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Dark Memories

The Double Life (Sign-Ups and Discussions.)

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A recent virus in a town in Oregon, has caused many recent deaths and tragedies..

A former Scientist named Michael Tichelli discovered that this virus didn't infect everyone it came in contact with, teenagers that had recently got a vaccine had seemed completely immune. 

But Tichelli didn't see this vaccine fighting it off, he saw something completely different. He saw the virus combining with something in the vaccine inside of a teenager whom volunteered to help test for antidotes.

Through his whole career Tichelli had never seen anything like it. 

He kept in touch with this teenager over the course of months and what seemed to be immune completely changed. The teenager developed better hearing, better vision, better reflexes and its past allergies and other physical disabilities seemed to have disappeared. Tichelli didn't know anything, until one night, on a full moon.

He was in the presence of a werewolf.


"How many more are out there.....?"



Follow the regular role-playing rules.

You can have more than one character but try not to go overboard.

Leave other peoples' characters alone, please.

Keep it PG-13 guise.

Please try and keep posts lengthy and type right.

And please do not sign up if you will not be active in the official roleplay, thanks. 


-Basic thing you'll need to know-

Your character must have had physical disabilities or any disability like allergies, ect. before the vaccine was given to them. 

You must go through the whole "changing" process to were your character starts to feel more supernatural and animal like, with the symptoms listed in short story.

And try and be creative. c:


-Sign-Ups sheet-


Age:(preferably still in high school)



Biography: (please include your "physical disability or and disability if you choose.")

Other: (optional)


I'll post my character later on. if there are any questions feel free to comment or spam my inbox, i'll be glad to answer.




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-Sign-Ups sheet-

Name: Kerri Thompson

Age: 14

Gender: Female

Personality: Independent, determined, sarcastic, caring and protective.

Biography: A tough cookie, Kerri lost the use of her legs at age 8 when she fell from a large tree she had be trying to climb for ages. Rejective it as a handicap, Kerri was determined to live life to the fullest. She became active in sports, academic circles and with her friends, and gave dirty looks to people who treated her like a cripple. When the virus hit town, she volunteered to help test the antidote for some of her friends who were sick. Since the start of the test, she has started to regain feeling in her legs.

Other: (optional)


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Name: Kira
Age: 166
Gender: Female
Personality: She acts goofy sometimes, protective, bad temper, cocky, and anti-social towards people at first but comes out of that when she gets to no them better.
Appearance: http://www.polyvore.com/cgi/img-thing?.out=jpg&size=l&tid=64257127">http://www.polyvore.com/cgi/img-thing?.out=jpg&size=l&tid=64257127 The one on the right is Kiru and the one on the left is her mom
Biography: She lost her vision when her and a partner were doing a science project. She had gotten surgery a couple of times but nothing worked. Just because she couldnt really see doesnt mean she cant get around, theres always a sixth sense. A couple of days after the virus came and people were getting sick and all, she stumbled upon people talking about volunteering for an antidote for the virus, So she decided to vonlunteer to test it. After that she has been getting her vision back each day, maybe even more then expected.

Edited by X-Blade_Wielder

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Name: Dion


Age: 16


Gender: Male


Personality: Extremely Shy, Kind, Loves Animals, Doesn't Speak Much


Appearance: Looks younger than his age, skinny, a little short, dirty-blonde, straight, medium-length hair, grey eyes.

Wears a long-sleeve, maroon polo with the sleeves rolled up, slim, blue jeans, and grey sperry's


Biography: Being deaf and having to wear glasses from a very young age, Dion grew up with very low self-esteem. He was pretty much a loner. Even though his parents tried to get him to make friends, he felt the closest things he had to friends were his pets. Once the virus hit and he heard about testing for an antidote, he volunteered because he wanted to make sure his familey stayed safe. He never would have expected what started happening in the ensuing months.. he started to hear again. At first very seldom and faint. Now, however, his hearing even better than before, his eyesight also improved beyond the need of corrective lenses.




(If you would rather me not join, I completely understand :) )

Edited by Pretium

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No its okay, you're accepted!


Name ; Amelia

Age ; 16

Gender ; female

Personality ; Very smart, leadership sort of qualities but very shy and tentitive from time to time. She enjoys the the company of family than any other.

Biography ; Amelia had a prettt healthy life until the virus came in, half of her family were killed off by it and the other fled to some place better. Amelia stayed for the funeral when she met Tichelli. he had promised to pay her back for letting him test on her so she agreed so no one else would be harmed. After the course of several months Amelia was no longer severly alergic to everything she was before and no longer needed her overly thick glasses. She noticed Tichelli bringing in more kids that went to her school. What was going on?


(When should we start ..?)

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-Sign-Ups sheet-

Name: Duke Nukem

Age: unknown

Gender: male

Personality: happy most of the time, but sometimes grouchy

Biography: He is a national hero and he helped fight of a Cycloid(alien) invasion several years ago. Due the the recent virus outbreak he is called back into action to investigate linked cycloid activity in japan.

