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I wanted to write in first person for the first time,and I wanted to see if someone liked my story this time.



This story happens in a whole different world, in the world that we live,not everything waspeace,our world had lots of problems,there were too many people and they were destroying our planet.Time was running out and we didn't know how to make the situation better.


I was in my poor house at the suburb of the city.The night was calm,everyhting was quiet, just the sound of some animals running on the street,I was alone as always,didn't have family or friends.

Thins were normal,till I heard something that looked like a voice, calling me from the outside.

I went to see who was calling but could not see a thing,the voice was still there calling for me, I followed it to a dark alley.When I was almost at the end of it a white light shinned,and I felt to the ground unconciouss.


Please say what you think of it.Or this will be another story that I did that no one reads.

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Here goes the first chapter.


I woke up, it was already morning, I wasn't in that same alley, but a place unknown for me, it was near the city hall, I got up and looked around, people were passing throug me, looking and going away.After a long walk I got to the part of the city that I was used to, once I got to my house I looked around,something seemed different to me,but I didn't know what it was.

I sat on the same chair I was before, suddenly I felt a great pain in my arm, I lifted my sleeve and looked at it, there was a symbol that I didn't notice before, suddenly the pain stopped, the simbol glowed and a creature appeared outside the house.

I went outside and looked at the creature, it wasn't very big, more or less the same high as me, I was there staring at it, when the thing attacked me, surprised I didn't have time to divert and fell to the ground, from nowhere a group of people appeared with swords in their hands, and attacked the creature.

Knowing that it didn't have chances, the creature got away.

One of the mens that were there looked at me and asked "Lillian?" I looked at him surprised "How do you know my name?" "Details later lets go, we have much to do." the man said asking me to go with them.

After some time walking we got to a huge construction, when we were in another man came to us, he seemed to be their lider.

"Who are you?" he asked to me "I think I deserve to know what's going on." I said looking at him "I'm the one that ask the questions here girl." he said pulling my arm and raised my sleeve. "As I thought." he said leaving me and walking away "Wait! I want to know what's going on here, you can't bring me here and don't say a thing." he turned angry to me and said "First of all, you shouldn't even be here, second you're only a 15 year old girl that by an unknown reason received a power that you shouldn't and third you're going to stay here all the time WE want."

I stayed at the same place thoughtful.

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Sorry for double posting.


In the next day we woke up early.They took me and a group of other people more or less by my age to a big room.There were lots of training equipiments, I stand there not knowing what to do when a girl a bit taller them me came in my direction "So,you're the new one?" she said looking friendly "I guess so." I said looking down "Ok,lets see how you're with swords." the girl said giving me a sword and getting one for her.

We started fighting, but at the first hit I felt to the ground "Seems that you're not that good with swords.What are you good at?" she asked looking at me with curiosity "Nothing I guess." I said "Strange that they bring someone like you here." the girl said going away.

I tried more things along the day, but didn't go well in any of them.Finally the day came to an end, they took us to a big room, there were tables were everyone sit. I waited there at the door wacthing. Thesame man that I met when I got there started to talk "Dear friends, after so many years of searching and training the possible ones to be chosen and become a Dartus, we finally found the chosen one." everyone looked around trying to guess who the man was talking about "So welcome Lillian, the chosen one." he said pointing at me, at the same time I ran to my room.The man saw me running and went after me.

The man got to my room "What's wrong Lillian? Why did you go out running?" "Do you want to know why?! Well here's why, I didn't ask for any of this, you just bring me here and I don't know a thing about what's going on, and I don't even know what I have to do!" I shouted nervous. "Wait girl, don't get nervous we'll work this out, I have to go now, come to the reunion room and we'll explain everything to you." the man said and went away.

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Chapter 3

I went to the reunion room.It was not as big as the training room, had a round table in the midle with 6 people sit around it and only an empty chair.

I went in slowly "Please sit Lillian." the man that talked to me earlier said, I sat on the empty chair "It's time for you to know everything.Since that this world was created, creatures different from us chose humans to become Dartus, the Dartus were created to protect these creatures or to complete a mission for them.The Dartus haad powers, specially magic, that they used to help the creatures. There are legends that say that one Dartus would appear in the year that we're now, more powerfull them all the others, because the creatures think that we're disturbing them, the mission would be to destroy humanity, our organization trained and prepared the ones that could possibly become this Dartus, nad them we found you, you're the one that we're looking for. We had to get you before the creatures did, and you're the only one that can find and defeat these creatures, we need your help, that's why you're here.And one more thing, I'm Robert, the leader of this organization." I was shocked, without even waiting any answer they took me to training again.

