run slow now and before it didn't. And i hate the new video system i have to pause it for several minutes to watch anything now.

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I remember the old YT channel designs, before the 'Beta channels' (The current ones). People were hell mad. Then there was the new video page design, and how they changed it from rating to liking.


Google ruined YouTube. Nuff said. :/

I wouldn't be surprised if one day people had to pay to use YT. With how things are going now it looks like it could happen.

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it's such a shame, youtube is such a low mantinence site. they could just leave it completely alone and it would run itself, maybe with the occasional development like HD





seriously, google could sell it to some company who leave it, and it would be fine because we don't want new vid pages/setups

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