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Hey... summary please...

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I'm obviously new to KH and I have only played part of 358/2 days, so there is a lot of things that I am confused about in the series.

I was hoping that someone could make some summaries of the games–they don't have to be overly detailed or anything just the general plot and spoilers are welcome of course.

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Okay, so it all began with The Keyblade War in the age of fairy tales.  People believed light was a gift from an unseen entity known as Kingdom Hearts.  In time, people began fighting over this precious light, and so darkness was born.  The Keyblade War began, and Kingdom Hearts was submerged in darkness, and the X-blade, the key that protected Kingdom Hearts, was divided into twenty pieces.  Seven of Light and Thirteen of Darkness. Light was not lost though, as the light in the hearts of children rebuilt the world into what it is today.  Fast forward some time later, and a man named Xehanort wished to know of the secrets of this Keyblade War, and what started as curiosity turned into obsession.  And so he made an elaborate plan to claim Kingdom Hearts as his own.  This is known as the Xehanort Saga, and it currently spans 7 games, but 8 when Kingdom Hearts 3 comes out. LOL, I want to tell you the whole story, but I want to let the other members fill you in, so this is my part of the story.  Enjoy. :)

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Kingdom Hearts 1


Sora lived on Destiny Islands with his friends Kairi and Riku. Soon though, creatures called Heartless attacked, taking Riku, attacking Kairi, and almost killing Sora.


Sora wakes up in Traverse Town after fighting a Darkside, where he soon meets Donald and Goofy. Together they search for Kairi, Riku, and King Mickey.

But soon they learn Riku is woeking for the evil fairy Maleficent, and he is their antagonist as they search for Kairi.


Finding them at Hollow Bastion after a failed attempt in Neverland, Sora fights to the top and defeats a Seeker of Darkness possessed Riku, then turns the Keyblade of People's Hearts onto himself, freeing Kairi's heart from his own body. This act created Roxas and Namine.

Reawakened, Donald and Goofy tried to escape with Kairi, but were trapped.

Then a Shadow came up to Kairi. Knowing it was Sora, she hugged him as Shadows flooded over them.

In a flash of light, Sora was returned to normal because Kairi was one of Seven Princesses of Heart, and her love for Sora was able to bring him back.


Escaping once again, the heroes returned to Traverse Town to leave Kairi in the hands of Squall "Leon" Leonhart and his gang before heading back to seal the final Keyhole.


They then travleed to the End of the World and fought Ansem, Seeker of Darkness.


In the final moments, the Door to Darkness opened, flooding Kingdom Hearts' light out. Riku was on the other side with...King Mickey!

Together, our five heroes (Sora, Donald, Goofy, Mickey, Riku) sealed the door and heralded the return of all worlds destroyed by the Heartless.

As the worlds rebuilt, Sora was forced to leave Kairi and then went out to search for Riku and the King.




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I'm obviously new to KH and I have only played part of 358/2 days, so there is a lot of things that I am confused about in the series.I was hoping that someone could make some summaries of the games–they don't have to be overly detailed or anything just the general plot and spoilers are welcome of course.

If you have a PS3 i advise you to get the KH 1.5 when it comes out, should help you out alot and although chronologically you are not playing the first game you still get the first couple of games that came out for the series and video clips from 358/2 days all in HD and with the extra content. Btw welcome to the site :)

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Oh um...um...Chain of Memories, right!


After Kingdom Hearts I, Sora, Donald, and Goofy go on through a road without Riku, Mickey, or Kairi. In the night, a mysterious unknown man in a black coat lures Sora ahead with a quick statement, basically saying for him to go and find something, but lose something dear in the process. Sora and friends go on to find a castle known as Castle Oblivion. Once entered, they forgot all of their abilities. The man from before as well as Axel-- another cloaked man with red hair-- lead Sora ahead into the castle. Sora's memories are turned into the form of cards, going back to the worlds of KH1 in a briefer manner. Along the way, he encounters many more people wearing the cloak-- members of "the Organization." Larxene, who taunts Sora and pisses him off by slashing at him and teasing him, even taking Kairi's good luck charm from KH1. Then there's Vexen, who is a scientist whom has created a replica of Riku, taunting Sora even more. The higher up the castle goes though, Sora loses more and more memories. Each and every memory of Kairi eventually are taken-- and replaced. Exactly the same, but instead with another girl known as Naminè, who Sora now believes he knew as if Kairi never existed. Larxene is defeated and Axel eliminates Vexen as Sora proceeds to the thirteenth floor to face the lord of the castle from the beginning-- Marluxia. Sora faces Axel and Axel fades away, still alive however. Sora faces Marluxia who ends up being just an illusion. Sora finds Naminè and forgives her for messing up all his memory. When they face Marluxia, the Riku Replica also appears to assist. Sora soon defeats the real Marluxia and tremors the castle. He goes with Naminè, and in order to gain his previous memories back, he goes into a slumber. However, in the process, he will lose all memories of the castle including Naminè. Donald and Goofy do the same.


Meanwhile, a mysterious voice-- other than Marluxia's-- talks to the real Riku in a realm of light. Really, he appears in the Castle's lowest basement. Riku continues through HIS memories like Sora did. The mysterious voice ends up being Ansem, the Seeker of Darkness from KH1, living in Riku's inner darkness. Riku travels up, meeting Vexen from before who creates a replica of him. He also encounters another member named Lexaeus-- who fails at eliminating Riku. Another member-- Zexion appears before Riku just as Sora defeats Marluxia. He goes on to the memories of Destiny Islands, where he accepts the darkness with the help and guidance of Naminè, who appears before him as Kairi. Riku defeats Zexion, but he escapes, where Axel and the Riku Replica betray him for further goals and slay Zexion. Riku goes off to the memory world of Traverse Town-- to which neither he nor Sora have ever really been to. He meets a person going by the alias of DiZ, who guides him through. The Replica of Riku comes in another attenpt to defeat the real Riku, to which the replica is at last slain. Riku finds Naminè and sees Sora as well, sleeping for his memories. Riku transcends to the highest of the basement floors, faces, and defeats Ansem with the help of Mickey. The two head off outside, meeting DiZ once more. Riku and Mickey go off-- not on the road to light-- not on the road of darkness-- but on the road to dawn.


*pant* Kingdom...*pants* Hearts II....

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