In the next weeks everything went right, surprisingly I was the best in most of things, but no one seemed to really like me.

In a cold night, I woke up with people shouting, I went out of my room and noticed that the building was on fire.Everyone was running trying to save their lives and from the others that were trapped into the fire.

I saw someone in a room next to mine, when I went in I saw Robert, he was wounded and I tried to help him.He gave me his sword and said "Lillian, go and help the others, I don't have any chance, don't let the creatures get you.They're here looking for you." this were his last words.

I went out of the room with the sword on hands, I couldn't even try to help someone, something hit me from behind, and I fell unconciouss.


*This is the end of chapter 3, hope you like it*

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Chapter 4

I woke up and looked around, I wasn't in the building anymore, when I tried to get up, someone held me "Stay were you are, or they'll find us." a girl said pushing me to the ground again "What's going on?" I asked getting up not caring about the girl's warning "Stay down, I'll tell you later." she said turning to me.

We satyed quiet there with two more people, after sometime the girl said that we were safe "Now tell me, what's going on? What happened yesterday?" I asked getting up and looking at her "Now you keep your mouth shut, this is all your fault, we lost the only place we had to go and those creatures are trying to capture us because we saved you." she said agressively "And this was is yours, we you were holding it when we found you." she said giving me the sword Roberts gave me before I left. "Ok." I said turning aroun.

We walked from there to the city, it wasn't that far, when we got there everyone looked at us, they knew what happened, and we were the only survivors. I took them to my old house, were we stoped to get suplies "Now, why don't you tell me who you are?" I asked turning to the tree of them "Ok, I'm Alessandra, this is Josh and this is Alex." the girl said pointing to the other two "Ok, I guess you know me, I'm Lillian.We should get going if we want find where those creatures live." I said getting my backpack and my sword and leaving.

From the city we went through the forest, people said that the creatures went that way when they were leaving, but we found no clues of where to go. When the night came we camped waiting for the next day.


*So this is chapter 4, hope you like it.*

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Chapter 5

In the middle of the night, a voice woke me up, I looked around and everyone was asleep, I got up and began to search from the place that the voice came from, after sometime of searching I found one of the creatures, it was calling my name, I stoped and looked "I knew you'd come my dear." the creature said "Who are you?" I asked trying to stay calm "There's no need to be afraid, I won't hurt you.Just wat you to know what you're going to do for us." the creature said "I won't do anything for you." I turned around, but something made me turn back at the being "Please, calm down, now listen, we chose you because you're strong and would do what we asked you to.Well, we need you to go to the capital of the planet and talk to the humans leader.When you get there we'll explain the rest." the creature said and disapeared.

I turned around and got back "Where were you?" Alessandra asked looking at me "Sorry, I heard a noise and went to check out." I said a bit worried "What happened? You look scared?" Josh asked to me "Nothing, lets get going." I said turning to avoid more questions.

For the next days I changed, not talking to them and staying always thinking. Don't know why but something that I'd know later was annoying me.


*End of chapter 5, hope you like it.*

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*Now it's chapter 6 xD *

Chapter 6

It was a week since I saw that creature, the ones with me were always asking if there was something wrong, but they never got an answer.One day we were aproaching a village, as always I was behind, suddenly I felt a wind coming from behind me, I slowly turned behind and saw a huge monster, it passed in front of me and went to attack the others, I ran to them as fast as I could, and attacked the monster with magic from behind. The others just stared surprised, I attacked with all my strengh, finally the being died and I felt to the ground exausted.Alessandra ran towards me "Are you ok?" she asked kneeling and looking at me "Yes." I said getting up.

"So lets continue." Josh said continuing walking.

We got to the village and found a place to stay for the night. All I wanted was rest for the next day that would come.

At the next day we woke up early as always, and continued our journey, I was just thinking of getting to the capital as soon as possible.Nothing really happened in our way, and I knew something was wrong, the creatures should have stopped us long ago, but things just looked to be even more easy.

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Chapter 7

Finally we got to the capital, it was a huge and crownded city, to which I wasn't used, but I knew something important was going to happen in that place.We were walking towards the hall, when I saw another creature appear right in front of me "Sp, you came girl." it said looking at me "Who are you?" I asked a bit worried "Come on Lillian, do you really need names? We have something for you to do.Just remember to meet me at midnight behind the hotel where you are staying." it said disapearing not giving me time to answer.

