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I need help

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so at school there is this prick in 9th grade who pisses me off and acts just like Eric cartman, and he is a homophobe,he also dissed 10th grade(the class im in) today, and i really want to teach him a lesson he will newer forget.

Edited by Villi1997

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well i don't think you'll like this answer, but with annoying kids i generally just ignore them. those types of kids just want attention so maybe you could get everyone in your school to ignore him and act as if he didnt exist lol

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If he has a car:

But bologna all over his car. It has to sit overnight so you'd have to do it at night time. When he peels of the bologna it will take some of the paint with it.

Tape something like broccoli or shrimp under the seat of his car. It'll start to smell really bad and will be hard to find.


Other things:


Offer him a cold pop. (Beware this could result in you getting your ass kicked.)


Posted Image



There is the classic taping a sign to his back. Make sure it is something embarrassing like, "Blowjob Princess" or "I firetruck men".

Put some laxative in his lunch.

If you know his address flood his mailbox with pamphlets about drug use, alcoholism, abusive behavior etc. If you can add any sort of notes say you are a concerned teacher.



I may be able to think of some more...

Edited by Xaon

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It's not your place to teach him a lesson. Paying back an asshole by being an asshole is not the answer. Don't start a fisticuffs with him, don't insult him... let his assholish self go off and be his assholish self. Ignore his stupid face.

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While all of Xaon's ideas are wonderfully hilarious... ignore them lmao Just ignore the guy or if he does anything completely out of line tell one of the school faculty members.


Yes yes ignore Xaon ! He's a bad influence ! xDDD . Be the bigger person and ignore the douche at school.



@ Xaon LOL I love you babe...

Villi shall have his Revengeance!


I love you too. :P

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