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Kingdom Hearts: The End

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(( o.o What would that be? ))

"Now," Yen Sid began, "didn't you two have questions?"

"Um... Yeah," Siri began, but didn't finish. She didn't know what to ask first.

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(( O-O Oh. Mai. Gawd. Awesome! 8D ))

Hikaru took a deep breath before saying, "Is it possible to travel to other worlds?"

Yen Sid raised an eyebrow before replying, "Yes, yes, of course it is. Why? Are you trying to get to Destiny Islands?"

Hikaru froze. "H-how did you--?"

"It's fate that'll lead you to that world," Yen Sid interupted. "You will either fight or become one with your negative counterpart. Either way shall affect the universe."

"How?" Hikaru asked.

Yen Sid shook his head. "That is unforseen..."

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(( xD lol, I have to check it out. ))

Yen Sid nodded, "I believe that you will, but when the time comes, it will be Hikaru that decides her own fate. Now, you two need a vehicle to travel the worlds. While I work on that, you two read this spellbook and learn some magic that will aid you on your trip."

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Suddenly, Yen Sid was next to her, clearing his throat at Lilian's remark. "Your ride is just outside." He just towards the window, and outside was a gummi ship. "You have to follow a path when travelling to worlds. To get to Destiny Islands, from here, you must pass through three worlds-- Wonderland, Agrabah, and Neverland. I pledge that your journey may go well."

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Name: Exile

Age: 15

Weapon: A wide, long, sword

Side: dark

Appearance: He has no true appearance, he copies the appearance of those he meets to trick people.

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(( Yay! People! ^^ Wait, is all Light people girls and Dark people boys...? o.o ))

Yen Sid glared at Lilian as she left.

Hikaru bowed to him, saying, "Thank you." She then went after Lilian.


"Wake up," Kurai commanded Xeroe, who was fast asleep.

He rolled around in his bed before opening his eyes. "... uh...? Kurai? What's up?"

"That's Master Kurai," Kurai corrected him as he smirked. He began to walk out. "Now that there's no more obstacles, I can begin my rule."

As Xeroe sat up, he said, "... Oh... er, About that...." Kurai peered at him. "... Your sister's still alive."

"What?!" Kurai grabbed Xeroe by the collar, growling. However, he reclaimed his cool, he let go of his collar. As he began to leave, he said, "No more break. Call the others here."

Xeroe sighed as he stood up, murmuring, "Bummer..." He then opened a two-way portal, which appeared by the people on the Dark's side.

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*Yeah! Girls rules! Oops, there are more boys them girls here o.O*

"So, where are we going first?" Lillian asked Hikaru already taking off with the gummy ship.

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(( Yo! VIRTS! There's a portal of doom next to you! xD Also, Gizzy, I'm also playing two guys, so minus those, then we're about even. :P ))


"I think he said a world called Wonderland," Hikaru recalled as she got in.


Xeroe waited for the others to come.

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Hikaru out of the ship. "Well, this world certainly is... different."


Xeroe raised an eyebrow at the kid. "That's it? ... Fine, let's go," he said before entering the cave by the waterfall.

In there, Kurai was pacing back and forth.

"Xeroe's here, standing before you, sir," Xeroe said.

Kurai stopped his pacing and looked at the other one. "And you?"

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Kurai asked Xeroe, "Where did you last see her?"

"... Twilight Town," Xeroe responded.

"That old man might have given her a ways of transport," Kurai said, "but seeing she's not here yet, she's probably going by worlds." He turned to Robert. "You station Wonderland," then to Exile, "you station Agrabah," then Xeroe, "and you station Neverland. Don't kill her though, only weaken her, for her blood will be on my hands. Anyone else that is with her, you can kill them."

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