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Chapter 10

We were at a cell, everyone was nervous, except for Alessandra, she looked very calm. "What did you do Lillian? I thought we could relly on you." Alex said very nervous, walking through the cell "I thought you already knew it Alex, you told me at night that you knew, that I was a traitor and all those other things. I'm sure you remember last night." I said turning to him "What? Last night I was asleep near the fire with the others, wasn't I?" Alex said looking at Josh and Alessandra, "No Alex, you weren't, you went after Lillian as soon as she left." Josh asked seriously "Alex, don't be sad, we knew all the time that we couldn't relly on this traitor.We needed her help, that's why we saved her." Alessandria said with an strange look "It was your plann after all wasn't it?! You wanted me to help you find the creatures and them you'd kill me, wouldn't you?!" I asked shouting at Alessandria.

Suddenly, she took her sword and hit me.I got on my knees feeling the pain at my arm, Alex ran in front of me "What did you do Alessandria? She's with us, not against us." he said getting the sword from her "She's our enemy, but we need her." Alessandria said turning around "Alex, just live Lillian for a time, she needs to think. We're not going to do something bad to her.Just believe us, we knew that she couldn't be trusted from the beginning, you were the only one that didn't want to believe." Josh said to calm down Alex.

"I'm not a traitor, I was trying to help, that's why I came here." I said getting up again "Alex, at the night we got to the capital, you said to me that you've heard all the conversation I had with the creature, so tell them, what was my mission." I looked at Alex "Lillian, at that night, I was at my room, the only one that was at the basement was Alessandra, how could I hear something? I don't even remember of what you're talking about." Alex said confused.


*Ok, so this one's finished now, and I think I'm going to tell why I called one of my chracter's Alex, I just changed the X and the L fo Axel from place, and it became Alex. :D I can't help being a KH fan.*

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Chapter 11

It was night, everything was quiet, I was the only one that was awake.I went to the door of the cell trying to find a way to escape.After some hours I found a way to open the door, and got away leaving the others behind.

I was walking through a dark corridor when I heard someone talking to me "So again you leave us Lillian." Alex said stoping right behind me "What are you doing here Alex?" I said turning to him "I'm watching you, to make sure you do the jog right." he said with an strange look "Alex, I have nothing to deal with you." "Yes you have Lillian." Alex said taking a sword and preparing to battle me "You don't want to hurt yourself do you?" I asked getting my sword as well "Who said I'm going to lose?" he asked attacking me, I fastly diverted from his attack and attacked him as well, in some minutes I knocked him out, at this time I heard a noise, Iwent to see what it was and found Alessandra there, looking a bit worried "What are you doing here? Why didn't you help Alex?" I asked "I couldn't help him." she said looking now as calm as always "How? I know you're following me since I got out of the cell." I was getting nervous, something was weird at Alessandra "Because I was the one controlling him.Do you understand now?! Everytime that he confronted you,it was me.That's why he came in the organization after you, because I made he come in, I have power over Alex, and he don't know that." she said transforming into a creature "What are you?" I asked steping backwards "I'm the one that had to lead you to your destiny, but you always found a way to escape from what you had to do.Now it's time for you to fall my friend.We won't leave something like you alive, if you don't attend to our necessities." she said getting her sword to attack me "I know you're nothing compared to my abilities and powers.Why would I obey you?" I asked attcking her.

We battled, and ad I knew it'd happen, I won,them I remembered of Josh and Alex, who would they be? Josh wasn't with Alessandra,so I would find him and know the truth,I got Alex and took him back to teh cell, there I found Josh "What happened? Why weren't you with Alessandra?" I asked helping him get up "She told me evrything, I tried to stop her, but it was no use." Josh said looking down "It's ok, she already told me, we had a battle and I won, Alessandra won't bother us anymore.Lets gt out of here." I said getting Alex and getting out with Josh.


*So, the surprise about, two of the characters was her, what do you think? There's still Josh, so wait for the next chapter.*

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Chapter 12

We walked through lots of corridors and rooms, founding nothing but empty spaces. I was so lost in my thoughts that I didn't notice that Josh had sat down "Lillian we're lost." he said bringing me back to reality "Come on Josh, we'll find a way out." I said turning to him "Since when we were looking for an exit?" Josh asked still looking at me "Since when I found you, we're not going to survive for much time staying in here." I said turning around "Ok, lets just rest for a bit." Josh said ending the conversation.

After a minute something came to my mind, I sat next to Josh "When did you know Alex?" I said trying to get some information "He's my young brother. Alessandra was our stepsister, since she came to our home I noticed something different with her and later how she could manipulate Alex. When they took us to the organization I thought she'd leave him alone, but sometime after you came Alessandra got permission to bring Alex.Since that I've been observing her" Whe Josh finished we noticed that Alex was waking up "Where are we?" he asked looking confused "At the same place we were before." I said turning around ready to leave "Are you alright Alex?" Josh asked helping his brother get up "I'm fine, nothing to worry about." he said looking at "Lets get going so." I said walking.

Finally we got somewhere, it was a big empty room, with no door just a platform far above from the ground, we walked in and looked around trying to find something.Suddenly Alessandra appeared on the platform "So, you made it here Lillian." she said with a sarcastic tone "But I thought you were dead." I said surprised "I'm more alive tham always." she said putting her hands behind her, suddenly the door closed behind us, I turned to take a look and heard a shot I turned again and just saw Josh going in front of me and receiving the shot instead of me.Alex ran to his brother and took him to another side of the room "Alex, I'm ok, don't worry I'll be fine." Josh said asking Alex to help me.

