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Yay! New YouTube setup!

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Ahem. When I say "Yay!" I really mean, "Shoot this damn thing before I shoot myself!"

Seriously YouTube? Seriously?

But what annoys me the most is the new rating system. Not 5 stars, people. Like and dislike.

And...oh grrrr, it's just terrible. DX We need to make a petition to change it back.

I mean, I hated the newer youtube pages at first, and like them now, but...this is just ugly. Hopefully they'll get enough complaints to change it back. x_x

(I checked for a thread about this, and there wasn't one, so hopefully this isn't a repeat. xP)

And they're still updating it. So, when I try to comment on Kaiso's profile (and only on her's, so far) here's what comes up:

Este recurso n

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All of this started when Google bought Youtube. -_-' Next thing you know, we can't watch videos without paying a monthly subscription. ... O-o I hope I didn't curse us all...

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Ohhh my godd. That thing was the worst idea they ever had.


I CAN'T SEE ANY NEW PM'S UNLESS I'M ON THE MAIN PAGE. D8< The Navigation to me is slightly shitty, and nobody really cares about the highest rated comments and the recent comments made by the user who posted the video. The layout in itself isn't appealing to me at all. I preferred the 5 star system to be honest. Thumbs up or thumbs down is flat out pointless. If they have to do that, just throw out the rating system altogether. =. =; The description is almost hidden, and for many users the description handles ANY questions or any necessary information. I honestly had trouble locating it how it's all underneath the video. =.=.


I liked it better how saving to favorites and saving to playlists were two separate things, I know favorites is technically a playlist, but still. xD. The "save to" button is blehh. It's not as bad as some of the other things.


They way people look at the users videos is shit. I liked how it originally was.


It makes me want to quit. xD


If they're forcing us to do all of these damn changes, AT LEAST clear any of our strikes in the past and let us start off with a clean slate.


They REALLY, REALLY need to rethink this one over.

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good point, it is april 1st


but with all these changes, i'm afraid that it's real

maybe the portugese thing could be AF, but not all of it.


urgh, i hate the new layout of the video page, everything was so much simpler before

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If this is an April Fool's joke, it caused like 43253435 (slapped keyboard) on youtube last night to rant and then leave on strike. lmfaoo. xD



But it's just SO UGLY. D8 It's a terrible idea. I HOPE it's a joke, but it's probably not.


o-o I feel like they didn't listen to the users at all because from what I heard, many people gave it a negative response.

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i hate it too;

its horrible

and i am so used to saying 5/5 i still say it


makes me look like the idiot i am..

but its ugly and horrible;



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I see that most everyone hates it.

Yet Youtube, no Themtube, is only being greedy jerks and aren't listening to their customers. I can't wait till some one gets mad enough to hack the site and change it back to the old format or something. They are gonna freak and when they do it is gonna be hilarious. I say, "Let's start a Riot!"

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I see that most everyone hates it.

Yet Youtube, no Themtube, is only being greedy jerks and aren't listening to their customers. I can't wait till some one gets mad enough to hack the site and change it back to the old format or something. They are gonna freak and when they do it is gonna be hilarious. I say, "Let's start a Riot!"


i'd be with you on that

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...It wasn't an AFD joke. This shitty layout is staying.


My god, YouTube is progressively sucking more and more.

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On Full Topic the only thing i dont like is the 5 star ratings being re placed with Like and Dis like Also notice the 5 star ratings still appear in your videos.

When is Youtube going to be Fully Compatible with Dolby 7.1 Surround Sound?


mod edit: don't advertise.

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