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Anime | Manga Discussion: The Status Of Fairy Tail And Its Formula

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Let's skip the formalities, we all know it's been a while since I've done one of these...


Also, notice the way I've used the new button system? Eh? Eh? ... 


So... Fairy Tail. You probably have a feeling of where this is going. Not exactly anime-wise, considering the anime's on break or cancelled or whatever the status is because I forget things... if you can correct me, please do so because it would help... but manga-wise this time around. And why is this centered around FT's manga. Well, that's because, in recent light, this series has become very polarizing. Now each and every entity in entertainment has its fans and its hater, but Fairy Tail, I think, has become the John Cena of animanga. Either you love it or you hate it. Why? Let's take a look.


Fairy Tail began its run as a manga in 2006. It gained maybe its biggest following with the launch of the anime in 2009, in which people began to coin it as one of the best series in the modern world of anime. (I actually called it the "wizard version of Dragon Ball Z" at one point, but I digress. xD) The show has spawned 175 episodes so far, and as mentioned earlier, has now stopped.


The manga has reached the 300th marked, the newest chapter being at 326. However, at some point in the series, the so called quality of the show and its overall formula that had once been praised by a large part of the anime/manga community... to some... well, it's... it's gone down. Way down by the looks of it.


People will say it started so far back as around the Tenrou Island Arc, the 11th canon arc of the series, in which the writing of the series itself, which before consisted of basic shouen premises, along with the themes of magical powers and the medieval setting, and overall, good pacing and characters and overall structure... turned into something bad. WIth the continuation of the current arc, the Grand Magic Games, many are starting to confirm this new product as this: childish, stereotypical writing, in which protagonists win conflicts through obvious or redundant means, using so called "friendship power ups" to do so, every time. Also, the de-structuring of certain characters and their traits because of this writing style. I won't name names, because really, it refers to the entire cast.


Now, I can't say I agree nor disagree with this now ongoing debate, because really, I don't follow Fairy Tail, I've never had a chance to. However, I am one to spot these kinds of criticism as proof to a series' flaws, and after several fans have reached out to me and shown me supposed proof of why Fairy Tail has gone bad, and after skimming over the other parts of the series, I have to say that I agree with their opinion. So yeah, I think FT has deteriorated in quality as of late.


Now, I want to know: does anybody agree with this, or does anyone have a counter-argument?


Now, when I say that, I actually mean a counter argument. I don't want any so called hardcore fans coming on here putting me on a crucifx, telling me I don't know what I'm talking about. Face it, people: your series isn't so great that everybody loves the fudge out of it. Let's just be honest here. If you can't debate with other people with different opinions, then leave. I hope we can reach an impasse here. I'm not scared of you, I'm a Naruto fan.  <_<


Okay, I'm done blabbing now. Leave your own opinions and arguments below.

Edited by Firaga96

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I guess I agree. I like Fairy Tail, I enjoy the anime and manga and all, but it is getting lower in quality compared to what it used to be. Too many of these:


>protagonists knocked down by powerful enemy attack

>don't get up for a minute or two

>get encouraged by friends and get roided

>take the same enemy attack like it's NOTHING

>proceed to annihilate enemy within seconds

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Is this actually how stuff happens? Sounds like a magical girl type of show now xD

Doesn't sound surprising that even their story is getting formulaic.... the characters already seemed like that to me >.>

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Do they really overcome everything with the "Power of friendship"? If so, then that's pretty lame xD


Pretty much yes, this is thing that saddens me about the most battle animes because they seem to defeat all the enemies with power of friendship hacks and rainbows. 

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Do they really overcome everything with the "Power of friendship"? If so, then that's pretty lame xD


Yes. It's become the norm, I'm afraid. -___-

Pretty much yes, this is thing that saddens me about the most battle animes because they seem to defeat all the enemies with power of friendship hacks and rainbows.


Friendship hacks are one thing, 'Rainbows' are another. I think that mostly lies with FT, if you know what I mean. One Piece, sometimes, too... Just Saiyan. I've noticed some moments here and there, and, uh... *cough*, it happens.

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I guess I agree. I like Fairy Tail, I enjoy the anime and manga and all, but it is getting lower in quality compared to what it used to be. Too many of these:


>protagonists knocked down by powerful enemy attack

>don't get up for a minute or two

>get encouraged by friends and get roided

>take the same enemy attack like it's NOTHING

>proceed to annihilate enemy within seconds


Dont get me started on those fail emotional scenes.

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