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Image The True Purpose Of Anti Form

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Anti form is boss i turned into it while fighting saix and raped him.


Well, I'm glad YOU know how to work it. I can only last up to five minutes in that form...

Edited by Firaga96

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I firetrucking hate randomly turning into him during bosses, after doing a certain amount of damage the boss kicks up its ante and you have no way of defending, so you're stuck running around until it desolves...its a curse if you have a large drive form...and i was cursed when fighting larxene and transformed into anti...becuase my drive was at 9...



At that point, I stood no chance.


If KH was an anime though, anti form would be boss as I'm sure some sort of side sequence would cause this dark transformation,

Edited by tysonrss

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I only turned into anti-form once and usually it was when I was just going through rooms with meager enemies (never happened in a boss fight)

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Buff, I like the Anti Form but sometimes it was annoying xD I remember I transformed when facing Xemnas and it was no good xD Luckyly I manage to survive...

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I never liked Anti Form... It always got in my way when I was upgrading my Drive Forms by leaving before they ran out. Since you lose all yours Drive Bars...

And i disliked it even more while I was playing KH2FM. Demyx is incredibly difficult when it's about those games, and I REALLY NEEDED Drive, and basically, if you die, the Counter stays like it was before the battle, so i couldn't transform without going Anti... It was a pain...

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