Other: he enjoys chewing bubblegum, but sometimes he runs out and has to do other things.

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Name: Jason Allen

Age: 18

Gender: Male

Personality:  Quiet, passionate, more of a loner but able to stand up to anyone and take the reigns if he needs to.  He isn't really scared of much but if he is scared he won't show it.  He's very caring but very stern.  He'll stand up for anyone if need be.  But he isn't afraid to take a life.

Biography: Jason was the quiet kid in highschool but he was considered popular.  He was the head quarterback on his football team.  He was the leader of the team and his team looked up to him and listened.  But during the last game this kid on the other team in this inner city school took down one of Jason's teammates and stomped on his kneecap breaking the kids leg.   Jason feeling protective of his team ran in and tackled the guy and threw off his helmet.  Jason started wailing on this kid just beating the crap out of him.   He was then pulled off by the other team and they started kicking Jason.   Then causing a bigger mess Jason's team came in and a huge mosh pit broke out.   Then this older kid wearing all red got on the field with a gun and pointed it at Jason when he got up.  Jason looked into the eyes of the boy and watched him pull the trigger.  
A loud boom followed by a crack rang through the field to the bleachers as Jason felt a ripping pain in his collar bone.  He then fell back as his body locked up.  He couldn't move.  Nothing seemed to work right.  He tried to put his arm over his wound but his arm wouldn't come up.   He couldn't roll around.  Then he realized there was no pain.  He was now paralyzed from the neck down.  He then slowly faded out of consciousness as the police took that kid away and Jason was carried off to the hospital where Michael Tichelli gave Jason the injection.

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Guess i'll make one more then-


Name: Kai

Age: 17

Gender: Male

Personality: he can study people very easily, protective, likes having fun sometimes, doesn't like to be bothered when he's in the middle of something and he likes to flirt sometimes but is quite a gentlemen

Biography: Kai has already been a werewolf since maybe when he was 15 but he didnt become one by the vaccine, he became one by a werewolf scratch, since then he has been coming to visit Tichelli every once a week just because he had books on this type of situation.

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Aren't I early? >,>  I'd like to join if possible. The only problem will be where to start.

Name: Alexander Davis

Age:(preferably still in high school) 15

Gender: Male

Personality: Usually witty, sarcastic, and laid-back, but can be psychotically cruel and crazy. Generally isn't a fan of violence, but will use it if he's pushed to the wall, metaphorically speaking. He generally likes to listen to music, mostly American Rock & Roll, or Japanese music like Vocaloid. In fact, he almost always has his headphones.

  SPOILERS: Click to reveal


Biography: (please include your "physical disability or and disability if you choose.") Sent to a boarding school because of his violent threats and occasional habits, Alexander's lived alone in his own dormitory-- away from everyone else. He's been diagnosed with both psychopathy and sociopathy, but it's not a pure disability. Actually, it triggers on and off, in a bipolar sort of way. Alexander still makes plenty of friends though, probably due to his occasional comebacks and punchlines, but other times he downright scares them.

Other: (optional)

Name: Joshua Akira
Age: 11
Gender: Male
Personality: Kind and sincere, compassionate and sympathetic to all-- his friends, his enemies, strangers, and his acquaintances. Because of this he can be friends with a lot of people, or can be tormented easily by others with little to no resistance because of his disliking of violence in general. Joshua is extremely emotional and prone to distress, anger, melancholy, and the like.

  SPOILERS: Click to reveal

Biography: Sent to a boarding school by an orphanage after his parents died in a fire that consumed his house, Joshua's been as shy as possible, avoiding any and all people because of his strangeness-- his strange disability, or rather, ability to hear and see things other people apparently cannot. He went to a doctor one time, he referred to that ability as "schizophrenia".

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  On 4/23/2013 at 4:07 AM, CloakedSchemerX said:

Aren't I early? >,> I'd like to join if possible. The only problem will be where to start.


Name: Alexander Davis

Age:(preferably still in high school) 15

Gender: Male

Personality: Usually witty, sarcastic, and laid-back, but can be psychotically cruel and crazy. Generally isn't a fan of violence, but will use it if he's pushed to the wall, metaphorically speaking. He generally likes to listen to music, mostly American Rock & Roll, or Japanese music like Vocaloid. In fact, he almost always has his headphones.


  SPOILERS: Click to reveal


Biography: (please include your "physical disability or and disability if you choose.") Sent to a boarding school because of his violent threats and occasional habits, Alexander's lived alone in his own dormitory-- away from everyone else. He's been diagnosed with both psychopathy and sociopathy, but it's not a pure disability. Actually, it triggers on and off, in a bipolar sort of way. Alexander still makes plenty of friends though, probably due to his occasional comebacks and punchlines, but other times he downright scares them.

Other: (optional)

New target to hit on hmm, lol hope you get accepted

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