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Kingdom Hearts: The End

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Exile soon made all the Heartless disapear. "Know what? I think we should have a two versus one duel. What do you think?" "Robert couldn't defeat them and I can tell he told them the plan. Idiot."

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Exile easily blocked her Keyblade attacks. "I know quite a lot about that Keyblade you wield y'know. If it wasn't for being a person of the dark, I'd be a Keyblade wielder."

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Hikaru glared angrily at him. She knew that Kurai wielded a Keyblade, and he was with the dark. "Liar!" She held up her Keyblade and shot fire from it.

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Exile doged it. "Just because Kurai wields a Keyblade and he's with the dark means nothing. Kurai, from what I've seen, hasn't completely succumbed to the dark's influence. Therfore allowing him to continue to wield a Keyblade." Exile teleported behind her and knocked her out with his hand.

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*Yes you can :P* Lillian attacked him with her sword angry "I promised that I wouldn't let anything happen to her." she said to herself while attacking.

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Exile jumped in the air. "Lillian, would you like to know something? I'm going to destroy Kurai." Exile said teasingly before picking up Lillian when he touched the ground and throwing her.

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Hikaru woke up. "Uh... I gotta stop doing this..." she murmured as she stood up. She looked around. "Where... are they...?" She then spotted something buried in the sand. A block. She walked over to pick it up. Now, to find Lily... she thought before calling, "Lilian! Lily!"

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Hikaru froze. "Lily, watch out!" she called as she turned around. She summoned her Keyblade and shot Firaga at the pursuer. It drained a lot of energy from her that she almost fell on her knees. "Let's go..." she muttered as she dragged herself to the ship.

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