"Who were you talking to Lillian?" Alex asked looking at me surprised "You didn't see?" I asked looking around trying to find the creature "Never mind." I said continuing walking.

I was very nervous till the night came, the only thing I could think of was what was going to happen.Slowly, the night came, it was very cold, but I didn't mind, all I had to do was go out and see that creature, my fate would be reavealled, or so I thought. Right there, behind the hotel, the creature was waiting for me, I approached slowly when it said to me "Welcome Lillian, now please don't be afraid, all I have to do is tell what you need to do and go away.Listen carefully." I just answered with a positive signal of my head "Ok, so it's like this, your race, the humans, they're getting in our way, we want you to get rid of them.Now, you'll go to the hall, there you'll talk to the president, and them you'll say to him that you know where we are.He surely will believe you and send troops to the place where you'll say, that must be very far away.Then, with the city unprotected, you'll use your magic and destroy it.From this a war will begin, and the human race will destroy itself." he finished and looked at me waiting a positive answer "I'll do as you want." I said with a plan on mind "No tricks girl." the creature said and disapeared again.

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Chapter 8

Nervous, I went in the hotel, got my thing at my room and was going to leave when I heard someone talking to me "Where are you going Lilly?" I turned around Alex was looking at me "Nowhere." I answered turning to the door "Are you going to do what that creature ordered you to?" he asked, I stopped where almost opening the door, fastly I turned behind, and putting my sword on his neck I asked "What do you know about that?" "Everything, you are a traitor, you're going to destroy humanity." he said with something different in his voice "Alex, I don't want to hurt you, how do you know that?" I asked still threatning Alex "I heard everything, you should be more carefull with your friends Lillian." he said pushing me to the wall with an incredible strengh. I looked at Alex surprised "Why are you so surprised? Do you think someone can't have my strengh?" he said going towards me with a sword on hands "What are you doing Alex? You never trained with a sword before." I said a bit worried, suddenly Alex seemed to return to himself, he dropped the sword and with a scared voice he said to me "Lillian, be careful." at this time, he fell to the ground I ran back to my room, if I tried to escape, the others would know as well, it'd be better if I just stayed and waited to things calm down.

In the other day we woke up at the same time as always, Alex didn't look like a few days ago, I don't know why but he seemed to be a bit depressed or something like that.Me and the others barelly spoke to each other, I convinced Alessandra that we shouldn't stay there, I was worried about last night.We continued walking to another place, this time I knew where we were going, I was leading them cecretely to the place where those creatures were hidden.

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Chapter 9

We were walking throw the forests that surrounded the place where we were heading to, the forest was infested with all kind of creatures, but nothing was a problem for us. We were walking through when I heard a voice that said "I said no tricks Lillian, why are you coming here? Didn't I say to you your mission? Anyway, you'll have to stop once you get here." I stoped and looked around "What's wrong Lillian?" Josh asked trying to see if there was something worrying me "No, nothing, lets keep going." I said turning around and walking faster.

Some more hours and we got to a great building, no guards protected it, so we were free to go in "Which place is this?" Alessandra said stoping with the others "I don't know, but there'd no problem getting in." I lied, for them not to stop "Anyway it's getting dark, we should camp here, and tomorrow go check." Alessandra said and I agreed, didn't have to be arguing with her.

At night I went to a little lake nearby, and stayed there thinking, suddenly Alex took me out of my thoughts, he was very serious "What are you doing here?" he asked not looking like himself "Nothing that you should care about." I answered not looking at him "Yes I should you traitor, I know what you're planning and why you've leaded us here. If we continue following you, the human race will be destroyed." Alex said and left. I went right after him and found everyone toghether, Alex now seemed normal, and didn't seem to remember what he talked.

The next morning we went in the building, I could see many creatures walking around and looking at me, but the others just didn't noticed it.We got to a big saloon, there everyone saw the creatures, thye looked at us, one of them stand up and said "Lillian, didn't we say to you not to come here? And why did you bring that one?" he said pointing at the others "You don't have anything to do with my life." I said angry looking at the creature that talked to me "Of course we do, your life is in our hands now, for disobeing us you and your friends will be arrested till you make up your mind dear Lillian." the creature said as some guards arrested us. The others looked at me confused, I just left them take me away while I thought of how to escape again.


*So, what do you guys think?*

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