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PS Vita: What are your thoughts on it?

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A case is really all you need. yeah you're pretty far off.  I got my vita for $320 and it came with a game, a 8gb memory card, a game and a case. So i don't know where you're getting 500 from 

Maybe I am, I'm still not paying as much as I paid for a PS3 for a portable system with a crap library. No one should. If you do buy it now, you're contributing to the problem... the price dropped overseas, and sales skyrocketed, it's only a matter of time before SONY gets their shit together and lower it here. If you buy it before then, then the chances for a price drop decrease...


It's a fantastic system. Like I said, immense potential. But the price is bull, the library is bull, and it' just not worth it yet...


And to make the most of it, YES YOU NEED TO GO DIGITAL. Another big part of the Vita is the fact you can download PSOne, PSP, and minis off the store, and not doing that is decreasing your value. So yes you would go digital. Which also means you would need wi-fi in your home... or pay MORE for 3G.

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Personally I don't love it has much as my 3DS, but I still like the games I have for it.


My main gripe with the system is the memory cards. They are too small, too expensive and not even supplied with the system.


I'd love to download games from PSN or transfer some PS1 classics over to the device but the memory is horrendous. I don't have money to be spending on memory cards. The 3DS supplied an SD Card while having a lot of internal memory at the same time.


The games are slim on the device and are not even in the same league as what the 3DS has to offer in the future but I don't hate the system. It's a nice console and far better than the psp was (well not for games).

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It's a good device and has a lot of potential for it. I recently play Dead Or Alive 5 Plus and it is almost identical to the console counterpart. Also 60FPS DOA5+ on my Vita is always good.


The only think was why some of you don't find the Vita all that good was because of the lack of games. That, I can understand.


Also Sony never fully marketed the Vita and it's software last year since they lack games, but I'm glad more games are coming out this year like Muramasa, Dragon's Crown and the FFX remake. Hopefully they will announce more games during E3.


I'm quite worried that they might push the Vita aside since the PS4 needs to be in the spotlight this year.

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