I got my sword and jumped onto the platform attacking Alessandra fastly, in no time she dissapeared.

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Chapter 13

In my hate I stayed hitting the air shouting Alessandra's name. Finally I stopped tired. But the rest would have to wait, suddenly I got hit by a sword and felt to the basement where the others were, Alex ran to help me, but I made him stop "No Alex, go to your brother, he needs more help them me." I said getting.

When I looked at the platform I saw Robert with his sword on hands "Are the deads coming back?" I asked with a sarcastic tone on my voice "I'm sure you knew I wasn't dead from the beginning Lillian." he said looking at me "Maybe." I didn't want to know about him, but about how he survived, or for a better question, in which side he was "See? I was one of the creatures that you've been trying to destroy. My mission was to train the Dartus, before he was chosen, but for some reason my superiors found something in you and choose you, that's why we found you so fast. All the obstacles in your way were just me taking care of your training. Now you're ready to the final test." he said jumping to the same place I was, fastly Alex left Josh and ran to my side with his sword, ready to fight with me "We'll take care of this traitor later." Robert said as soon as he saw Alex "How traitor? He didn't even know you." I said pushing Alex to another side of the room, asking him to stay out of that "Alex was our creation, born a human with our powers and abilities, he was meant to help the Dartus to complete it's goal, that's why we put him at Josh's house, his parents adopted him as their own son. Alessandra was later sent there to look for Alex, but he choose to be against us instead of staying with us.That's why he's a traitor." Robert explained ready to fight, Alex was shocked he just stared at Robert without a word.

As always, I didn't wait for Robert's first attacked and fastly hit him with my sword, from there on it was a fast battle, sometimes when I looked to the side I could see Alex's and Josh's impressed faces.

When I thought I'd have to give up Robert stopped "Very well, seems like you're ready to acomplish your destiny." with these words he dissapeared.These were the last words I heard before I felt unconciouss, leaving Alex nervous trying to help me and Josh.

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Chapter 14

I woke up some time later, completely confused I looked around, I wasn't in the same place where the battle ocurred. I got up and took a look at myself, at this time someone came in "Hey, Lillian, I'm glad to see you're ok." Josh said closing the door behind him "Same with you. Where's Alex?" I said looking at Josh "That creatures took him away, he tried to fight, but there were too many of them." he said looking down "Lets go get him." I was opening the door to get out when Josh finally spoke "Ok, I think I know where they took him." he said following me outside.

When we got out of the little room I noticed that we were at the same place we were before, but in this part of the building some little rooms were locates, probably to let those creatures rest. Trying not to be noticed we walked till we got in front of a door "I think this is the place." Josh said stopping me, suddenly we heard an explosion and the door opened, in the middle of the smoke we could see someone, when everything got more clear Alex came out, he looked at the two of us surprised "What are you two waiting for? Lets go." he said turning around and running through the corridors. We followed Alex till we got to the exit, once out there we hid ourselves so the creatures wouldn't find us.

"What were you doing Alex?" I asked when things calmed down "I don't really know, I was took to that place, that looked a lot like a laboratory, in there I found Alessandra, she said that a traitor like me couldn't live any further. Then I tried to escape, but the ones that brang me attacked. I fought all of them including Alessandra. But I was too careless and steped onto some chemicals, them that explosion ocurred and I got out. What happened nest you know." he finished explaining produ of himself "Congratulations Alex." Josh said to his brother hapilly "You two stay here, I still have things to finish." with this last words I ran back to the building and went in.

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Chapter 15

Inside the building I went back to the room where we found Alex, fastly I went in and saw Alessandra trying to cleam the place, with a fast move I put my sword on her neck "Where's Robert?" I asked pressing the sword "Why should I answer to you?" she said as calm as always "Maybe because your life depends on this?" I said pressing the sword even more "My life is nothing compared to our people's lives." she said but now I could see she was getting nervous "Lets see if that's really true." with this I got my sword and hit her back making Alessandra fall to the ground "Ok, ok, I'll tell you what you want." she said getting up again "This wasn't as difficult as I thought." I thought as she got up "Robert is at the 2nd floor." she said looking at me "You know that if you're lying I'll come back to get you." I said leaving the room.

In no time I got to the 2nd floor, it was a big room, with a round table at the center, at the end of the table was Robert "I knew you'd come back." he said getting up and staring at me "I wouldn't leave without finishing this." I said hitting him furiously with my sword, Robert didn't have time to divert, for my surprise he got up and pressed a buttom, this was his last action before he fell, I didn't even have time to chack if he was still alive, soldiers came in and got all around me, there was no escape, but I was decided to fight till the end.

It was an endless battle, me against lots of soldiers, I was fighting on my own, what made it more difficult, I knew I could handle it, but for how much time was a question that I couldn't take out of my mind. I was still fighting when a sound was heard, I looked up and saw a ventilation tunnel blowing up, from inside it came Josh and Alex. They came down to me, anfter taking a look Josh said to Alex "She's very injured, get her out of here." "I'm fine." I said while fighting some soldiers "No you're not, take a look at yourself Lillian." Alex said helping me out "The human army is out there, we just came back to get you.~ Josh said as he fought "Ok, I'll go." I said going with them.

For the first time we won a battle, the human race was now free.

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